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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. Sorry, but I'm tired of seeing these threads started whenever people can't log in to SL immediately. With a bit of research, ie look at the grid status page, they'd see there is a temporary problem or that rolling restarts are going on. Instead, they jump here and complain....rolls her eyes. Be glad it only happens for a short time. When I started SL the entire grid was shut down on Weds starting at 8 AM SLT. Supposed to just be for 4 hours,,that became 6 that became 8. Then SL would crash and be unstable over the weekend. They'd finally get it fixed by Tuesday, just in time for a new roll out. At least now, you get rolling restarts so you can move to a different sim and the whole thing isn't shut down. Some things that happen may not show up on limited testing but come out to be a problem with open use. Just keep your shorts on and be patient. Not seen current problems last for more than an hour or so.
  2. looks like a rezzing glitch to me. With mesh, since it's rigged, until it rezzes in properly it can look odd. I've seem people walking around inside huge shirts or pants. I've seen a guy's mesh body so big it looked like a Macy's Thanksgiving balloon. SL just doesn't always rez things properly at first.
  3. Which is silly...mesh can only be extruded in just so many ways...Lena Lush has been around a while. shrugs and rolls her eyes.
  4. Right now, the closest to the Wowmeh is the Lena Lush. I understand the new Fusion is close as well, though I need to check that one out.
  5. Mesh tops, for the most part, won't work with the mesh breasts. However, it they are tango compatible, and most are, head over to Love N Lust and grab the Omega applier kit for your particular product. More and more designers are using this system for the mesh body parts. If you join the group, the kit is only 1L and the group is free. I know that Slutwear by Lexi is only doing the Omega appliers for the mesh breasts now rather than trying to keep up with all the appliers. One applier for any that are tango compatible, and most are, is wonderful.
  6. Credits: Female Mesh Head: Not Available for sale Female Mesh Body: WowMeh From http://www.catwa.tk/ Search for Lee and it comes up.
  7. Not yet. I know Slink is working on one. The ones I've seen in SL are not that great, unfortunately.
  8. I believe that once they are gonem they're gone. You have to get them while they're available.
  9. First, chances are you won't find one to do a character like you want since said character is copyrighted and it would be in violation of the copyright. Second, if you do find someone, be prepared to pay a lot for the avi....in the 20K Linden range at a minimum.
  10. Exactly...Be sure you read all the notices. There were 2 today. As for the regions, they are taken down in groups so it's quite possible that more than one could have been down.
  11. The kit does state that it doesn't work on the hands and feet because the maps used for the textures aren't the standard SL texture maps. For the Omega system to work, the parts have to use the standard maps.
  12. From the name on the picture, looks like he may be renting and the orb is owned by the landowner, in which case, sounds like the landowner forgot to add him to the orb. If he sets his home on his parcel, then the orb usually returns you home...though that would be a problem in and of itself.
  13. Contact the owner of said orb and tell him to decrease the range, that it's ejecting you from your place. Most don't realize you have to adjust the range of the thing. If he doesn't the you can AR them or, if you have a premium account, contact Live Support. They can send someone to return it since that's encroaching on your parcel.
  14. Chances are it was a scam to get your info. Since you didn't click on it, you're safe.
  15. What viewer are you using? WIth the spikes, looks like you're using an older viewer that can't render fitted mesh. Upgrade your viewer and those should go away. An out of date viewer is the most common cause of what you are seeing. Try increasing your LOD as well.
  16. Just be aware, it looks heavily photoshopped so may not look the same at the store.
  17. Were you in an area that allows you to rez stuff? If not, relog and it should be back where it was or in your lost and found. If it's not still there, you'll have to contact the vendor and let them know.
  18. If you have the mesh parts, such at Phat Azz/Wowmeh/Ghetto, look up Omega appliers. If you join the group, which is free, you can get the kits to convert for 1L. Many designers are using the Omega because the appliers are compatible with most of the mesh parts in SL. The only ones, at this point, that they aren't are the Slink and The Mesh Project. The Omega system means the designer only has to do one applier that will work with Belleza, G. Inc, Phat Azz, Ghetto, Eve, Brazilian, Banned, all tango compatible boobs that can use the full map and not just a partial one, the Lena from Kitties Lair, Yabusaka petites, Busty Girl and the list goes on. Good Luck.
  19. Log in to secondlife.com then go to upcoming events. There are lots of events listed there. Since you are up during what is overnight for US and early morning for EU, you need to look at events and areas that cater to Australian/Asian areas since that is prime time for them. As for blogs, Wordpress, Google, among others, offer free blogs. If you are going to include pictures, you might want to look at Flckr as well.
  20. With the NVidia 760 I have a new perk called Shadowplay you get with the GeForce Experience panel that you can use to record. It does a beautiful job and you can record up to 20 minutes at a time. You can even broadcast what you are looking at through Twitch.
  21. With anything that goes in to Photoshop, you should get a notecard with a link to go to to download to your computer. For instance, I purchase clothing templates inworld. I get the templates I can color inworld but I also get a link to download the PS files to my computer. I'm sure the brushes work the same way.
  22. First question, what viewer are you using? Next question, have you tried dual logging or asking a friend if the avi appears to have stuff where it doesn't belong to them. If you looke fiet to others, it's a rezzing problem with that avi. Try a the SL official viewer if you are using a TPV to see if you still have the same problem. If you don't then the problem is the viewer matching up with your avi on your end. At that point, if you are using Firestorm, try clearing just the inventory cache and relog. That should clear up the problem.
  23. Yearly, your net cost is $8.33 USD a year (52 x 300=15,600. That divided by 245, the average L per USD is $63.67 you are given in stipend. 72 usd - 63.67= 8.33 for the year) ;quarterly is $6.58 USD net for the quarter (13 weeks x 300L=3900L 3900 divided by 245=15.92. Then the quarterly 22.50-15.92-6.58) when you take in to account the weekly stipend you get. That's a pretty good deal in my books.
  24. For mesh, you need Blender. GIMP is more for texture work.
  25. First, what are you looking for? System clothes, appliers for mesh parts, mesh? That all makes a difference. You might look around and see if you can find what you want already inwold. If you are trying to load Photoshop, try GIMP. It's free and not as much of a resource hog.
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