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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. There are those that do push the proportions boundary. Some of us, however, keep it real...grins. I'm with you, though about the players that have hips so wide you could balance a tray on them, tiny waists then breast so big you can't see their heads from the front....rolls her eyes. But...this is SL so to each their own.
  2. Some of that is because that generation has the money and leisure time to spend in SL where the younger, post-millenial is more mobile with smart phones glued to their ears or the fingers texting, tablets with them, etc. They are also establising their careers so don't have the leisure either. Again, observations.
  3. The older folks have kept their minds sharp. They are obviously computer savvy. Especially if they are doing any building in SL. So...that hot guy or gal could be a gal or guy and they could be old enough to be your mother...or grandmother....snickers.
  4. If it uses appliers for clothing or you can use the old school system clothes maps, NB Templates has a nurses outfit.
  5. There are numerous classes offered in SL in the LSL language through Builder's Brewer and Happy Hippo . Check out their class schedules. They'll teach you the language used in SL.
  6. You probably have on one of the new mesh avis. I'd suggest you take it off and go with one of the default Classic avis you can find in your library and build from there. I think what you are seeing is an old style default hair and the only way to get rid of it is to put on a bald hair base. Do a search in your inventory and you'll come up with a lot of those as well. Good Luck and Welcome to your Second Life.
  7. Ursula is fighting the DMCA last I heard since it delayed the release of her mesh body. I'm looking forward to both coming back, not because I use them but because she had the options so you could look full-figured and not cartoon hippy.
  8. Slink started with mesh replacements for the paddles that the SL avi has for feet. They come in 3 heights, flat, medium and high. Many shoe makers cater to these as it makes life easier for them so they can make shoes that will have pretty feet rather than trying to make their own feet replacements. The Slink hands come in 12 static position and have a much better look and don't do the weird positions that the default SL hands do. Both have nails that can use appliers for different polish. Slink has also come out with a mesh body. It's an overlay for the default SL avi that corrects many of the faults of the SL default avi, especially around the breasts, ass, elbows and calves. Bothe the hands and the body require what are termed appliers. They change the mesh much like wearing a skin changes the SL default avi skin appearance. Most of the major skin makers have the appliers either for free or for a small extra charge. Wowmeh was another mesh body that is no longer available in SL. Lena is also a mesh body that works the same way the Slink does. Both are fitted mesh, so will respond, somewhat, to the sliders so you won't have exaggerated parts unless you want them. Lola is a brand that has 3 mesh breasts. There are also a myriad of other breast out there, the most popular being Lush and V-string. All require appliers as well. Not really needed unless you want large breasts. Ghetto, Brazillia, Banned, etc are mesh butts with legs down to about the ankle. Only needed if you want a bit more "junk in the trunk." Ghetto is currently not availabe. All also require appliers for skin matching. All, except for the hands and feet, do require appliers for your clothing layers. These use a hud that applies the textures that are used in the clothing. If you want stockings or gloves and use the Slink, you wlll need to look for ones that have the appliers. There is The Mesh Project system of attachements as well. Their system is more proprietory so finding appliers for them is more limited. The Slink body will allow you to wear most standard mesh clothing since it is more like a "glove" that is slipped over the default avi. It also has a hud, as do most of the others, that provide the alpha layers to be able to wear some mesh. Most have demos so I'd say...grab demos, try and see if any are for you. They aren't for everyone. I would definitely suggest the Slink hands and feet starting with the mid foot and casual or elegant hand positions. The high foot is more for stilettos so if you wear a lot of those, then the high rather than the mid. Both have a lot of shoes available. For an idea, head over to Slink West and look around. Most of the designers that do work compatible for the Slink have a satellite store there. Good luck and have fun.
  9. The Slink system isn't that hard if it works anything like the appliers huds for clothes. Basically, you use the provided scripts. You create your hud base. I added buttons for the one I made for appliers. You then name the buttons. Next you use the notecard format provided. (button name),body part,UUID..one line for each button or body part. Drop the card into the base, then add the scripts. The scripts take care of assigning the texture to the button specified. A skin may be a bit more complicated since you want the upper and lower both applied with the one button, but it should still be basically the same procedure. Good luck.
  10. Simple solution, under the advanced menu in the rendering, you can chose not to render attach lights...problem solved.
  11. The ad photos look heavily photoshopped to me. However, at that store, if you sort by price lowest to highest you will see the free demos. Try those and see how you like them before you spend any money. The prices are actually good for what you get. Always try the demos. If demos aren't available, keep looking.
  12. If I didn't state it, then I will here, if you join the Omega group, which is free, the kit is 1L. As for the Lola Tangos, the rotations and texture offsets are provided in the kit for Lola's, which I have, so you can use the UUID and full texture. They are exactly the same as those in the Omega applier notecard. I know that the owner of Omega speaks to the various designers to find out what she can do to make her system compatible with their parts. Most give her the channel that their parts listen to. Since the notecard for the part-specific applier has exactly the same info as the one for the Omega system, all that's required is that the part have the "listenter" script added, which is all the Omega system is, a listener and send script system. If you've been around a while, and I'm sure you have, you know that Lush started out needed their own appliers then switched to being compatible with the Tango applier. V-String did the same.
  13. I doubt that will happen since the Lola Tangos is the standard for appliers for mesh breasts. All the others changed to be compatible with those appliers.
  14. If you are looking to make appliers, head over to the Omega store. Their developers kit is free and their applier works right out of the box for the Lolas and compatibles such as V-String and Lush. It uses the standard top template with rotation adjustments for the script so nothing special needed. The appliers also work for the Phat Azz with their conversion kit, which is only 1L if you join the group. Again, the applier uses the standard pants/underpants SL clothing texture. You just input the UUID on the notecard for it. More and more designers are actually going to the Omega system since, with the use of the listener script, all of the mesh attachments other than the Slink and The Mesh Project can use the same applier hud. This includes Phat Azz, Ghetto Booty, Banned, Brazilian, the Lena bodies and the G. Inc parts.
  15. Actually, the NVidia GeForce 700 series is the newest. I'm running a GTX 760. The newest is 790 I think...something like that...Just saying
  16. To be fair, border crossings aren't that simple...just staying. Just because you can see the sim right there, the server it's on on may be in Boston and on the LeTigre server and the one you're standing in is on the Second Live server and in Texas. A region handoff requires 6 different systems to work together. You have the one you're sitting at, where ever you are. Then you have the one that your avatar is registered on, that may be in San Francisco. Then, there's the server your inventory is on, which may be in Boston, the server the sim your in is on. Now, when you cross sims, the 5 systems you're on must communicate wit a 6th system. The sim server you are on has to hand you off to next sim server. I think, all things considered, it does a pretty good job.
  17. Lapointe and Bastchild, Razor are both good.
  18. The Net is full of incorrect info. The new platform is probably at least 2 years away, if not more. And LL said as long as there are players to support it, SL isn't going anywhere..gotta hate the Chicken Littles.
  19. “Skill Game” or “Skill Gaming” shall mean a game, implemented through an Inworld object: 1) whose outcome is determined by skill and is not contingent, in whole or in material part, upon chance; 2) requires or permits the payment of Linden Dollars to play; 3) provides a payout in Linden Dollars; and 4) is legally authorized by applicable United States and international law. Games in which Second Life residents do not pay to play are not within the scope of this Skill Gaming Policy. “Skill Games” are not intended to include and shall not include “gambling” as defined by applicable United States and international law. Please note #3. Gachas do not payout in Linden Dollars but in merchandise. As such, they are not skilled gaming.
  20. As stated earlier, rather than try to figure out who did and didn't create stuff that others have, LL just keeps the account info so they don't have to worry about broken content.
  21. Check your draw distance and be sure that it's no higher than 120. With the new interesting add in, it does some odd things if your draw distance is too far.
  22. Gachas aren't gaming. You always get something for your money. What you get is random. Skill games you may or may not get anything. That's the difference.
  23. Since you build, try Happy Hippsters, the group for the Happy Hippo school, and the Builders Brewer and the Speakeasy groups. All 3 have lively conversations going on as well as tips for building stuff. It's one way to start talking to people.
  24. Personally, rather than delete it, just leave all the groups you're in on it and delete any picks and let it sit. You may decide you like the name later on and want to use it again...just saying.
  25. Try something different. If you havent tried doing hunts, Twisted starts Monday. It"s the hardest hunt on the grid, but do join the group. Really friendly people there. Just a thought.
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