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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. For the web search, you have to do just like you would for the internet. If you are looking for Bard Wxxxx but aren't sure of the spelling, you need to use the wildcard and search Bard W*. I did and got 76 results in people http://gyazo.com/8ce4d7a366fed49cd1e7ca8467a8852d
  2. You say you spend 6 USD a month for another game. SL is 9.95 USD per month but you get back 300L a week so at 245L/USD, your net cost per month is a bit more than 4 USD. With the premium, you also get a house. You do have to furnish it but there are free beds and furniture if you look around. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me...and yes, I have a premium account. In fact, IM me inworld and I'll send you a really nice free sex bed that's low prim. SL isn't a game in the traditional sense. According to game theory, to be a game, you must have a goal, set rules and a finishing point.Second Live has none of the elements of a traditional game. Second Life is just that...a second life in a virtual world. Here you can RP in all sorts of different worlds and times, many based on games such as VTM or books/ movies such as Game of Thrones, Anita Blake, Star Wars, etc and fight with a meter if you so desire, though you will have to pony up if you want weapons. You can go clubbing. You can hit the Linden roads on a motorcycle. You can meet people from all over the world. Second Life has endless possibilities. Enjoy them rather than complain.
  3. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bexington/123/143/63 Flat land, 640m2 in Bexington, an adult sim. 3000L and it's yours.
  4. I had a poor new resident stumble on to my store yesterday. He was a cloud and was stuck., With a little talking, we got rid of the alpha that came with the mesh avi that he had managed to detach. Got him set up with a default avi and some clothes. Took about an hour to get him squared away....It shouldn't take that long. When I first came to SL it took me about 1/2 hour to get going, but then, the original orientation island had you actually spend 1 L for a mail shirt and then put it on, You could always tell who was brand new since they usually had on that shirt and were carrying a torch. The point is, new residents don't get that kind of help...it's sink or swim. The new mesh avis are just.....ugly. The new residents have no idea how to get rid of them unless they run in to an experienced resident that is willing to walk them through getting it off. Sorry, but the mesh starter avis are as bad as the "portals" they had for a while where new residents landed then chose the experience the wanted, went through a portal and were randomly dumped somewhere in SL that might have something to do with what they chose. LL decision to do away with the SL Mentors racks right up there as well. I think the era of greatest retention was when LL sponsored private orientation center that were set up. Those were great. I remember the one for Japan was in Japanese and was set up like going through a subway station,. ...shrugs.
  5. Exactly. Looking at what I have on atm...my shape I made, though I sell a similar one. Hair fron one maker. Outfit...I made it but will be for sale shortly. Ears from another vendor. Eyes..yep...another vendor. Tats...check. Body, check, Hand and feet, check..shoes,check. I've had on outfits that the elements came from outfits from 5 different vendors. Then add the hair, shoes, eyes, skin, makeup, nail polish...that's 11 different vendors for a particular look....that may change tomorrow. Best bet is to put together your own look. If you have a clothing type you are looking for, that we can help you find. But copyining someone else's avi in detail is...well....rude. I've spent 7 years on mine so far and I'm still working on it. k
  6. It's up to you and how you wear your clothing., If you find you don't use the layers then by all means delete them. One other option though would be to box them up in a box labeled Extra layers for X outfit. Then create a box called clothing layers and put those boxes in that box. Then you'll have them, just in case. You have to put the outfits in separate boxes since you can't put folders in boxes, btw.
  7. They won't see it here. This is a resident only section, more or less. Go to your dashboard then support ticket. You want to use account issue and then abuse appeal and go from there. Good Luck
  8. Had that problem last night. Were you logged in on an alt that isn't premium before? You may need to clear your browser (Mozilla Firefox/Chrome/IE). I switched to a different browser and than had no more problems.
  9. I regularly do other stuff...going to movies...I'm an avid knitter and working on finishing up an afghan....4 more squares and then I have to block and put them together....SL is a hobby. I'm disabled so can no longer sew due to a severe shoulder injury. I can, however, create clothes. SL doesn't interfer with my RL in any way. The ones that I've seen that are addicted are more like the ones that go clubbing and RP...yes...SL is RPing. You are usually playing a character that isn't like you in RL. You really look like that in RL? I know I don't. Creators are using SL as a creative medium as opposed to canvas, paints, needles and thread, etc. For one, takes up a lot less room. You should see my yarn stash or my fabric stash back when I had the room for it....grins.
  10. Most creators that are in like that are working, not playing. It's a job for them, not play time. Big difference between being inworld and working, making and selling things and being at a club dancing. For the successful creators are making enough to live on in RL so it's a job, not fun time. For instance, I make clothing specifically for mesh bodies that uses appliers. That means spending time in Photoshop creating and texturing the clothing. Then I have to upload the clothing texture. Next I have to set up the various appliers. Depending on which mesh part it's for, that can be a simple notecard with the individual buttons on the hud named (Slink) or doing each individual button (Lena, tango, ghetto, Wowmeh, Brazillian, etc.) of putting the info on a website (The Mesh Project). For a regular top, that's one hud. If it's a long top, that requires one for the upper body and one for the lower part of the shirt. If it's a full outfit, we're talking 3 huds that are set for the proper layers. Then, I have to make the clothes on layers for inworld wearing. After that, if I have attachments, such at pants cuffs, sleeves, etc, those all have to be made and textured in world. Then I have to make the ads and hud textures. Now I can finally package it up and put it for sale. A simple top can take 8 hours to do. I do fatpacks rather than individual colors for sale. The most I charge, for 15 colors, is 350L. That translates to a bit over $1 USD. I do it more for the creative enjoyment than actually making money.
  11. Sounds like you didn't completely pick up all the prims and then rezzed the house a second time. My advice would be to completely clear your land and start over, rezzing out a fresh copy of your house. If the prims are perfectly aligned, it would be very difficult to find where they are.....Just saying what I would do.
  12. It doesn't. Sometimes it depends on the severity of what's done what happens. I personally know of a griefer that was banned from SL along with all his alts.
  13. Renting from a reputable estate for a month at a time will work just fine. Just a few tips. First, check them out. Have they been in the business for a while? How many sims do they manage? Do they have people that work for them? When you land on one of their parcels, does someone IM you to say hello and offer to help? All those are signs that you aren't going to lose your money and they are well established. I've rented 1/2 a homestead before from a reputable company and was very happy. Got the break for renting 4 weeks at a time. They asked what kind of terrain I wanted on the land. It was a beach sim where they had put a mountain range between parcels and put in a waterfall for me as well as waves. Again, do take your time before rushing in to land ownership/rental.
  14. Think of land this way. When you buy from LL, you've purchased land in a city. It belongs to you. However, you're still responsible for paying taxes on the land. You're "tier" is your taxes, you just get to pay them monthly rather than once a year. When you purchase from a landowner and pay the tier to them rather than to LL, you're leasing the land. In many cases you can do what you like with it within restrictions. However, the person you lease from could decide to leave SL or sell to another person. That person can chose to let you continue to lease from them or kick you out. If the original owner just leaves, SL repossesses the land and you're out as well. Hope that helps the understanding of the difference.Personally, if you have a premium account, just get the free Linden home you can and start from there. Good Luck
  15. Did you relog? Sometimes SL just doesn't let go of animations, even if you take them off. Used to be, you could always tell who had been at a club dancing because they were still dancing, even in another sim. They had to relod to stop. ..just saying.
  16. New generation of people that don't understand that they aren't allowed. Just keep reporting them. There's also a group inworld called The Arbor Project. They send out notices in the group about ad farms so they can be ARed on a regular basis.
  17. Personally, I'd put the ad farms under disturbing the peace-object littering and them a further explanation
  18. Exactly...with the traffic you get odd things happen. For instance, if you do a search for Slink using the older search engine, WoW skins comes up first then several other skin and accessory vendors. The actualy Slink store comes up quite a bit lower...which sucks.
  19. Actually, a premium account is $9.95 USD monthly, $22.50 USD Quarterly and $72 USD yearly. With that you get 300L per week. If you pay yearly, you end up paying about $7 USD yearly when you take into account the Linden stipend. With that, you also can get a free house. Pretty good deal if you ask me. Even montly, you get aboiut $5USD in Lindens so you're actually only payint $4 USD a month. Not sure what the conversion is with the VAT. As for gaming, Seems I heard this same kind of whining when gambling was outlawed in SL...It's going to fold, no one will spend any money..etc...turns out that gambling was really not as big a part of the SL economy as some thought it was...just saying.
  20. For the appliers, be sure you are using the rotations part on the notecard that you use the full top UUID with...the same one you use to make the system layers with. As for ad pictures, when you make as many different appliers as I do, you make an ad picture with the outfit, not one with every single applier. I need the part so I can test to be sure that the applier works. I can take the add with just the system body, even, though I wear the Slink Physique and use that in the add photos.
  21. Face shadows are a result of your windlight settings. The one thing people have to face is that regardless of how good they may look to themselves, they may not look good to others, depending on their graphics and windlight settings. The best you can do is set your windlight setting so you are happy with what you see. That's all you have control over. The right windlight settings and no facelights are needed....just saying.
  22. Depends on how much you have to spend. We need that info before we can answer.
  23. Also be sure that your LOD is at at least 3. Chances are a lot of those signs are mesh since som many are using mesh when prims will work just a well, just not the new shiny.
  24. Well, I found out today something that eases my mind about uploading my stuff for The Mesh Project/Body Shop mesh body. I was reluctant to make clothing since I had to upload my UUIDs to their servers. I was informed today that they have insurance on their servers so if they are hacked, creators will be reimbursed and they have an arrangement with LL that those UUIDs will be disabled as well. Of course, to protect my other appliers, I'll be uploading the clothing textures twice, one for the inworld appliers and one for a set of UUIDs for TMP...shrugs...
  25. It's a fitted mesh item so is sensitive to the sliders so is a bit more customizable. Think of it as a glove that fits over your shape. As for skin, just like the other mesh parts, there are skin makers that are making appliers to apply the texture of their skins to the mesh bodies. While most are similar from the neck down other than tone, the faces are different so you may want different skins since, unless you also get a mesh head, from the neck up is your shape.
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