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Cloud Party - Facebooks newest venture to kill SL?

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Lol, I customized my self

Wow!  Amazing job Charolotte.  So cute.  :heart:  :smileywink: 

Thanks! We think so :smileylol:

Cloud Party Yay!

Ok, that's just scary.  Kind of like looking in one of those fun house mirrors where you see a crowd of yourself. :smileysurprised:

I've managed to get 13 of me on at once, at 14 everyone's screen went white.

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I love the idea of a world with mesh-only building & Javascript replacing LSL. Very cool. This world looks great aside from the fact of its entirely facebook dependent & monetarily sponsored by facebook.... thus there is a facebook controlled future ahead for 'cloud party'... which is guaranteed to make it suck for as long as it exists. From a business investment perspective there is no point building up a presence there as facebook is quite likely to be gone in a couple years (already declining same as myspace, friendster, hi5).

However, the big reason I hate a facebook world is I don't want to be anywhere with Zuckerberg's heavy breathing over my shoulder, watching my ever move.

I know I can login with 'anonymous' account but then I'm a second class citizen, and its still placing me inside a facebook property. Don't trust facebook & want nothing to do with 'em.

Facebook is just too creepy. Makes me wanna :matte-motes-sick:

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I'm probably just repeating points other people have brought up but...


1. Cloud Party has a LONG way to go before it's a viable alternative to SL. You cannot even really customize your avatar yet beyond very basic things like recolouring your shirt/hair.


2. Competition is a good thing! If Cloud Party does gain traction it will force LL into fixing a lot of stuff they currently ignore or dismiss.


3. Cloud Party requires you to use your real name/identity as your avatar's. So anonymity, no fantasy. That severely limits the appeal and long term potential.


 "The first real threat to SL"? Hardly! Remember There, Lively and Blue Mars?

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1. Cloud Party has a LONG way to go before it's a viable alternative to SL. You cannot even really customize your avatar yet beyond very basic things like recolouring your shirt/hair.


2. Competition is a good thing! If Cloud Party does gain traction it will force LL into fixing a lot of stuff they currently ignore or dismiss.


3. Cloud Party requires you to use your real name/identity as your avatar's. So anonymity, no fantasy. That severely limits the appeal and long term potential.


 "The first real threat to SL"? Hardly! Remember There, Lively and Blue Mars?

I think the "real threat" model is different here, the relevant question being "remember MySpace?"

I agree that Cloud Party has a long way to go, but it also has little baggage to slow development. And as I understand the plans, Cloud Party is intended to support multiple avatar identities distinct from the Facebook account holder's identity (much as SL users may have multiple alt accounts associated with the same email address). That's not Facebook's own business model, but that won't matter if Cloud Party sees profit in multiple identities per account, which it surely will.

Seeing this as "competition is a good thing" is rose-colored glasses, IMHO. Given the mass of Facebook users, and the very direct competitive assault on SL's main differentiator, user-generated content, I think it quite possible for something like CP to do to SL what Facebook did to MySpace -- and in months rather than years.

Yeah, a few folks will cling to their SL inventories for a while, but with creators able to migrate their every Mesh item from SL to CP at the push of a button, and with ten or a hundred times as many potential users on CP, those SL inventories could get very dusty, very fast.

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Penny Patton wrote:

"The first real threat to SL"? Hardly! Remember There, Lively and Blue Mars?

Cloud Party is the first real threat because it is the first virtual world that is a 3D website rather than a game. The initial login after clicking a CPURL is so fast, you almost have no time to change your mind.

Compare this with clicking a SLURL. It will bring you to a map, then to a sign-up form, then to a download link. The viewer download size is what, 40 megabytes? Then you'll see a setup wizard, click click click... The viewer will likely show you as a cloud in the middle of a grey world on the first launch. No problem, there are no less than 200 settings you can tweak to improve your experience. And then you'll see a flat world without normal maps and specular maps. Congratulations, you successfully made it all the way back to 2003!

One word: crap.

SL is getting old, and CP is making that painfully obvious.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

very direct competitive assault on SL's main differentiator, user-generated content

I disagree with this. Granted - like IMVU - Cloud Party is fun for people who like to shop, but I don't see it stealing many creators 'for keeps'. As far as I understand it, there's no land economy and no significant user-side scripting. The options for content creation are solitary and off-world. I can't see Cloud Party being a draw for people who want to 'sandbox'. I also don't see it as very competitive, since it doesn't draw people AWAY from SL at all; people can easily do both (as has thus far been the majority case with OpenSim).

Qie Niangao wrote:

Given the mass of Facebook users,

This isn't an issue, for reasons given in this thread previously. Mass != inertia.

Qie Niangao wrote:

with creators able to migrate their every Mesh item from SL to CP at the push of a button

'Every mesh item' right now is not very many, compared to those made using prims and LSL. The ability to export won't be a very considerable benefit until this ratio changes.

 Edited because Lithium.

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Penny Patton wrote:

I'm probably just repeating points other people have brought up but...


1. Cloud Party has a LONG way to go before it's a viable alternative to SL. You cannot even really customize your avatar yet beyond very basic things like recolouring your shirt/hair.


2. Competition is a good thing! If Cloud Party does gain traction it will force LL into fixing a lot of stuff they currently ignore or dismiss.


3. Cloud Party requires you to use your real name/identity as your avatar's. So anonymity, no fantasy. That severely limits the appeal and long term potential.


 "The first real threat to SL"? Hardly! Remember There, Lively and Blue Mars?

Hi, I agree with you. I would just like to point out that number 3 is incorrect.

I have used my Second Life avatar's facebook account to play CP the few times I've been there.

In that sense, CP can be just as anonymous as SL.

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WADE1 Jya wrote:


However, the big reason I hate a facebook world is I don't want to be anywhere with Zuckerberg's heavy breathing over my shoulder, watching my ever move.

I know I can login with 'anonymous' account but then I'm a second class citizen, and its still placing me inside a facebook property. Don't trust facebook & want nothing to do with 'em.

Facebook is just too creepy. Makes me wanna :matte-motes-sick:

Ditto.  I researched Zuckerface in some depth and he has a rather shady past including  hacking into Harvard's database of sororities and posting sorority girls' photos (without permission obviously) on a "Hot or Not" website which was what then led to his idea for FB.  When FB went "big time" and began making some money, he shafted his initial college business partners, who then sued him.  Let's not forget the recent stock debacle which is now being investigated.  Then there's the recent change of FB's privacy policy which is now that they *will* sell or do whatever with one's info.

Just a sampling of tidbits I found when digging into Zucker's past.  I agree, Wade...I don't want Zucker near my online life.

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Qie Niangao wrote:Yeah, a few folks will cling to their SL inventories for a while, but with creators able to migrate their every Mesh item from SL to CP at the push of a button, and with ten or a hundred times as many potential users on CP, those SL inventories could get very dusty, very fast.

Realizing this isn't going to be a very popular comment, I'm going to say it anyway:  Mesh could totally leave the SL grid and I would be MUCH happier.  Take mesh and go to Cloud-whatever with my blessings.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Ugg, looks like the scenery is already getting uglified by skydomes. I'll try to pretend they are like litte planets, or moons. Plus side, I discovered shadows!

Name Tag

Does Cloud Pary not have forums yet? lol

I don't know.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Qie Niangao wrote:Yeah, a few folks will cling to their SL inventories for a while, but with creators able to migrate their every Mesh item from SL to CP at the push of a button, and with ten or a hundred times as many potential users on CP, those SL inventories could get very dusty, very fast.

Realizing this isn't going to be a very popular comment, I'm going to say it anyway:  Mesh could totally leave the SL grid and I would be MUCH happier.  Take mesh and go to Cloud-whatever with my blessings.

In fact, I'm more in agreement with this than not. The problem is that, with Mesh, SL loses exclusivity of much new content -- and as more and more mesh content populates SL, the barrier to entry drops for alternative, mesh-based platforms.

As I mentioned somewhere else, I think Rod understands this, and I think that's why the emphasis on exclusive value-add on top of Mesh.  Pathfinding and experience permissions would seem to demonstrate this understanding.

I'm more than a little afraid, however, that it may be too little, too late.

Given that SL does have Mesh (for better or worse), I believe that whichever platform first introduces full-featured in-world Mesh creation takes all the chips. With the current LL direction, I'm thinking there's not much hope for that to be SL.

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I did give CP a quick try last night as an anonymous login.  First thing I noticed was that the cloths didn't appear to be painted onto the avatar.  Of course as an anonymous I couldn't playing around with building.  Think I'll risk the wrath of Zuckerberg and create a false FB just for a real CP login.

And the spell checker just suggested replacing Zuckerberg with Seersucker.  Hm...

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Hi, I agree with you. I would just like to point out that number 3 is incorrect.

I have used my Second Life avatar's facebook account to play CP the few times I've been there.

In that sense, CP can be just as anonymous as SL.


I took a look at some of the pages mentioned and my understanding is that you can have a 'page' with your avatar's name (whatever that means; appears to mean some kind of alternate identity) but that you are still required to have an actual Facebook real name account.

If that's true, you will never ever ever see me at Cloud Party.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Hi, I agree with you. I would just like to point out that number 3 is incorrect.

I have used my Second Life avatar's facebook account to play CP the few times I've been there.

In that sense, CP can be just as anonymous as SL.


I took a look at some of the pages mentioned and my understanding is that you can have a 'page' with your avatar's name (whatever that means; appears to mean some kind of alternate identity) but that you are still required to have an actual Facebook real name account.

If that's true, you will never ever ever see me at Cloud Party.

At the risk of Facebook finding out, I will tell you that all you need to create a Facebook account is an email address.

All you need to create an email address is internet access.

What info you supply to either of those is up to you.

They aren't asking for dna, yet.

If my Facebook account gets deleted after this, you will know I said too much. 


A page is something that is tied to a 'real' FB account.

To use Facebook, you must have a profile where you give them 'real' information.

Then, that profile can have pages.

For example, if you were a person with a profile page to keep in contact with friends and family but you were also the owner of a hardware store, you could make a page for your hardware store.

FB would be satisfied because they have your RL info.

However, they would not be pleased if you made a profile for your hardware store, because stores don't have personal info that can be sold to advertisers.


If anyone does choose to create a profile for their avatar, just be sure not to link it to Second Life in any way, awhile back FB deleted thousands of avatar accounts, from what I've read.

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