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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. Before you scream at LL, it's in all probability being done because of an outside agency imposing rules on LL. inworld betting was closed because of it being classified as offshore betting and the US government wanting LL to start issuing 1099 to those that gambled, way too much paperwork for what SL is supposed to be. As for moving the gaming to one area...all I can say is YAY. Can't tell you how many have complained about not being able to get to the home and land they paid for because of a gaming area set up on the same sim filling it up. At least the policy will stop that from happening. Shrugs.
  2. File the support case and find out what you need to do. It's possible you got reported for something that you can get cleared up. Just follow the process.
  3. It does bring up that screen then, it you aren't set up with a source to buy from inworld, it says you can't and then offers to take you to your dashboard to buy them.
  4. A few questions, when you buy from Marketplace are you paying with currency or Lindens? BTW, if you're paying with paypal or a credit card instead of Lindens. buy the Lindens, it costs less. Now. Inworld, do you have Lindens? If you don't and on the dashboard, you don't have a method set up to purchase lindens inworld, you'll get that error. You have to pay with Lindens inworld. On your dashboard, you have to have chosen a payment method to purchase lindens inworld. Personally, I don't but I always buy my Lindens through my Dashboard so it doesn't matter.
  5. Hold on to your account. Don't make any decisions right now. If you never use it again...shrugs. But if you close it...3 months from now you may feel better and want to come back. It's not like it's going anywhere or costing you anything if you have a free account. If you have a paid account, I'd switch it to a free account for now unless you have land you want to keep.
  6. As I said, it's a nice shape. However, instead of using inworld appliers, like most of the other mesh products do, the installers go through TMP servers So....a designer for installer clothing, ie applier on other mesh products, doesn't have the control over the appliers that they have with the ones using inworld appliers. Technically, I suppose, it's less script time doing it the way they do, but as a designer, I want to keep control of my designs....shrugs.
  7. Knowing what I do about TMP, I would say no. They seem to have set up a system that is proprietory and doesn't play well with other parts in SL. I've not tried wearing mesh clothing with it, but I know their applier/installer system for clothes and skins only works with their servers.
  8. If you are more into a casual look, try Razor and Lapointe and Bastchild. In fact, take a look around the District 5 event going on in the Metropolis sim. Lots of store there atm and will save you running all over the grid.
  9. TMP is somewhat proprietory. For some clothes you do use appliers. The layers the OP is referring to are those. I'm not sure about wearing mesh clothing with it. I know I have no problems wearing mesh with my Physique. As for the appliers, the kits are just now being sent out. However, many of the potential designers are opting out of making appliers for TMP because of how their appliers operarte. There aren't a lot of designers for clothing for TMP atm, mainly because of their policies. I'm still trying to decide if I want to make clothes for TMP body, although I've been approved to get the designer kit. Hate to say it, but you'd have been better served purchising the Lena or the Physique.
  10. Firestorm has an option to look like the Phoenix interface. Looks like lights and shadows so you might want to look at your graphics settings.If you set your windlight properly, the bird looking thing in the bottom right corner will bring up the quick list for your sky settings, you shouldn't need the facelight. Nothing you can do about other people, but you can look good to yourself. The other thing you're looking at are the chiclets. To disable them go to Preferences, User interface, General..it's the last 2 boxes..check the hide group and IM chat chiclets.
  11. Depends on what you are calling a bug. If you bought something and it didn't deliver but the L was taken, go to your dashboard and then account then L transactions if it was inworld. If it was through the marketplace go to my markeplace then my account then order history. Now, either place, make a copy of the transaction then inworld, put it in a notecard then inform the maker there was a transaction failure could you please get a redelivery then send it to the designer. They should get back with you very quickly. If this happened tonight, there was a problem with the MP a bit earlier. If this happened inworld, do see if they have a redelivery terminal and just get the redelivery. Good luck.
  12. also, take a look at the blips on your local map. If they look like little green dots, they are within 20 meters of you. If they look like arrows, they are more than 20 meters away. Pointing up means above you, pointing down means below you. There are a few things that are outdated but most of the info is correct.
  13. I'm now up to 44,947 but I'm a creator. All of those that create stuff get higher inventories just from the nature of creation between textures and the actual created item, it adds up fast.
  14. Slink Info That gives you a basic overview for the feet and hands. As for the hud...it's pretty straightforward. you have your tat, clothes and underclothes layer across the bottom with the option of turning on the arms, legs, torso etc. The center part shows the alpha cuts. The front and back of the torso are independent of each other so you can alpha the back for a corset without wiping out your cleavage. Hope that helps.
  15. Builder's Brewery also offers classes on a regular basis. Best to start with the basics and go from there. They do offer all levels so be sure you get the starter one.
  16. ummm, Escorts are a bit passe, especially with so many that give it away for free...but good luck.
  17. If you have had money taken by this, file a support ticket immediately. LL can and will get your money back. Stuff like this is why you can't convert your L's to local currency and get it out in a hurry.
  18. ok...first, since you bought is it usable where you bought it? Next, never give permissions for anything to take your L unless you know exactly what it is, like rezzing out vendors as a merchant. If you feel it was a hack/fraud, file a support ticket with the pertinent info from your transaction record. LL can trace the money and usually get it back for you. That's part of the reason it now takes the time it does to get money out of SL.
  19. You just have to look. There are a lot of places people hang out but I'm finding that it's not a matter of it being allowed or not but people choosing not to voice. I know I don't voice in SL. Too close to letting people into my RL.
  20. What happened isn't pushing, exactly. It's called orbiting. The players that do it are using a tool that allows them to "push" a player a good distance. It's right up there with the cagers that put a cage around you. Both are griefing tools. If you really want to go where they are being used, you can sit on anything, including the ground, or use your movelock and you can't be orbited. Good luck.
  21. ummmm, why would you want to have SL host a chat client outside of SL? There's Skype, Twitter, Facebook, etc that already do that and LL has been pushing people to use Facebook, at least, since you now have a Facebook toolbar button on the viewer.
  22. Let me break it down for you... Copy...if they were no copy, you could only use them on one thing and that would be it. Once used it would be gone. Mod...if you need to be able to use it, you need to be able to change and adapt it. Transfer..if it was no transfer...you wouldn't be able to use it and sell or give away what you used it on. In the case of kids pictures...if I made a nursery school build and used them on the walls, I wouldn't be able to sell the building since the textures can't be transferred to someone else. The maker is only asking that you use the textures as you please but don't give them away or sell them. They really can't stop you from giving them away, but they could, if you tried to sell them as a texture, file a DMCA against you for violting their intellectual property.
  23. Wowmeh body and Phat Azz had DMCA's filed and neither could afford to fight or chose not to reveal RL info. The DMCA filer has struck again...this was just posted in the Ghetto Booty group. Dear customers, Today I had a Email sent to me stating that a DMCA was filed and LL took down all the ghetto booties around an hour ago. The mesh body convert project will be put on hold until everything is fixed. I wont be selling any of the butts until the problem is fixed. i apologize for the inconvenience. Sorry, but this really looks suspicious...3 times for the same kind of product? This reeks of someone trying to eliminate the competion rather than promote their own product. Just my 2 cents' worth.
  24. I'm wondering if there is a way that some players are able to detect brand new avis in SL. I've created 2 in the last few days for business purposes and both, at help island, got a TP offer to some club by the same person. I didn't see them at the landing area though. Then, I get an offer of the landmark for one of the freebie places on both avis. Just find it odd.
  25. Just as an aside, you can have Firestorm act and appear like the V3 interface. On the login/splash page, lower right corner, you can select the mode, Firestorm, Phoenix, Viewer 3, etc.
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