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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. There have been several designers that have had inworld as well as RL stores. They had websites and let people inworld know about the RL websites where they could go to get RL versions of the SL clothes. That's all that's necessary. You won't be disclosing who you are in SL by purchasing through the designer's website in RL. They might ask where you heard about them but they won't ask your SL name...'Nuff said.
  2. Be sure that they have the auto play media and music turned off. That's probably how whoever is getting the info.
  3. Not just the negative but it's very dated. I took a look at it on Netflix and remembered watching it a while back. Things in SL have changed a lot in 5 years. The economy is totally different now than what it was at the time that was made.
  4. also a key logger, can be downloaded to you if you click on a link in game, that is being used by key logger to trap you. This line is telling. Sounds to me like the OP clicked on a link that took him outside of SL. Once you are on your external web browser (Mozilla/Chrome/IE/etc) all bets are off. Like the links you see ingame to something on the MP then have a link that has altervista or starts with http rather than https, etc. Those take you to a page that looks like an SL sign in page..As we know, those are spoofed pages and you've just given a phisher your password and user name. Don't blame SL or LL for what happens when you click a link that takes you to your external browser and then you download something from there. That's all on you. It's not from accepting a friend request or anything else like that. You've fallen for a hacker bait. The keylogger/malware/whatever did NOT come from SL but from an external site that you voluntarily logged in to then accepted a program with the keylogger or gave them your SL info. Your problem, not LL. As for the sim crashing...typical griefing. They can use invisible prims that your graphics program still has to deal with that can overload the sim prim limit and cause it to crash. Same thing can be done with replicating prims, the most popular being 10 meter cubes with porn on them. Again, not a hacker, just a place that hasn't taken the basic precaution of using autoreturn.
  5. What you are looking for is an Intan. Unfortunately, they run more like 5K. There may be others than function the same way but less expensive. You'll have to look.
  6. Well, check for stores listing Omega, or any of the appliers such at Lola, tango, ghetto, brazillian, etc. All of those will have the clothing layers with them, like my store Quoth the Ravenn. Check out the Love N Lust sim as well.
  7. Check Falln Angels. They have dresses in that style.
  8. One caveat. Be very sure you aren't wearing anything this person gave you. With some devices that are Restrained Life enabled, your IMs can be monitored, but only if you are wearing the relay and gave permission to it.
  9. be sure to wear the foot shaper too. Looks like a little shoe icon. That shapes your default foot to fit the shoe as well. You need both the shaper and the alpha layer for the shoe to look correct and for your avi to look correct since the shaper can also be sure your feet aren't buried in the ground.
  10. Bobbie Faulds


    To apply skins to the new SL mesh avi, you have to use appliers, just like you do for the ones from Belleza, Lena, Slink, etc. Problem is THERE IS NO DESIGNER KIT for the SL mesh avis for inworld designers to work from SOOOO. No skins you can add, no makeup, nothing. You can wear things that attach like mesh clothing and hair, but that's about it. Ditch it and go with the classic. If you decided you want a mesh avi, you'll have to pay to get a decent one from one of the inworld makers that also have the kits so skin makers, clothing makers, etc can do something with them.
  11. Well, my store, Quoth the Ravenn, is all system layers and appliers. You might look for those that are selling tango appliers and Ghetto booty stores since you have to include the system layers for those. Check out the Love N Lust sim.
  12. # Put this notecard in no-mod no-copy to protect your work # Texture UUID TEXTURE = PUT YOUR UUID HERE, BE SURE IT"S A FULL TORSO # Reapeat in X and Y (Z is ignored) REPEATS = <1.0, 1.0, 0.0> REPLACE THOSE WITH THIS <0.5, 0.5, 0.0> # Offsets in X and Y (Z is ignored) OFFSETS = <-0.0, 0.0, 0.0> REPLACE THOSE WITH THIS <-0.25, 0.25, 0.0> # Rotation in degrees ROTATION = 0.0 So, your application config card should look like # Put this notecard in no-mod no-copy to protect your work # Texture UUID TEXTURE = UUID GOES HERE # Reapeat in X and Y (Z is ignored) REPEATS = <0.5,0.5, 0.0> # Offsets in X and Y (Z is ignored) OFFSETS = <-0.25, 0.25, 0.0> # Rotation in degrees ROTATION = 0.0 Again, be sure that you are using the full torso skin texture for this one, NOT the cut one that they show.
  13. you might want to coordinate with NCI and Helping Haven and work with them as well. That way y'all won't be duplicating services.
  14. rather than fooling with cutting, just use the formula that does it for you. It's in the kit information. You just put in the UUID of the torso section the use the line of scriot that has the 0.25 x 0.25 part in it. You'll have less likelyhood of seeing seams that way too.
  15. First things first. The new players get a crappy mesh avatar. You won't be able to wear the skin you just got with that and the clothing is questionable. Go into your current outfit tag and take off everything or go to the library and wear any of the classic avatars...drag the folder onto your avi. That will get rid of all the mesh,, shape and alphas you started with. Now...you can wear the pretty new shape, skin and clothes you just bought. Remember to use add, not wear, though. Good Luck.
  16. You do have a maximum number of roles you can make for a group, though I don't remember exactly what it is. You're probably at the max.
  17. For the feet and hands, for that matter, the size refers to the ankle or wrist joint, not the hand size per se. For the ankles, adjust your leg muscle mass. For wrists it's the torso muscle. We're talking about just a few points, not enough to really notice. The difference between large and xl legs is from 76 to 85 for men and there actually isn't a size given for XL in the standard sizing package for females. The leg muscle mass for large female is 69.
  18. Check out Ruby Skins http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Isle%20of%20Fairhaven/25/227/3905 They will probalby have exactly what you're looking for.
  19. I believe the OP was talking more about ones that the owner has left the group and didn't pass on the ownership to anyone else. So, no one owns the group, if there are no officers with powers, no one can monitor the group or grant other priviledges. Groups like that, It would be nice to have them dissolved. I know of 2 groups that were sim grous we have like that where I RP that the owner died suddenly before he added other owners. We had to create new ones and made sure there were other owners besides the creator.
  20. Found that Omega system has conversion kits for these and other. So, if a skin or clothing has Omega appliers, you'll be able to use it. http://gyazo.com/a499cbc26cc6562a8b99be1d97b498cd Me with my petite..same outfit...That opens up a whole new realm of clothing possibilities for these avis. That's my gift for the Hunt For Your Inner **bleep**, btw.
  21. Best you can do is leave the group. Once the group only has 1 member, it closes automatically.
  22. Your basic avi is made up of 2 parts..the shape aka the bones and muscle, and the skin that gives the definition. You have to have both for that look at bare minimum. The shape is just the first part
  23. and we care....why? This is for SL...just saying
  24. I've kind of come to the conclusion that the OP is being almost deliberately obtuse and I'm beginning to wonder about his RL age. The arguments he keeps making are the type you hear from a young person that is focused on on aspect and won't listen to anything else. One more time, THE APPEARANCE OF YOUR AVI, ALONE, WON'T GET YOU BANNED. IT'S THE ACTIONS, NOT THE LOOK. The girl the OP is speaking about HAD to have engaged in a convo that triggered the ageplay banhammer. In the 7+ years I've been in SL, I've not heard of LL being arbitrary. In the estate I'm an admin in we had a griefer that was a revenge griefer. We got hit with probably every griefing tool on the market...You should try getting rolled over by a wave of replicating 10M cubes with porn on them some time. He even had a megacube that was the size of a sim and went up at least 400 meters that we had to get LL to come and get rid of. It took us 3 months of hard work and eventually, all his alts were banned and he was MAC banned from SL. The point is, LL investigates thoroughly. Ageplay is investigated quickle because of the zero tolerance policy and the risk LL is at because of child pornography laws all over the world. Last time, IT'S NOT THE AVI APPEARANCE BUT THE AVI ACTIONS THAT GET YOU BANNED.
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