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UnilWay SpiritWeaver

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Everything posted by UnilWay SpiritWeaver

  1. I wanted to give out a freebie, and marketplace seemed the best place to put it, so I went to set up a store. Did the thing on marketplace to create a store. Then tells me my next step is to do: Open the Marketplace Listings window in the Second Life Viewer by choosing Me > Marketplace listings from the top menu bar. Everytime I try to do this SL instantly crashes I've tried on both the official viewer and Firestorm to the same result. Even deleted all of the cache folder and user folders of SL, reinstalled, and still instant crash. Is there some account setting somewhere that I might be missing, or some email I need to wait on for approval, or something I need to do that's not in the steps on that website? When I log back in with the official viewer after one of these crashes I have no inventory, but I do have all my folders. I have to log in with Firestorm and then log out normally (not crash), to get my inventory back... If perhaps that offers some clue. Another clue, this option: Is greyed out at the bottom of my inventory window in both viewers. Despite my "store" now existing.
  2. When I put out temporary light my trick to remember is to always use an untextured sphere prim, and not rename it. It's obvious, it's in my way, and so I get rid of it. When rezzing them about I HAVE turned them transparent because they're between the camera and what I'm screenshotting... and those I have forgotten until I notice the scene is too bright some time later. Because I use light shadows all the time, the lights I set out are always super obvious. That at least makes me see them when I've left one behind or attached. I can share that light shade to anyone who wants it. I've put this light shade / directional light texture into a fullperms freebie here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LightShade/25237287 Anyone is welcome to grab that, share it, and use it in anything they want. There's a texture, and a sample prim that uses it. Analyzing the prim's features tab will also show how to set these kinds of things up. Note that if you make a light shade with any other shape - that shape will become the shape of the light. So you could draw lines to create the light going through window blinds or a grate, or even put a picture in there to 'cast' that picture as a light. Directional lights like this are great for enhancing a scene, or for lighting up just the right part of an avatar and nothing beyond that part. In this case I've rezzed the light - but an attached light can be used the same way. Give it a little more 'radius' and you can see how it's focused on me, and casts a stark shadow onto the wall of the exact area it lights up. I use these in my home to light up extremely specific parts of rooms, without the light going through walls but carefully editing the radius and other numbers.
  3. ... On a serious note: For taking images, I do often put lights around me in a scene to enhance things. I've even got a light shade texture I can put into the box to the right of the color that makes the light directional. I can see an actual use for a "facelight" when not on land where I can rez things - to achieve the same purpose. I'd just attach prims to avatar center so I could move them around without my pose moving them - then turn them into lights and use my light shadow to aim them (it's just a texture that has a black or white circle in it - I forget which).
  4. Do you have any thoughts, opinions, or preferences on anything? Congratulations you've been manipulated. The more fervently people believe they have NOT been, the more intensely they have. It's a bit like how do you find the stupidest people in a room? Ask the geniuses to raise their hands - those are your idiots. How do you find out who's most likely wrong on a deep topic? Ask who knows they are right - those folks don't know jack. People who don't self question are easy marks.
  5. That's why I note that the order of things is backwards. Proper order would be: If they had required TPV compliance first there would have been no gap period where users falsely believed they were protected. You do some quiet testing to make sure things work - any viewer claiming to support it does so, any viewer not fails on login for a test account. You get the feature rolled out into those viewers that choose to support it, THEN you let customers add the feature to their accounts. Rolling out a feature first without requiring TPVs to either support it or block logins to accounts that have MFA - means accounts that presumed they were protected were in fact not. If you don't have MFA enabled this change does nothing. All the change is, is that people who DO have MFA, now cannot use a TPV to circumvent using that MFA. In other words... if you have my account password, a few days ago you could have logged into my account even if I had MFA active, using a TPV. Now, at least if this policy has actually gone live, you cannot. Since your account lacks MFA - nothing has changed for you. Anyone on any viewer who guesses your password can log into it.
  6. Hoping to catch up on Foundation: It's VERY DIFFERENT from the novels. But then the novels took place over centuries. Hard to have a consistent cast that way - so they've used tricks to keep the same actors around. To me those have been improvements because while Aasimov was good at world building and plot, his characters were very lacking.
  7. If you install an AI Art generator and tell it to make something like "beautiful black woman" an uncanny number of the images will be women so White you could coat buildings with them for air conditioning... Then you'll get suspiciously young looking Asian and White women in black clothing. And if lucky - an actually dark skinned woman shows up. If you refine your prompt with African instead of black - it will help just a tiny bit, but not much. This holds with other ethnicities and even fantasy and sci-fi species until you start asking for XXX Furries or Asian women with anime like features because... yeah. On the other hand, if you ask for a nude woman - be prepared to be scared by what shows up between the legs. Yet if you ask for a nude male be prepared for more correct anatomical detail than you will find on a real life man. There are some very... interesting... patterns in what AI is good or bad at. When discussing this topic some months back elsewhere, I put forth my own theory that it's not the biases of the general Internet, but rather the engineers that filled in the data. They seem to have been a bunch of guys who had never seen nude women, loved anime, furries, D&D, and young Asian girls (I say girl and not woman on purpose), and had a huge personal collection of d**k pics... It's slowly changing - but the young anime pseudo Asian girl thing is actually getting more extreme... A quick look at civitai dot com, where artists share their training models and prompts, will show you why.
  8. This drives me nuts... Instead my 234 and counting outfits (which is a lot for someone who is almost always nude - but I gotta have one for every hairstyle and so on)... Instead all those outfits get organized with naming conventions that I sometimes forget or mistype, and to sort them I've taken to adding various characters at the front. "! " for things I want up top, "~ " for things I want at the end. Then I've got stuff like: "! Hair - Straights - Brand - Specific Hair - Some tweak" "Weapons - Type - name - stuff worn with it" (and over time 'Weapons' have evolved to be almost any roleplay getup...) And then it gets messy when some random things just end up in places.
  9. This seems like it was done... backwards. They should have required all TPVs to enable MFA before letting us add MFA to our accounts. Make sure the feature works, then roll it out. Instead they rolled it out to customers, and then told TPVs to implement support for it. That logic escapes me.
  10. MOST of the time you can check that by editing an item and looking at the item profile. Right Click -> Object -> Inspect (The item in purple is whichever item in the list I select, so you can snoop through a large linkset to find pieces.) Here I am finding out where the maker of my houseboat addon kit got their window frame from: You don't even have to own the item for this: - So there I can see that the Moles are using items made by the Moles. The exception for fullperms kits is when someone buys the DAE file - that's buying the Blender file, and then they upload it themselves making them the creator. People that steal stuff also typically upload it themselves... so here's where you have to make guesses, contact original creators, and so on. Many fullperms kits have a TOS barring selling it again as fullperms, and often also banning giving it for free. Recently I did see one specifically allowing giving it for free in events, group gifts, and such - but that was for an item you'd rez in your house, not clothing.
  11. I halfway don't get why things like this are still happening when SL and MMOs are decades old now. You'd think the idea of a 'metaverse' would be as "old" as "the Internet" - and yet a few years ago the entire world went nuts because Zuckerberg "discovered" America... er, the Metaverse. But just like with Columbus - people had already been there for ages but the wrong guy got the credit anyway. Like... What are we doing here and why is this topic still coming up?
  12. If you don't have the skills to do that (/waves) look for skins that come with or on a modifiable tattoo layer. Velour's do this, as do the face skins they sell. Several people that make faces that are meant to be used with them also do this, but not all of them. If you have your skin on a moddable tattoo layer, you can open it and apply a very slight tint. On my main, using Velour Sunkiss, I tinted the skin with (230,235,230) - which is extremely minor by itself, but on the skin it gave just a slightly browner look. (Total tangent but - I did the same thing with the 'alt' I use on the forums - that's the velour 'dark elf' tone, with some purple/blue added. You can also get a free 'tinting layer' from nuve - but this "washes out" detail a little. I had applied that to blend purple into brown for the elf I use on the forum, but I kept thinking there was a hazey cloud filter over my SL, until I realized it was the tinting tattoo making my eye see things even beyond my avatar as 'washed out'.)
  13. Social Media has taken the worst of our instincts and put them through a refining process into a complete horrible mess. Tech, media, and policy makers have been aware of this for at least as long as the rise of ISIS in the Middle East, if not longer - as that was largely fueled by social media putting people into feedback loops until they were radicalized. Google and Facebook were and still are like... "just because we created the platform, hosted the content, served it up based on algorithms we purposefully designed to deliver increasingly emotionally driven content, rewarded increasingly incendiary, emotional, or 'clickbaity' content with fame and then paid people millions to make that content... doesn't make it our fault or responsibility." What is an Incel but someone who fumbles with social skills early on, goes online to figure out what from when, and gets shown stuff in an emotional feedback loop until "this dating stuff is so confusing" becomes "everyone else is after me, and I will get even with them." Incels are a whole league worse than anything we're actually talking about - but if you look at articles on the rise of their thing, it's very tragic and very social media driven. You've even got influencers who put these poor guys into a feedback loop of hate in order to keep them coming back for more clicks - telling them to avoid talking to actual women, getting therapy, and so on... telling them that they are just "too repulsive" because they're not a "Chad" so the only hope is to "like and subscribe" on the video... And well... that seems to be the way of everything these days. It's all going to the far ends and no one ever wants to meet in the middle or do self reflection or compromise on anything. Because if you do... the algorithm won't get fed.
  14. My biggest problem is screen sizes. Mobile devices have advanced a lot in recent years and there are good odds many of us have better graphics on our phones than our computers - but the screen is just too small. That hasn't stopped a lot of mobile action games. But it does change how people use them and interact within them. It will thus attract a different kind of user - even if that user is also using it on desktop, when they go mobile they will often use it differently simply because the perspective will look and handle differently. Mixing the two kinds of users will often be awkward. That's not a negative per se. It's just something we'll end up having to get used to.
  15. Yeah it got bumped by @BellaaChula for the same concern. But that's why I linked my related but more current (last year rather than 11 years) topic. However Bellaa has also not returned to the topic.
  16. ... sigh. I'm going to quote myself to point out a flaw in my assumptions that really annoys me. I typed "too many". Reality is I could probably count those guys on one hand, maybe half that hand. But the impact of it really bugged me so much that I changed the way I act in SL and I have these reflexive reactions now that start as judgmental until I can back away and think... That... really gets on my nerves. But I don't see myself undoing it any time soon. I always hesitate in SL now. Sad thing is I came to SL to find a space where, unlike in RL, I wouldn't be doing that.
  17. I hate this new "slang term" of "Nice Guy" because it grammatically confuses the heck out of an "old person" like me. Now I know why my parent's generation would roll their eyes when we would call something we liked "bad" or a hot guy was "cool" back in the 80s. Yeah 'actual' nice folks are more common. But the bad ones leave a scarring impact. I don't like that my SL conduct changed as a result of them despite them being the minority of my interactions - but it has.
  18. I'll go back to something I said early in the discussion in either this thread or the one that preceded it. I have no issues with awkward or socially inept folks - they can actually be quite endearing when they're trying and fumbling about. And I think finding them endearing is a common reaction. It's the entitled ones that are an issue. The meaning 2 above. They're actually often very socially savvy within their own community of enraged and entitled fellow conspirators. The awkward person doesn't know what they're doing and is trying to figure it all out. The entitled person knows what EVERYONE ELSE is doing to them and is demanding they all change. The difference is usually immediately obvious to anyone who encounters the two.
  19. This would frankly explain a lot about SL to. My joke from earlier that the the most unrealistic expectation is to think it's not a hook-up app, and the other unrealistic expectation is to think it is... is not really a joke. It's two very different sets of assumptions over what SL is for. I enjoy SL as dress-up play. I used to enjoy socializing and discussion groups as well (too many (actually just a very few but memory scarring) guys kept IMing sexting talk at me during those though - even during a discussion about inappropriate conduct the guy agreeing with me in local chat would be IMing graphic sexting...). I have a lot of fun with my extreme looks and messing around with my virtual home and avatars. Other people view this as a sexting hookup app, etc. My "unrealistic expectation" is that I have none. I'm not here for that.
  20. Actually... "Nice Guy" seems to be a newer slang way to refer to an Incel. It's in reference to the fact that Incels tend to self proclaim that no nice guy can actually succeed with women, because you know women are horrible or something, only "Chads" can succeed and "nice guys" (you know... all those nice guys who hang out online blaming women's expectations and talking about the ways they will get even...) are left out. So now I've been seeing a lot of the "young folks with their funny words" use the term "Nice Guy" as a side-eyed reference to an Incel.
  21. Unless it's inworld in Second Life - in which case no one will do anything about the sign. Ever.
  22. This is Bachata music - which is the perfect dance music:
  23. In 1982 this song made it's composer the oldest living person at age 95 to get a top hit on the pop charts when it came out: Of course it originally came out in 1929 with a slightly different sound. The singer, Taco - is Indonesian-Dutch German. He's got a whole collection of synth-pop remakes of classic songs. You might also recognize it from "Young Frankenstein" And here's the original - which will need turning up the sound a lot to be able to hear:
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