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UnilWay SpiritWeaver

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Everything posted by UnilWay SpiritWeaver

  1. Darn it... I've been deleting all my uneeded Object prims all these years. Think of what I could have made signing and trading them...
  2. @BellaaChula You gotta put together the look as you go. I asked a similar question a year ago. I was looking for a slight Chicana Mestizo look, more akin to RL me: In the end my main still looks more or less like what I developed out of that thread: Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX BRIANNON 3.1 Tresbeau Dahlia in Sunkiss with the Velour skins for body. I find the Gen.X Curvy and eBody reBorn make good bodies for curvy looks though you need to dial reBorn's butt and leg muscle down a lot: Leg Muscle : 37 Leg Length: 70 Hip Width: 33 Hip Length: 21 Butt Size: 0 Saddle Bags: 15 Torso Muscle: 58 Shoulder: 32 Arm Length: 100 Hand Size: 30 Torso Length: 65 Love Handles: 18 Height: 19 Body Thickness: 0 Body Fat: 3 And I got a deformer to bring the butt in even more. "-Pretty Liars- Flat Ass Level 3" from the set: '-Pretty Liars- eBODY Reborn Deformers' The thread has a lot of suggestions for different Latin American looks - one of which might work for you. I've also found that it really helps to find hair that is slightly wavy. I've been using the brand [monso] a lot.
  3. Oh man. NFTs. Gals, get your pet rocks and Pokémon trading cards ready; the opportunities are coming for collecting and trading. I think the OP today and yesterday mistook this forum for one owned by Square Enix... Haven't most of the "game and game like product" companies otherwise learned their lesson with regards to this?
  4. These appear to already be half claimed. So far I've just found claim dates back to yesterday on the 9th. But it looks like they're going fast. What's the goal with those Homestead regions? Now that they're making several of them there must be some plan there.
  5. Yeah. You need a good number of regions for good sailing races that also lacks too many other scripted objects - a ring around the welcome hub would do that. There actually are many places in Belli that would make for great sailing races - I'm surprised they aren't being used for that. Unless they are and I'm just not aware. These days I feel like there are better sailing waters in Belli than Blake Sea - though Blake Sea still has many great options.
  6. Yeah. What I've wanted was the ability to have the doors that lead outside autoclose, but the doors inside the home stay open once I open them. It should be as easy as tracking them on a different variable. if door type == 'inside door" && 'outside-only auto' == true { don't run autoclose } Instead of autoclose being true or false flags, it could be a 4 value setting: yes, no, outside only, inside only. And then we just add a doortype flag to each door for inside or outside.
  7. If by that you mean you want one for yourself they come with premium membership. https://secondlife.com/land/lindenhomes/member.php Otherwise. If you're looking for some to explore, there's the parade of homes: https://robertrhodan.de/index-PoH.html - There's an inworld HUD version of that available as well from @RobertRhodan. There are several inworld Bellisseria groups you can join to find places to explore, events to go to, and people to rant together with about stuff. You can visit the "Bellisseria Bureau of Bureaucracy" to get guides to hangout spots to visit all over Bellisseria, event listings, and more: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Swordfish/198/64/60
  8. They need to appear not up there, but down below and on the east to fill in the space between ranches and coast and then complete that coast...
  9. I would really love if there was just one brand that put out a whole kit of "modular clothing"... All tops end here or higher, all bottoms come up to no more than there, all shoes and leggings match up like so. Then for anything that's longer by design, it always goes out 'this much' so that everything that maker put out was designed to be able to work with anything else from them.
  10. Just aybe 2 or 3 weeks ago I got rid of a small 480m plot by setting it to below $1l/m Within seconds it was in someone else's name and an orange cloud was standing next to me. If they're not using bots - they're using something equally useful.
  11. Anyone who goes to Concept for these, spin around and look at the shop. There's a LOT of stuff there that fits that kind of theme. Looks like a good place to fill in items for Campers, Log Homes, and Ranches.
  12. Didn't Maitreya go mod at some point? For reBorn I just rez out the body and link all these things I use to it, and unlink and remove the parts I don't use.
  13. Well we should avoid bring politicians into any sane discussion of anything. The job of a politician is finding a wedge - any wedge - no matter how relevant or not it might be, and then expanding and deepening that wedge as much as possible in order to split people into fighting factions such that one faction will give that politician money and power in order to 'defeat' the other faction... when it was that very politician who created the factions to begin with. In other words, politicians are in the business of creating problems that only they can save you from.
  14. I will agree that this reads badly, at least as written. It's a common complaint that you might get a commission on women's health issues staffed by all male politicians or doctors. Or a study on issues in some minority community staffed by all members of that society's controlling majority population. It's just as flawed when flipped. If one community is telling people all about the problems of another community without that discussion being spearheaded from members of the community under discussion - there's a biased perspective issue.
  15. Such a device is almost certainly working via llShout or llRegionSay Neither of which is targeting a listener, but sending to everyone in a range. So is they have a disable command you'd either be putting yourself on a list to not be copied out (your words don't get spammed), or you'd be turning the device off. Chat extenders do have a valid role in a social venue that is larger than the 20m range of local chat. I'd agree that making one broadcast something 150m or so away is rude. But if you have a club - 20m is a very tiny space to try and cram all the avatars in.
  16. It's so much about context. It's not about body type, or gender or whatever. The big difference, for example, between the 'awkward' pick up line and the creepy one is entitlement. The awkward person is trying to engage me and hoping I'm interested in them. The creepy person feels I owe them my time, they have a right to access to me. The difference in those comes out often right away in the message, approach, and so on. Having grown up with multiple autistic friends; I've never even met an autistic person that couldn't tell the difference the moment an interaction occurred. There might be people who want to claim they can't spot the difference or women are just being biased when they claim there is a difference - but I'm highly suspect of the motives of such people. It reads a lot like how incels will use such things to drive themselves into a frenzy of anger rather than just trying to be social - self-radicalization.
  17. There's a big difference between creepy and awkward though. Awkward is fine - especially among young people it can be charming and certainly was when I was young. Some folks don't like awkward - their loss. But almost nobody like creepy.
  18. We do know that is true of countries like China and Japan - where rapidly falling birth rates are a result of 'social isolation' in terms of intimate relationships. I note that because if it was true elsewhere then we'd see the same end result: empty schools, empty maternity wards, etc. China's on projection right now to have from half it's current number to less people than the USA does in a few decades - depending on how severe things get. The impact of "less fooling around" on a societal level is dramatic.
  19. I've worked with people from all over the world for a few decades now and I'll say that treating people with respect and decency is not unique to any culture. But a LOT of jerks will pretend it's not a part of their culture in order to get away with stuff - only to get called out hard by their own countrymen often before I can do it. I've even worked overseas and seen "my fellow Americans" pretend "that's just how we do it back in the States, it's considered proper to treat you coloreds like coloreds (or flip that), hit on the ladies, hit on the guys, or whatever" as a fellow American stands to the side face-palming. When abroad - some people use their homeland's worst stereotypes as an instruction manual, and some people rise to being global ambassadors; often just by acting the same way they do back home or in RL.
  20. I think it's good to have them visible to those on them and those who put them on them (those with control access to the land) - but see no reason why anyone else needs to know. That said, switching to ban-lines. Back when banlines used to break vehicles I felt anyone inside a parcel with non-specific banlines on should see the lines regardless of their settings. Since banlines no longer do that... I'm less hostile to them now. I'm more partial to thinking that anyone inside a plot with a security orb should get a message every scan of the orb that "ain't no one been ejected this pass." or "OMG, we got one boyz!" situation depending - not disablable or mutable. - The second message preferably voiced by WoW's Asmongold at max volume if you have any sounds enabled.
  21. While my numbers might be off, 20 still means those regions are very likely highly profitable. I do find that an odd number given cloud servers that are largely left alone and can be spun up or down only as used. But is that's their number and there are some 15000 people in them then that breaks to profit as long as there are less than 750 old linden home regions. While the exact 'when is this profitable' number is whatever it is - it's almost certainly worth keeping them as a great source of consistent revenue.
  22. Just outside my log house: I'm ready in case anyone has an axe to grind, I've got several: (wanted some battleaxes for my alt here and a fantasy look - and this fullperm set of 4 came with a stand. Bit land impact heavy but I've got it out for now until I put my posing scripts into them.) If every weird bloke that keeps coming into my home and tossing out pickup lines is a nail; I've got my hammer ready:
  23. Furniture and props need to always be mod. It's been years since I encountered any that wasn't. I routinely strip out the animations, add or remove scripts (since AVSit is open source you can just put in new pieces by grabbing them off of github), link and unlink things, and of course - resize to fit my avatars which are scaled to the height that rezzing a prim next to me says is '1:1' scale for what I'm going for (scaling and linking all my rezzed stuff tends to cut the total land impact it all costs by anywhere from 1/3 to a 1/2 - letting me rez a LOT of stuff). So even before shadows if I actually found a no-mod item that was meant to be rezzed on my land I'd give it a pass.
  24. 'Waifu'? Probably not the best product name for reBorn to choose for body addon. A few pages in on MP search and everything turns into anime...
  25. Yeah cast shadows would be like my image above - if they had painted those shadows on the floor - onto the actual floor texture. I've seen that and it looks really bad when you turn on modern era SL lighting. (If I remember right there was a brief period right before or just after mesh came out when doing that was a thing - especially for skyboxes. But that was before advanced lighting (I think), so at the time it made sense, and in many skyboxes it can still work well as advanced lighting shadows from the 'sun' won't go through a skybox wall unless it's "mostly or fully transparent.") Ambient shadows are like under the cabinet at left and turquoise sofa in the background - that can enhance even when you have advanced lighting on.
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