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A Farewell From Jack



My last blog post as ‘Jack Linden’ is almost certainly the hardest that I’ve had to write. Sad to say that I will be leaving the Lab at the end of December. It’s time for me to set sail for new horizons, hang up the god powers, and journey to another grand adventure elsewhere. It has been an incredible six years, and one that has been made extra special thanks to sharing it with you, the Second Life community.

Seems like only yesterday that I was helping new residents at the welcome area, shaping new mainland continents and delivering islands to the very first wave of estate owners. Second Life was amazing to me then, and it is no less amazing to me now. It’s an incredible virtual space full of real people and their extraordinary creativity. It’s been a wild ride at times, always mesmerising and never a dull moment. I have loved every moment of it. I have watched pioneering virtual businesses grow and flourish, seen people from around the world making friends and falling in love, been amazed at the range of new communities that have found a home on the grid, and witnessed an explosion of content that has made Second Life the largest home of user generated 3D content in existence. It’s been an honour to be a part of that world and to serve you, the residents who have made it so rich and diverse.

I will be leaving behind a Linden Lab that is in great shape. A Lab that is more focused on fixing the core features, more open and productive, and that remains on course for a very bright future indeed.

Up until the end of the year you can still reach me as Jack Linden inworld but from January 1st I will be enjoying Second Life as a resident once more, probably on my new alt (username and display name of simply ‘Jack’).

Many thanks to all of you for everything you do to keep Second Life so special.


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I'm sorry to see you go.  Come by the Blake Sea Contested waters sometime and I'll let you gun for me in a battle with pirates.

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Nice personal blog post Jack. That's appriciated. I'll wish you best of luck in your new ventures - and I'm very glad you are staying inworld as a 'regular jack' ;-)

Thank you for Second Life bro.

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Best Wishes on your new journey, Jack, thanks for all your hard work and interaction with the many groups you had contact with. Please do not be a stranger! Ciao

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Well, this is kinda sad. Come on, Jack, 1 more office hour meeting. I'm sure I can find something else to complain about, lol. Cya, Jack Linden. Welcome, just Jack!

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Well Jack,

I will say you are going to be missed.  No matter what I said or did, I always was glad to have you around to help clairfy the mud and make it only muck.

You will be missed by myself and so many people.  I do hope noone else will be filling your shoes, they simply cannot.

Best wishes and good luck where ever it is you land.  I was glad to have met you in SL and RL.  If you ever need a place to lay a prim, you know who to call!

Good luck in everything you do Jack

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It's sad to see you go Jack. Thanks for all of your hard work over the years and you will be missed alot.

Good luck for the future!

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Jack some of your land policies drove me nuts, your avoidance of answering questions at office hour directly drove me even crazier!

But well, it was certainly a talent! lol

There's no Linden quite as brave or as crafty as you when it comes to tackling full sims of angry, confused customers!!

Thank you for running those office hours as long as you did, it must have been very awkward at times...

Thanks also for being one of very few Lindens who have promoted Zindra after the adult change, I'm a merchant who certainly benefitted from the few projects you ran after finding some of my properties hidden away over there.

Thanks also for being a Linden who would actively engage in-world and respond to customers.

Best of luck in your future projects!

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Jack, It won't be the same without you, thats for sure! Who will we complain to that just sits there and takes it?   Good luck on your new horizons - may they always be virtual, and always in the distance

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Sheesh, I just took the "Jack Office Hours" out of my calender.  I had it on "Every Thursday" and "End Repeat - Never".  I feel like its an end of an era.  What am I going to do for that hour going forward?

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A Class Act Jack. You will be  missed by all of us. Do let us know where you go and guess what? We'll see you there. Thank you for all you have done for us over the years.

Take care and I wish you nothing less then the best life has to offer~

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