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SL needs better viewer alternatives

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Second Life is dead. Completely abandoned. Don't even bother to deny it.

The only way to call people back into the game again is by building better viewer alternatives.

Everyone should be able to run SL on a browser with a low-powered machine.



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Sorry, I have to agree with Syo's orphaned response and with that of another here ...

Second Life is far from "dead" and if you're incapable of running any client on the lowest settings .. ? It's time to join the rest of the 21st century.

Even my ancient Dell (2005/2006) which is used as a backup PC can run SL at minimum settings. 

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My old PC is about a decade behind the curve, and was quite usable on Second Life. But things like the video bus meant that there were no possible upgrades.

I think it might be struggling with the Linden viewer. Maybe it is that change from v1 to v2 which wrecked things.Even with this better than luke-warm hardware, frame rates with the Linden viewer are poor. The fastest I know of is Cool VL Viewer.

So the alternatives the OP wants are out there. But the best for you might not be the best for me. 

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My response was moved out and made into a new topic, I responded on that and then the fault got noticed and all toaster comments are in this topic again. In short: No own toaster topic. But you could open a new one.

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Gee I better tell all the people on my long friends list that SL is abandoned, because we sure didn't get the memo and neither did the million people that use SL who spent enough money in here that the economy is larger than some small countries.  LOL

I will grant you that there is a glut of land and shops are having a hard go of it,but that is due to the RL economy being in the toilet and people not having a lot of discretionary funds to spend.

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Its is ? ,,, I didt notice it was dead hmm wonder how I can still log in ,, slow down yes but dead no we are spending less yes thanks for gas been 3. Something a gal now ,, but dead *looks around the sl world nope it still kicking * pokeing it with a prim stick * maybe you need too get off the nasty pose ball and get out and about more .

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Avariado wrote:

Everyone should be able to run SL on a browser with a low-powered machine. 

I dont think browser and low-power are mutually inclusive

is easy possible to make a browser VW that wont run on a low-power machine. html5 still requires a pretty good gfx card for realtime use

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Solar Legion wrote:


Even my ancient Dell (2005/2006) which is used as a backup PC can run SL at minimum settings. 

My iBook g4, 2003 - can run SL on minimum settings, though because its a powerPC its limited to V1s... This is a machine that, after all, can no longer install Firefox. That OLD...

(Everything's slow as heck, but it doesn't crash).

Used to run fine on a 2000 Era PC with a 2005 graphics card - until that melted itself running MS Office...

Mostly I run with a 2011 iMac, on high settings, but on mid settings my 2009 $350 Toshiba runs just fine. A $350 machine today, in 2012; is akin to what would have cost me $1000 back in 2009... and should be able to do great in SL.




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OminousVelociraptor wrote:

And I've been to plenty of crowded sims to tell you it ain't dead yet honey.

There's almost as many sims as the average concurrent users.

If you have 2 avatars in one sim, somewhere there's probably a sim with nobody in it.

But about half the folks in SL don't like to be the unibomber all alone in their own little sim plotting away - they like crowds.

So yeah, most of SL will look empty, because right next to that empty spot is the sim next door with 40 green dots on it... :P



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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Gee I better tell all the people on my long friends list that SL is abandoned, because we sure didn't get the memo and neither did the million people that use SL who spent enough money in here that the economy is larger than some small countries.  LOL


I will grant you that there is a glut of land and shops are having a hard go of it,but that is due to the RL economy being in the toilet and people not having a lot of discretionary funds to spend.



or the other 60k people that were online all at the same time yesterday, during slow hours...

As you say, the main reason you don't see many at times is that there's just so much real estate it's very easy to wander around for hours and not see a soul. Apart from forcefully closing sims that haven't seen "enough" traffic in the last week (for example) I see no way out of that, and that would destroy the community as it'd destroy most if not all sims that aren't the big popular clubs which for the majority of people (despite the high traffic) aren't of interest.

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