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Helene Letov

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  1. Just a heads-up: The Saturday Sale has a 10th year aniversary event. I took home demos for Blueberry jeans, both types. When I tried them on with every long sweater I own, all but one fit over them without clipping. I have sweaters from COCO, Erratic, ISON and other brands. The same with long jackets. Almost all of them could be worn over the jeans. I use Maitreya Lara. People sometimes ask for help to find clothes that can be layered. It is not often I find mesh pants I can wear with long tops. Maybe you will try a demo with your clothes and see how it works for you. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/N21/122/211/43 It is also a lot of gifts, and the place is full now. It is worth trying to get in later, the event ends Oct. 1th.
  2. Yes, I was sad to see no new models. Especially since all other themes got so big houses. Traditionals feels like cottages to me now. LL could have made other Traditional houses in the same style and colors, but made them bigger, like the Newbrooke sizes.
  3. I agree, water is a big pull. I would also like a feeling of "exclusivity", that the plots is not too tight crammed in a region. It is a money issue for LL, of course. But not more than 7-8 in a region, and the protected land around need to include a lot of water.
  4. Do you have a "box" symbol in your inventory, and you tried to add it? And did you end up with a box on your avatar? If that is so, you must unpack the box. You drag it on ground, but it must be a place that allow people to unpack things this way. You can try to teleport to NCI https://www.nci-sl.info/blog/about-nci/ they have a sandbox and changing rooms. https://secondlife.com/destination/1691
  5. I think I found out why it takes time. The Skinnery's vendor replies with "Wrong active group" and no link to the group. So people has to look for a group joiner, and it's not easy to see. I am used to a separate group joiner in plain sight, or beside the gift vendor. Not here, it is in another room than the gift, on a board high up. People who walk in to the gift board has to walk out and cam around. I spent more time in The Skinnery than other stores.
  6. Is one of these DeeTalez? The vendor show the skin with white patches (snow?), so I did not go there. No stores include body skins anymore. I am so lucky that Velour had body skins.
  7. I think Sintiklia has been 100 L to join before. I am not sure, it may have been free too. I am keeping that group and go back later. I saw many group gifts. I picked up many other group gifts from Nuve, Pumec, Cosmetize and The Skinnery. Some stores have gifts for Catwa and other heads, but I can delete them later if I take them by a mistake. The Velour body skin for Reborn fit Maitreya Lara well, I think. It was no Maitreya version of it, only Reborn and Legacy.
  8. Thank you @Ceka Cianci It is a lot of groups to join. I must leave some of them. Who do I select to leave? Do any of you remember groups that will be pay to join later? I am sure The Skinnery wasn't free. But I picked up the group gifts now, not only the LeL event skin.
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