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Support the Japan Earthquake & Pacific Tsunami Relief with Linden Dollars

Kim Linden


Our thoughts today are with all of those who are suffering in the devastation caused by the earthquakes in Japan and the tsunami in the Pacific. We encourage all Second Life Residents to support the relief efforts however they can, and we would like to help.
We have created two special Linden Bears--one that is wearable and one that sits--which are now for sale in the Marketplace at several pricing levels: L$300, L$1,000 and L$3,000. Here’s the direct link to purchase them. We will donate all proceeds from sales of this bear to the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami Relief efforts of the American Red Cross. 
Please help us to support the relief efforts - buy the bears, and help spread the word in Second Life.
Additionally, we know that independent groups in Second Life are also planning to support relief efforts. For example, Radar Magazine in Second Life will be holding a month-long event and are seeking designers to donate virtual items (see this article for details). If your group is planning an inworld relief effort, then please share it in the comments here.

Thank you,



UPDATE -- April 14, 2011: Thank you to everyone who contributed to this campaign! In total, this doation drive raised more than L$8.3 million.

The special-edition Linden bears are no longer for sale, but you can of course contribute directly to the charity of your choice and participate in the numerous efforts to support Japan in Second Life organized by fellow Residents. (If your group is planning an inworld relief effort, then please do share it with us in the comments here.)


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Thank you so much.

Is there a way that a merchant could put their own merchandise up for this...so that the funds go directly to Donate Linden?

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hi all iv just sent an email to the goverment to sigh up to help in china im sorry i can not  donate any money as i havent got any but i will donate my life for them

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I thank you for all of you who cares ,

we are having terrible time in here Japan 

however your thought keep us going strong .

Again , thank you so much for your love .

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I think this is absolutely wonderful.  This is an easy and trusted way for us to help and I want to say I really appreciate this.

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I appreciate LL to fundraise for the benefit of Japan earthquake/tsunami:-)

I have received many condolence from my friends in sl, too.

Currently, the investigation and rescue missions throughout the affected regions are underway. We have deeply concerned about the collateral damages since yesterday.

Devastating tsunamis hit mainly costal regions on the pacific side of Japan and destroy everything including vital infrastructures.

However our government takes good command on the restore mission.

We are encouraging to hear LL support for Japan.

Best regards,


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is there a venor available so folks can buy the bears or just donate while they are in-world? I've spread the word on social networking sites, but it would be awesome to have something to set up on my sim.

*hugs tight all the folks in Japan*


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Thank you Lindens for doing this! It is so nice to see Linden Lab taking action to help out in this disaster, so much help is needed, it is complete devastation for millions of people.

If anyone can give a little to this cause to help out the Japanese people, please do, there is so much hurt & loss there!

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USA Catastrophic Planning and Management Institute in SL as Confederated Respoonse Force and M.U.S.I.C. EVENTS is working with Pacific Relief Fund (PROCEEDS TO USA NATIONAL RED CROSS AND AMERICORE Disaster Relief Fund distributed by UNICEF to Japan) 
Well , this is such very sad news, horrific beyond belief . . one of the 5 worst impact earthquakes in recorded history - the damage yet to be assessed, but we know the numbers are to be staggering.  It is incumbent upon us to recognize the plight of our fellow man, and i call upon myself and you to help as we can to provide relief.  To that end , we are now organizing SAT March 19 as Japan Catastorphic Relief  Benefit Day and asking fo ryour support .. a 24 hour marathon - 30 min gigs . L$ to Red Cross
An emergency fundraising effort for the victims of the crisis in the Pacific that hit on the 10th/11th of march is being set up. 
SL is an international community, with a strong base in Japan specifically. This disaster is worldwide and affects us all, as a community SL has risen up time and time again to help out in times of distress, including very recently. 
In september 2010 11,000 us dollars was raised for the pakistan flood crisis relief fund (UNICEF) at an sl event. An event organised in four days. This is an example of what our community can do, and we are attempting to prepare for a similar, simple but effective, event.
We are calling for anyone who wishes to help with this fundraiser. We will be providing vendors that donate 100% of sales to a charity account (Charity Shelter) for people to place in their stores and at an event location . The products in these vendors don't have to be new, but the more new and exclusive items available the more money we will raise, so even a variation of an existing product is appreciated.
We welcome any and all participation and interest in this event - if you'd like to participate as a designer please go to - http://www.tinyurl.com/pacificfund
We require all brands involved to have one product sold at 100% to the charity, however if more than one item is available the others can be at 100% or 50%.
Please note that 100% of all money raised will go to the charity Americares (http://www.americares.org/). Land was donated by Glam Affair and all volunteers are giving their time without charge.

An emergency fundraising effort for the victims of the crisis in the Pacific that hit on the 10th/11th of march is being set up. 
SL is an international community, with a strong base in Japan specifically. This disaster is worldwide and affects us all, as a community SL has risen up time and time again to help out in times of distress, including very recently. 
In september 2010 11,000 us dollars was raised for the pakistan flood crisis relief fund (UNICEF) at an sl event. An event organised in four days. This is an example of what our community can do, and we are attempting to prepare for a similar, simple but effective, event.
We are calling for anyone who wishes to help with this fundraiser. We will be providing vendors that donate 100% of sales to a charity account (Charity Shelter) for people to place in their stores and at an event location . The products in these vendors don't have to be new, but the more new and exclusive items available the more money we will raise, so even a variation of an existing product is appreciated.
We welcome any and all participation and interest in this event - if you'd like to participate as a designer please go to - http://www.tinyurl.com/pacificfund
We require all brands involved to have one product sold at 100% to the charity, however if more than one item is available the others can be at 100% or 50%.
Please note that 100% of all money raised will go to the charity Americares (http://www.americares.org/). Land was donated by Glam Affair and all volunteers are giving their time without charge.


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as a business owner is there a plan for a lindens donation box as im sure customers/visitors will donate as every little helps this would be really usefull as im sure we all want to play our part in helping

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As a Japanese, I sincerely appreciate you for your initiative, Kim,

and thank all the residents who support for this effort.

I will tell the Japanese community about this.

Thanks again!


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This smacks of a cynical attempt to get traffic to the Marketplace. The bear should be a free item we can rezz for people to click on to donate.

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Thanks Kim for this wonderful posts. The bears are wonderful and thank for mentioning our relief fund event. It's greatly appreciated. We have many people in SL that have a special connection to Japan. I am one of those people. I was born there and it will always be my home. 

Raising money for country means a lot to me. I thank you all in advanced for your help and support of the relief efforts. 


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Thank you kim for let us stand with our brothers and sisters in Japan during this hard time, SL Residents are United to stand with Japan seems Inspiring Idea.

I Just visited the Market place store of  Donation Linden it is Empty !!

Also of you just put Donation Box or Vendor inworld that will be more helpful too

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Much thanks for this LL, i will set a link and donation box on my sim, gives a script from LL for the donation box what send the Linden directly to LL?

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