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GothGirl Demonia

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Everything posted by GothGirl Demonia

  1. Well Age Verification should have never changed from Require ID. I know that a lot of pornography sites for example just have an I agree button enter here, but think of it like this. If a kid is under 18 and accessing Second Life adult areas which contain sexual content its the parents fault true, But we as people who operate servers, services etc are supposed to be trying to keep our enviorment safer for kids too at least this is what I believe. You know there are so many Teens that go missing fact is they could have accessed a service like Second Life, met a so called Boyfriend they became to trust and it was a serial killer, or rapist accessing SL, but one of the most important SL offers no protection for teens or kids really I mean LL can ban someone but Bans don't really work I know this others know it they can just come right back. Even the basic age verification to keep a Teen from accessing an adult area ruined by Linden Lab it wasn't made to stop griefers, but the fact is it worked because they had to show ID. * What I mean in general is good luck Police on tracknig the Serial Killer through those proxies and such especially if he was on a Laptop using Free WI-FI.* ** Well verification could be bypassed but not as fast as creating 500 accounts and being able to verify them all.** I know some didn't like age verify but I approved of it to keep kids safe, not only kids but Stop Griefers I am sick of having to put up with griefers going into adult regions and acting like little children pretending to be me in serious ways or rumors being spread because someone decides to amke a 1 day old account and grief thinking its funny when its not. Hard Fact age verification stop the griefers and prevent access to teens to Adult Areas and it should have stayed like this, a Pornographic video can't hurt a teen, but content in SL can. Also yes people call me a crazy kitty sometimes but I will say I am over 21 and age verified with some serious mental issues because of all the **bleep** I have to put up with in SL at times, and naturally a bit on the crazy side see I believe in Aliens and I believe the government is spying on us with Mind Control ... Goolge HAARP
  2. So I don't play SL much anymore other than logging into check on things deal with Land, chat with a few friends but spend actual hours and hours in SL anymore No not at all I find SL boring as hell, I have better luck in EVE online mining astroids. Anyways First thing I notice, is a But Load of drama because some Role Player the same guy who has been sending around accusations about me filling his sim full of cubes is still doing such and nothing Linden Lab will do about this guy griefing and trying to defame me because ive already reported it god knows how many times, problem is he is telling lots of people I am a griefer but fails to back up anything so HurrDurrr the drama... What can I say some people will beleive some wont... Problem However, is that Linden Lab still has not fixed age verification, anyone can get access to any Adult area by saying I am over 18+ check box Okay so make account login to Second Life go grief I am over 18 bam instant access to adult only area. Please Linden Lab go back to require ID it would have prevented this griefing these trolls have done on me and many others. The Second Problem The asset server is so laggy I tried to replace outfits, things were not attaching properly, the Create Outfit was messing up not properly copying Copyable items over to a new folder, and not only that but items failing to attach detach, it would temporary work if i changed region at times but big failures, and multiple reconnects to voice chat server. I had to manually fix two of my outfits again because of broken items some of them copy to the same folder twice and god that was annoying. I found some items also in folders I did not place them in pretty odd. Looks like there is some serious asset server issues going on because I kept having this problem with the lag on attaching items not attaching even after 5 minutes. A few days ago I had no problems. Okay so I checked out https://secondlife.com/my/account/membership.php And I agree LL is starting to get some good marketing going however Linden Lab needs to fix that age verify thing ASAP to help prevent griefers, and do something to stop all the griefing to make life easier for those trying to enjoy and use the service it is annoying having to worry about Griefers logging in doing things for the laughs Oh hi Im X player here derp herp whatever name gets griefed, but its also even more annoying to have all these spyware systems like Red Zone & CDS running around monitoring residents they need to be removed. Another Thing Viewer 3. Give Users back a Interface like Viewer 1, I am still using a V1 based viewer because I absolutely do not like Viewer 3 it doesn't behave like Viewer 1 in any way and god Viewer 3 so annoying click bottom to access chat, Go right to get notices GRRR. Hey Guys lets not forget as a premium subscriber! We have no idea how to get to the premium sandboxes because this should be built into peoples viewers or stuck in the library under LandMarks Premium Sandboxes or something. 
  3. I would say it is possible if a person griefs a bunch of regions using your name, and spoofing your profile to look like theirs they could accuse and ban you. I found myself banned from 13 RP sims in 2011 without a reason because a griefer from one of my RP groups which also RP on the sims decided to grief these 13 simulators, send me hateful comments using objects on their regions to my email, and the Admins were dumb and believed that I would make an appeal to them for something that wasn't fully my fault and then grief them it doesn't make sense. Funny thing is that this griefer is a person from GOR, and I found my name being passed around as a griefer with no proof by this person and their friends all related to eachother. Meanwhile I colelcted Logs, Snapshots, Logs from the admin as well proving that they really don't give a crap from Second Life, and they they really don't care pretty much saying that I have to prove 100% that it wasn't me griefing them or its my fault and they will grief me by sending out false rumors, and leaving a ban which is declinging access from friends who own land there. * This is pretty much abuse right there they do have a right to ban, they do not have a right to have their members spread rumors around SL, or Share OOC logs in IM's without even consent not even a profile disclaimer. * Out of all the drama there was only one person who had some common sense and might have seen the truth that this griefer was using it as a weapon to get me banned and keep me banned because after all there is only one person who didn't want me there because of OOC drama they wanted to create.* They said to Appeal again later, but we all know how that goes 99.9% of the time its a denied, and the griefer still gets away with it.* Funny thing is that I knew about these sims which used to be 28 regions since 2009, It was also the first place I ever shopped when I transfered over to the main grid, and out of my entire time there was only one Incident wheer I griefed there by accident, my hud used a lot of prims/probes and was using so much script time It almost crashed the region, not intentional in any way, but the owner was very nice and told me about it, as I said I don't forget things like this, and I honestly wish they as Role-Players would get their acts together and show some respect like they once did, but again 28 regions now down to 11 regions, and lets not forget all the rumors about drama on wikipedia about them not funny in the least. One thing I can't figure out is Motive why would I have wanted to grief these people, and why do it then why not have done it a year ago if I hated them. Something even they as so called Managers, or Moderators couldn't answer. Then I had another incident with a very big Land Owner where I got banned from over 200+ sims I never found out why and supposedly I was unbanned from them all, the reason I suspect is a griefer doing things in my name as usual, but I was never told why. All I know is that I was declined access to my friend who was paying on a rental estate for land aka parcel land, but some manager hit Ban All Estates maybe because some griefer was spamming cubes around on parcels and pretending to be me after all I have been threatend many times, and had griefers grief an Estate I was renting on once before. So to answer the question. You can get banned from a lot of sims due to griefers, however this is a problem with Ignorant Managers, and Moderators who do this and beleive a griefer, they give griefers the power to do it again to someone else they do not like, and they will continue to abuse that power. I have pretty much I would say with all the documents I have posted public on these incidents and on other game forums proven that it was not me griefing because why would I spam myself, and why would I send myself hundreds of hateful emails to myself from Second Life it just doesn't make sense. However I doubt you will get banned from every simulator because LL owns a lot of public Welcome Areas, and SandBox, although griefers can be a real pain if they should grief others using your name, and they can get you banned from places you have never been to I know its happend to me before I walk into a place never knowing why I was banned. When it comes down to it I usually try myself not to just ban people infact I can't remember the last time I actually used the ban function was because I usually don't have many problems, but I usually just wipe the list off all the lands every few months or something give people a chance as if it is a real griefer they will be banned by Linden Lab, there isn't really a reason to hold a grude for the most part, and there is only really two people I currently will hold a so called grudge on, but that can change depending on their actions in SL and if they really are changed people. Believe me I try to forget or forgive but with what some people do it just isn't possible until you see real changes. So yup it really depends on the whole situation and what or how people are griefing you, If someone for example said please ban X name here for X reason randomly to every land owner I doubt they would listen, but if they have connections, or Grief using your name and spamming objects even though they are not you it could create problems.
  4. I dunno but the problem with the Bot is this. I have seen a person in world who has been around since 2009 I was part of their group, and I found that a few of my members were botting a bunch of crap, I brought this to the attention of this person who was an owner they simply didn't care, but now rumor is they have changed and actually care now. Funny thing is that they are still members of these big RP alliances in Second Life and claim they are of such because they have no choice, and the CopyBot users are still members of this group. * I Left all the groups years ago, and they even tried to hide these groups from their profile, but I have my ways of tracking cats, they can't hide from me.* 1. The problem is that some people dont give a crap about botted content, they know its ripped still wear it, and the owners who own, or rent sims from real estate companies but are griefers and then ban people who know they are botting to keep them from reporting it. 2. The Second Problem is that the CopyBot is like a gun, its only a TOOL which can be used for backing up content which is a great thing, but people misuse the tool to rip other peoples content and thats the bad thing when you start seeing all this cloned content going around. 3.The witch hunting, I agree that reporting Botters is a good thing, but some people are dumb enough to believe a griefer and cause even more drama nad grief all around aka they send out notices with no proof accusing X person of being an alt of someone when they can't prove it simply because the person claims to be an alt of that person or something. Then you have the system like CDS, and Red Zone which claim to stop CopyBot, it can stop an idiot using a bot who has 0 experience but the fact is these systems do more harm than good, I even have confessions from some of these people proving that such systems are abused. * They do more harm becuase now until CDS, and Red Zone are gone I avoid all sims in SL unless I know 100% for certain it doesn't have spyware on them, in other words all developers loose money because I wont stop by their sims or purchase their products if I know they are using spyware there to track me without my consent.* 4. Linden Lab does care about piracy, and I have had way over 3000 stolen items in the past packed into boxes asked for removal, got lots of DMCA's filed and a lot of it was removed by Linden Lab, the problem however is the ability to export everything to your hard disk drive, and the ability to reupload it a million times from hundreds of griefer accounts. Imagine piracy as 5 people copybot the same product 5 different copies, the person who created the content finds out and files a DMCA that one copy is removed but 4 more are still floating around. * I no longer have any of this as it was all removed because LL asked me to delete it and knew about it which the goal was to get a lot of it removed from SL a lot of content was blacklisted not all before I Junked it, but it was good seeing this.* But now CopyBot isn't the only problem, I see people illegally, and without consent uploading items from TurboSquid, and other games. I am a big RPG player and I was searching on google for new RPG releases and bam I see something named after a game on the market place, I am sure being used without consent, but I can't file a DMCA because I do not have consent, and I would have to check with the game company if consent was given, fact is maybe it wasn't but maybe they just don't care either way there isn't anything I can do about it other than asking the company and sending them a link to the content and ask them if they like file a DMCA. Problem is people can easily use False payment information, and Information/IP address, it is very simple to do and very simple to upload mesh stolen from an alternate account so you don't get banned on your main account, and don't tell me its not possible to hange your Hard Disk serial, and MAC address becuase that is super easy to get around a hardware ban. So generally LL does care, and they do remove content, but again it is like Piracy on real world content if you have ever been to a torrent site for example you would know that some games are released and cracked before they are even released. For example Mass Effect 3, and all steam games are easily pirated, even Red Faction Aramageddon which sucked btw was cracked and decoded without even needing to install steam 2 days before release. * They claimed their software would be hard to pirate they were wrong... Lets not forget Mass Effect 3 as well how easy it was to play 24 hours before release of the game on steam. Fact is Digital Downloads are easily pirated/cracked, which is why QHud for example has a Database to log legit users so basically its not possible for someone to just pass around a pirated version, well they can but they would get their name flagged... Its just too bad you can't do that with hair for example. If you keep buying stolen stuff, then keep to the well known developers, and avoid those Shopping Malls in Second Life for example the big Skybox malls that charge people for rent as that is often the places you will find ripped content is Mall stalls because its easy for them to sell and cash out before they get banned, and if they get banned they don't loose land or a lot of money. * I am not saying that all Malls are full of stolen content, but I am saying that often a lot of RP sims do not fully monitor the renters close enough and it does get sold/passed around, not saying either that all people selling items in a mall are selling illegal content, because Malls are where I used to shop, although most of the stuff I bought was actually legit from developers using malls to advertise their main store.* Even then it is sometimes still buy stolen content, but if you stick to the well known people you probabily won't find as much blacklisted. Piracy can hurt the people just starting a business or something, but again thats why they need to get their name out there as a developer so that people know they are legit and then they won't have a problem.
  5. http://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/blog/remove-your-online-identity-ultimate-guide-anonymity-and-security-internet-0131741/ For all of those asking questions like. Why am I getting griefed. Why are my friends being stalked. Why are they finding me. How are they finding me. Here is the perfect guide to remain Anonymous Minus not creating picks at a public hub instead of places you visit, and using pictures others uploaded in your profiles.
  6. Either that or they don't know how to proxy correctly :3. www.hidemyass.com Download it set it up properly, but do know that if another griefer uses the same IP address as you, you can easily get flagged as being their alt and banned from SL. VPN/Proxies, and often stick my connection through more than one server so tracking isn't so easy . Voice System Error? No its called Voice Over Internet Provider, it is a seperate program provided by Vivox, and any company I hate to say it but stupid enough to give out information when you give your IP address and tell them you forgot your password or can't login and if they can reset it for you is stupid no offense. I suggest if you are having these problems you do the following. 1. Remain Anonymous. 2. Dont PayPal others users they can get your name easily. 3. Don't use the same password across other services. 4. Don't use your SL name on facebook let alone provide any information to these companies Trolls will google you. 5. For the love of god don't use city of birth for your Secret Question, Mothers Birthdate etc. 6. User a serious password P@$$W0rDæ¿• for example. 7. Use a serious secret question and stress you will not forget it don't give out info to anyone trying to get your info. aka not a single answer More than one, don't use popular movies, Anime Characters ETC. 8. All Viewers that come from any Third Party can have a keylogger. 9. There are many Java Script/Cook Exploits so disable all this when you are not using it. 10. Disable Media. 11. Learn that your computer will get a Keylogger, or a Trojan at some point there is often no way to prevent this especially those running java they had a major security issue back aways with Google AD's being used to Phish information, but I detected it right when it happend no harm done in fact if the hacker got anything he got me giving him the birdy as my user name before I disconnected my internets. Like seriously a lot of security compromises are the users fault but I have seen some at the fault of a company too.
  7. Voice is a seperate program from Second Life called Voice Over Internet Provider, and Obtaining IP addresses is something actually easy to do. Hey if they made Death Threats though I would just use that as an excuse to call the police/file a complaint on www.Ic3.GOV as long as they actually said it and also AR it so LL has proof on file when the police actually come in. Griefers can grief no one would care but when they start using Death Threats real or not it can be used against them. OF Course there are ways to get by with doing that like a Ipad at burger king on a SL account griefing with spoofed information and sending a Death Threat almost impossible to track but yep you get my point . I would also disable Media, Java Script, Cookies ETC. Unless you actually need them there are ways to obtain info from those as well. Oh and Griefers with Friend/ship callingcard spam, I would Abuse Report it, but there are other things you can do on viewers like Phoenix Block Spam client function . LL does care but they can't control griefers :3 Griefers Gonna Grief its like saying GGG. You can also did this. 1. Mute/Abuse Report 2. Use your client to block Spam 3. Make sure Build is not turned on on the land so they can't rez objects. ( Object Entry Too) for parcel land. 4. Make your groups invite only, not open enrollment. 5. Make sure you Log everything, even Video Record your Screen Helps, along with Snapshots especially the death threats. I know its a pain but if griefers wanna play you gotta learn to Tango :3. Like seriously You can grief griefers back without doing a single thing especially when you can prove to Law Enforcement that they have threatend you Even if they just did it for the laughs you can grief them back because the joke might be on them especially if they have ever done a crime before look at what happend to Red Zone I warned that guy before I filed my complaints for spyware along with others to remove all data of mine without my consent, same thing with some other systems.
  8. http://www.copyright.gov/help/faq/faq-general.html I think the Rules OF The Internet apply to Copyright. While I am generally for the protection of content in SL, and Artwork, I disagree with some of the CopyRight Laws, and I bet that 99.9% of Americans have actually broken a copyright law myself included, while it might not be anything serious like Reuploading, CopyBot, or such Copying, or even Recording Music without consent, even sharing a program with your friend or using it on a Second Computer without a license is considered illegal, but these are things where I generally say Rules OF The Internet, and generally I just don't care. I believe that work should be registered in a Public Database or something of all CopyRighted content by name, and be able to be looked up by anyone instead of an automatic copyright law simply because of things like the first person to create a Archery Bow, or a Sofa, and then another person comes along hey I am going to create a Sofa, and steals ideas to make their own but still its really impossible to lay full copyright claims to anything unless its something very unique never created before although I find that rare because in every game today its Elves, DarkElves, DWARF's, or ORGES nothing new really in fact I wonder who holds the copyright to these races created in online gaming. * Another problem is no one really knows who has a license to use someone elses content unless they ask the company, or person who created it, this can create rumors by some people yelling OMG Copyright violation when it may not be although a lot of times I am seeing Mesh sold that I believe people do not have permission to use while I generally wouldn't care if they were using it without consent and not making any profit that won't prevent the game company from filing a DMCA, but how do others verify if the person really has consent to be using such is the real question.* It is not like I support piracy in SL because I hate what I have seen griefers do with other peoples content, and I do encourage people who have been stolen from in SL to file a DMCA, and even those who own their work RL that is being used without permission to DMCA it as well if it really upsets them too much as a warning to the person doing it and removal should be enough to let them know its not wanted. Although the reason I say there is because it is the Internets, the free flow of information. Some Thoughts. I find Movies,Music & Games to be the most pirated on the internets but then is there really a such thing as piracy when you own a old game from 1998, and you simply can't find a disk anymore so you decide to torrent it, or you go to a concert, or radio and record music without permission or anyone knowing, or movies at a theator. Fact is I believe that like 99.9% of americans break some type of copyright laws most likely Teens. It is kinda like recording convosations, or Taking Snapshots without consent wehre it be a computer software program, or game such as SL, or in Real Life, although once it is on the internet at least 1 person downloads it and its forever on the internets. In fact something funny I realise I wonder if I can Copyright my Tree so no one can take a picture of it because its unique, or Copyright my own picture or my Dogs picture, or even my house something kinda funny I don't see talked about often, I bet these would be slapped off as Fair Use at least on some of it. * In fact if you go to YouTube and search for* GameStop Prank Call, or WalMart Prank Call, you will see there is like so many posted without consent of all parties.
  9. In general everyone complains about the CopyBot, however bottom Line is that nothing can be done about CopyBot it is here to stay unless LL can actually do something. The problem is that too many people back them up while a lot of people are against it a lot of other people simpyl do not care, say file an AR to LL, and LL doesn't act until a DMCA is filed on Stolen Content well most of the time. While the CopyBot is a problem there becomes a problem with what I suspect is a Violation of Real Life Intellectual Property people constantly going into their game files I suspect and then they open the mesh files in the program, save them and import them into Second Life I have a lot of programs that I believe can do this I am just not exactly sure how to do it. Anyways legally they need permission to use their work let alone Resell it without consent, while it might not be illegal, maybe the people who created the content in Real Life do not know and if they find out they could File a DMCA, even SUE the person, or even try a Lawsuit against LL, however LL will not really act unless a DMCA is filed, and people like me if I created Rikku from Final Fantasy, and 5 other people created a similar product, I could not DMCA theirs because I don't own legal rights to that work. Using another persons mesh while they might not have permission I really wouldn't care as much if they used it for personal use, and deleted it from SL if they asked for it to be done, however that is not the case people are profiting other other peoples IP rights more than likely without consent. * however this does not change the Law on IP rights, or TOS.* See if I uploaded an entire avatar from Mass Effect 3, could you prove that I am not the developer of the game or own rights to that work, of course I don't however can you prove it? And even if so it would require a DMCA for anything to be done. If you are really bothered by someones work offending someone, the most I can suggest is you Email Bioware for example, or any other game company and inform them that their work is being ripped off and profited by pirates, then maybe they will file a DMCA. However one other problem remains is the use of Alternate Accounts to upload mesh, people say oh its not possible, how is it not. Linden Lab said that Prepaid Credit Cards can't be used to pay for Second Life Tier, or to get verifed thought mesh, that is a lie, or something they do not understand. If I used a vanilla visa for example, or a throw away plastic card it won't work however there are some reloadable prepaid cards that will work, and using that and false information to the company I can register an account, use another computer from another FREE WI-FI spot upload a bunch of mesh avatars and sell them, then launder the money out to another account and cash out through paypal leaving an untraceable alt from my main, therefore if it gets banned due to Intellectual Property Violations, or a warning on the account, it wouldn't link back to my main. Pretty Simple Right? So yes all I really know to say is please come up with your own designs, using some Ideas is not bad but try to give the credit where it goes, and respect the Intellectual Property rights of others. I also believe that Linden Lab should actually require a Valid Drivers License, or something as well to be verified before a user can upload mesh, this would prevent what I have said above As I said as well in General there isn't really anything you can do, as Filing False DMCA claims is illegal, and saying they are not using without permission is illegal, however I can offer a suggestion for both parties. 1. Have a signed agreement with permission to use it or they could always go back on their word if you are using their work and Sue/DMCA reguardless of their word. 2. If you feel work is being used without permission cotact the makers of the game, etc. and ask them yourself because you are concerned, and they will or wont file a DMCA. 3. Libel Laws in the U.S well that can effect some people I have been threatend with such before by a certain group in Second Life, however I had collected much more evidence on them that proved they were guilty of assoications with Copybot, and much more saved, so did they go through with it, Nope. Can they do anything about all the posts created about them by people who raged over it online, well they can file a claim with the site hosting the content, or get a court order for TakeDown/Removal but that is about it, when it comes back to tracing who posted it hiding behind a Ton of proxies, and or proving who specifically posted something about someone else I really hope they have proof because I use programs like Remote Access, Team Viewer, it could have been my brother, My Cat, my Dog, or a hacker who accessed my computer remotely, I even offer proxy servers to friends at times but generally not for use in SL, where my computer acts as a VPS so basically they hide behind my computer which then hides behind other proxies hard to prove so I hope people have the money. Oh and another thing beyond Libel, is Threats in SL I have seen it We are gonna call the FBI because you griefed us, we have Linden Friends blah blah I usually ignore that crap but I do snapshot it and pass it on for the laughs because they are not even from the U.S that I am told or aware of so good luck with all the court fees, and actually getting someone to investigate some random griefer attack with virtual cubes they have bigger things to deal with and would say let LL deal with it unless it was a serious threat, and after all it is the internets, there is Free Wi-Fi everywhere, although it isn't like the RIAA didn't bust down some old grannys door because someone close by was BootLegging torrents the wrong way and got caught they sued her because it was her connection yet she had no part in it. After all getting rid of one Griefer is like cutting a Worm in half that worm becomes two worms, and every head you continue to cut off another head grows back kinda like the hydra. Hope some of this helps.
  10. 3.2 You agree to use an Account Name in Second Life that is not misleading, offensive or infringing. You are responsible for activities related to your Account Name, and for keeping your password for this Account secure. 1. Linden Lab signup's for accounts do not require you to use Real Life information at all in fact I can create a new account right now from any computer any IP address simply by giving an Email Address, Birthdate, and Avatar Name, and as long as the name is not offensive, and doesn't break the TOS, or other rules it is legit. 2. From there I can start a group for 100 L$, invite my Main Account to the group, a couple of alts assign them officer rights, and then Cancel my Temporary account leaving the group with therefore no owner. 3. Another possible situation is the Owner, or Group Founder got banned, suspended, or Owed money to LL and their account is in other words banned from Second Life, but the group will remain. I am in a couple of groups right now with no owners just a bunch of officers. The real problem however is when a group is left open enrollment where anyone can join the group, and then that group becomes a griefer group and there is no longer an owner there or even an officer to eject/kick members, change permissions and so the group becomes known as a griefer group and it starts being used as a Griefer Tag for griefing residents.
  11. Well I would like to see Viewer 3 with the option to revert to a Viewer 1 UI/User Interface because I honestly think after using it for awhile now it absolutely sucks, too confusing to new people, and just way too slow to do things I can do faster with any viewer that is Viewer 1. For example the profiles load a lot slower in viewer 1, finding people on viewer 1 was faster because I didn't have to click a drop down menu, and also Viewer 3 requires Java Script turned on to use the search feature which opens up more security exploits in Viewer 3 another thing I forgot to even talk about, which could end up causing any user to get malicious software which could compromise a users account without leaving in world just by accidently clicking a link even with update security software. OverAll I just liked the way the UI was on Viewer 1 a lot better than Viewer 3, I wouldn't and don't mind using Viewer 3, But I would love to have the option to fully customize, or use an old UI instead of the Viewer 3 UI basically under options a setting that says use V1 UI, or something, and be able to set it back like Viewer 1, and switch to Viewer 3 UI at any time the same way it would be great I believe because not only would it speed up things the way they were for me before but it would actually not be so confusing to new users as well. Mesh is actually the new Best Griefer tool in the game I believe because I really can't find a way to derender mesh in viewer 3 meaning graphics card crasher galore maybe I just haven't found it yet. As for why I bring up the Griefing thing, It is a thing I hear about from some of my friends everytime I login to SL even when I don't, and it is sad to have to hear about such. For a user who has been accused as a Bot by CDS, or Red Zone it is there 24/7, and abusing consumers who spend Real Money in Second Life, this is one of the biggest things chasing cosumers away from stores in Second Life and from shopping/ enjoying the game. Linden Lab has known about this for years yet they still have not removed the system from the Market Place, or in World no matter how many of us expressed our dislike. As for the Drama it is not something that will simply go away you login to Second Life and end up having to deal with the same drama created by these two systems in Second Life, and this doesn't include the stupid mods which ruin perfectly good play in SL for lots of people and cause grief on lots of others because of their mistakes, and we are not just talking about a one time thing either, we are talking about SandBoxes constantly getting hit, people Trolling Welcome Areas it all does chase new people off. As for griefing it isn't griefing I have found myself mixed up in, It is griefing on a wide scale I refer to which has caused problems not for only myself but for many users as a whole, we are talking about the kind of griefing where one griefer starts a problem, Linden Lab doesn't do anything when it clearly is them, then a Moderator steps in and finally before you know it the sims start getting nuked kinda thing problems like this that happen daily this being the last good example which lasted about two weeks or so total before it finally died off a bit but that wasn't before they got what they wanted. But this doesn't only go on in private Sims, it actually happens in Public Sandboxes, PM's, and Welcome Areas as well. Sometimes I don't login to SL for like a week but I hear about problems like this from people I have known for a long time so I know it still goes on, I honestly because of Viewer 3 and mesh don't bother with SL as much anyways but to deal with friends and such other than that I am off SL these days, but I know it all still goes on because sometimes I still pop my head into a SandBox and find it filled with Cubes. My Point is that LL needs to start by giving us back a Viewer 1 UI,/User Interface, work on some improvements to support 64 bit OS, and MultiGPU/CPU support, and while they are at it Remove CDS from the Market Place, and the systems similar to it, and that would be a great start it really isn't that hard to do giving users of Second Life an option to choose. Oh yes and Viewer 3 also makes SL Start to look more like a WebSite, and EVE Online, because of the UI instead of a service where you can build,script, play games in the virtual world as we know it like the Virtual Game Arcades, or Militaries it begins to kinda make it feel like a place but to do nothing in my opinion but sit in a chair and talk to friends, the Reason I would like the mode select between the UI. You know like in World OF Warcraft how a person could download custom UI's and add the .XML, and .TOC files to their Add-On Folder and it would change the look and allow users to customize the games menu's and such it wouldn't be so bad if Second Life had a similar system which offered similar features allowing people to download viewer 3, and use the old Layout, or the New, and maybe share their customization although this might be able to be abused with keyloggers.
  12. Here is why. I downloaded and started Second Life in 2008, I remember the old day of knowing nothing about third party SL clients or anything for that matter, but I have to say that using Viewer 1 from 2008-2012 I would say viewer 1 is still the best viewer around. Viewer 1 had a siple and easy to use interface, Admin/God Tools Function, and with Third Party Viewers, easy access to Script Times, and stats pretty much everything viewer 2 has but more simple to use. Viewer 1 was also the ideal of a viewer for new residents it wasn't confusing simple to use UI, simply click Map to find a simulator, Use Build to start building, or Fly to start flying that easy. Even the search functions in Viewer 1 were easier to use, did not require Java Scripting to be enabled, and had a more friendly profile interface compared to Viewer 3 I could search and use Viewer 1 faster than I can with Viewer 3. OverAll after finally changing to Viewer 3 not because I wanted to but because Everyone around me is using Mesh, beyond the Griefing, and Drama which some stupid RP mods caused and chased me away from Second Life while that is some of it Viewer 3 is the other reason I really don't want to spend much time in Second Life anymore. I like Mesh, it is the one thing that can't be copybotted yet that is at least from what I know, and in General Mesh is great, but Viewer 1 is still my best friend, I will miss V1 because of what I described above of how easy it was to use. On using Viewer 3, and finally going through and configure all of the settings the way I wanted to make it behave like Viewer 1 in some ways I just couldn't get it to change such as the way it views profiles I would like all this back like Viewer 1 it is much faster and easier to use, in fact I would like to reroll my entire UI back to V1, and use just mesh and add features I want there from Viewer 2. Even View Profiles takes time to load on Viewer 3 compared to Viewer 1 it was like instant usually. The real problem I find with Viewer 3 is that it feels like a Web Browser, Instead of a Virtual World it feels like I am surfing a website, or playing EVE Online, and I am serious about this not Trolling that is what it feels like to me when I login from Viewer 3. While Viewer 3 may have some benefits I find it very confusing, and Slow to navigate compared to V1, I feel that Viewer 3 needs to be re designed to allow users to revert back to the Viewer 1 style/profile, and complete interface, and switch between Viewer 1 UI, and Viewer 3, this way people can easily choose whic they want for example Viewer 2 might be great if you are visiting websites, media, and certain In World JOBS like building. However the most of Second Life community is actually RolePlayers in GOR, NoR, DCS, BNWCS, CCS, or some other RP systems which I have not used or played yet, but there are actually more consumers than there are developers, and you factor in the confusion of using Viewer 3, the problems Viewer 3 has which doesn't even support Multi GPU/CPU, and over 512 MB of Video Memory yet there is serious problems because people are not wanting to play as much I am one of those people. Other Problems I feel that are related to the decline of SL. 1. People can create as much content as they like in World, but you factor in the CopyBot which has plagued many for so long then you factor in the consumers who are leaving this game or have left for various reasons of griefing, the use of systems like CDS & Red Zone, at first I didn't believe it was a problem but then I saw what was going on and today they still exist, I to be honest Hate stepping in anyones store reguardless because of these systems not because I am afraid of being IP logged because I am afraid of being Flagged as a BOT actually I already have been but fact is that rumors tend to spread around even if a user has no knowledge of such, and for this reason I don't like going into any Store in SL, even my friends stores I try to avoid them, not because I don't enjoy their work because I do but because of these reasons rumors go around, and then if I don't actually buy something I want from there I feel they might really believe im a bot there to rip off others because of this crap that has plagued our grid for the last few years. The problem with this is less people buying peoples content, the less time they will work to develop new content, or releases if they use SL as a source of income. This doesn't include the Griefers who grief in other peoples names, or the Admins who get Control/Moderator rights on regions, abuse those rights create lots of Drama, and cause issues/rumors for others ive experienced this at least twice in SL by Admins who helped griefers by bringing drama down on two developers and dragging me into the middle of it for the laughs, problem is these people actually believed and might still believe I am a BOT, and god knows how many of their friends and friends of friends would pass on such rumors. Those are the two other reasons that I feel SL is on its decline. SignUp Accounts. 2. The SignUp's might be great, but you still have to factor in how many of these are disposable griefer accounts, I found it amazing when Linden Lab said they don't accept prepaid cards, that is a LIE, or a misconception because certain prepaid cards will infact work but very few of them actually will and even if the creditcard itself doesnt if it works with paypal it will let you use it on Second Life. While I haven't checked the stats myself for a long time word out has it that Second Life shows lots of Signup's but a slow economy this could be due to RL economics being bad in the U.S as well as I believe the Dollar will decline big times still if www.newamerica7.com is right. So might want to consider giving us back Viewer 1 User Interfaces to start with, and improvements on the viewer to support Multi GPU, and 64Bit OS. 
  13. DNS Changer isn't a virus it is program or something aka Rogue Exploit, or Malaware which changes your Domain Name Server to contact a fraud DNS server basically your computer when you visit Second Life, or your bank accounts would redirect you to fraud sites you enter your info hackers just got your banking information login take all your money and bye bye, could happen to any account or service. How do you know if you have a virus is simple. 1. Download Malaware Bytes, and AVG, install them, configure them, Buy a router with a good Firewall, and security features such as Anti DDOS set it all up properly. Get a Bandwidth program that LOGS IP addresses to anyone even users on Second Life and any inbound/outbound connection and monitor/log them at all times if you do get a virus you will know likely who it was. In other words monitor all bandwidth in and out of the pc if you see something suspecious you know you are infected, but keep in mind programs running in the background and automatic updates + windows does access the internet. 2. Look at your website URL's before you enter your information. 3. Check your network settings for modified DNS programs. 4. Go to certain sites such as google see if they get redirected to fakes. 5. http://netalyzr.icsi.berkeley.edu/ Yes it checks a lot of things. 6. Don't download hacked games, or movies or torrents, always know there is a risk of infection some are false positives some are real infections. 7. Always Keep Backup's. 8. The moment you know your infected disconnect the internet and Lan cables for security purposes. 9. I am not sure if this works properly but http://dns-ok.us/ This is supposed to tell you if you are infected? 10. http://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2011/november/malware_110911/DNS-changer-malware.pdf Some more help on the DNS Changer Malaware. 11. Keep Flash, and Java Updated, even Adobe Reader. 12. Try to avoid giving out your Credit Card info for example those delivery guys who deliver your pizza, they could go splurge with your card if they wanted. 13. Try and keep your payment info on as less sites as possible, make sure your bank accounts are covered from fraud charges. 14. Log in to your accounts and check them often for Unauthroized purchaes. 15. Keeping info stored on a service such as PayPal, Second Life I won't give all the details but it is always a risk. 16. When you go to your doctor these days make sure they don't leave your personal info on the screen the next person walking in can see it and pull out a cellphone and take snapshots of your information aka ID theft and people wonder why that is so easy. With this info they could possibly get access to certain accounts you haven't used in awhile. 17. Use strong passwords. In otherwords enjoy games, enjoy your computer, but watch your back, and remember the Rules OF The Internet, and don't be a dummy when it comes to easily accepting a virus right into your own pc. With the proper security I find that it is hard to get infected rarely do I get an infection but the last infection I got was from a Flash Object, or Java Script which caused my pc to install false windows security malaware but was quickly taken care of in a couple of hours no format research and manual repairing/editing of registery keys.
  14. Well if it is the owner of the region aka the person listed in the Covenant the only thing I know you could try doing for sure is contact them and ask them what the problem is just do it nicely eventhough you might feel like biting some ears or something. By owner of the region maybe it is someone renting the full simulator from a big estate company, and if this is the issue then you would have to contact one of the owners from the group or whoever is renting the land and ask them what the problem is just do it nicely eventhough you feel like biting some ears I have been in those problems before sometimes you get an answer sometimes you dont. It could be that someone from a particular group is causing issues and sometimes an owner will ban anyone related to that group I know I have been there and done that but those groups no longer even exist in SL and half the people don't anymore so its dealt with wiped ban list problem solved. But the only real way to know for sure is contacting the owner and asking them all I know hopefully they will be nice and tell you about it. I know that I am nice about issues or I try to be most of the time however some of my other friends not so nice and not the people anyone wants to cross aka the though bodyguards who will throw you out the door without blinking an eye just hope you don't run into one of those. But hey if it is just one region, not a bunch of regions I mean if you really don't care you could just avoid that one region, or of course just contact the owner and find out what is up. I have had issues with some owners before, some owners of some RP sims I know just really don't care about their reputations in SL, and neither do their so called bodyguards who couldn't even protect their members from some basic Lulz griefer attacks which btw their own members did this pretending to be me being angry at them and then their manager played the blame game talked trash about SL and it didn't go good. While one person told me maybe later in the future they will discuss or look into the issue, I seriously doubt they ever will, and all the problems over one person who wanted to cause drama and their friends who will listen one cat leads to another. Also just so you know security orbs can be a big laugh easy to get around easy to grief or take down a region still if you are that type of griefer, I just do it manually remove all griefs in 10 seconds or less even if the entire region is filled and if I can't then it can't be done and I have to call LL if there is a issue beyond that no point in having an orb really. There are even ways to still crash a region even if you are banned and I wont go into details but it is using scripts.
  15. Well Resident's are allowed to ban a person without any reason from A Land, or Sim, however the TOS/CS, and unofficial rules of the internet still do apply LOL. Anyways I have had a similar issue in Second Life, I found myself banned from a region I had only visited one time, I never had any problems with the owner, or anyone related, and after finally contacting one of their people in charge they told me the ban was from another owner who previously owned the land which no longer exists in Second Life, and sold their company to another business which I Can't really give names of due to TOS. But anyways I believe I got unbanned from all the regions because it was obviously a mistake not sure if you have had a similar issue. The problem however is when there is a Big Estate company who owns like over 200+ sims and they are renting land to other people, and one of their managers or owners issues a ban on your account/avatar for no reason at all that is what happend to me and it took a lot of checking out and getting hold of helpful admins from their company. The problem I think that gets a person banned from these big companies sims, or Estates is griefers, people grief using your name, or spread rumors around pretending to be you, and then the Estate Managers/Owners isntantly ban a person who has never been on the sim before, or done anything and the user doesn't really find out until they try to teleport into a simulator who has rented a parcel there and get the region banned notice that is how I found out. Now if someone griefed a sim pretending to be me of theirs I wouldn't know because I don't have anything to do with griefers who just target random sims, or innocent people in Second Life, so maybe it did or didn't happen but it is a common thing going around, and I feel that sim moderators, and owners should be aware of the issue. It isn't so bad if a renter wants to ban you from their rented region because they don't want you there, However fact is that on almost every region that I know I am banned from it is abusive moderators covering up illegal activiity such as CopyBotting, or passing out stolen content so they ban me so I can't abuse report it. I did contact an Estate Company about this and they own well over 200+ sims but they told me they don't deal with the issue and report it to Linden Lab. The problem is when you get a Manager who manages all of those 200+ regions to believe Drama, and ban your avatar, and your partner/friends from well over 200+ regions and it can effect you enjoying your Second Life/Shopping in Second Life lets say if it is a sim which you have never been to before, or one or more of your friends rent from the same company and you find yourself banned then I do believe that is wrong, but nothing Linden Lab will do sadly. When it comes down to the issue, Why does Second Life even have a Real Estate business is what you really have to ask yourself is it really needed? And aren't there ways to solve some of these issues, I mean having over 1000+ Regions why would someone even need that many lol. I don't go to many regions, but I can't imagine how many I might have been banned from due to these 3 griefers who run their little griefer RP groups, and like to spread rumors start drama, and grief people. If they don't want me on their own Region or Land I am fine with it, however I ask they don't do illegal crap because if any of my friends so much as tell me about it or I find out I will file an abuse report. And yes most griefers in Second Life rent from major Real Estate companies and cause problems for other people. Then of course there is the Drama issue where two residents rarely but sometimes you meet a friend who lives on the same region where another person doesn't like you and they just rent a parcel both of you are so they have to call the Sim Owner, or manager and complain when you are not even doing anything or even on the land they are renting that sometimes causes problems. Either way these issues if you get a manager who doesn't know how to solve things espically for a big estate comapny it can create drama for a lot of people. I have seen people get banned from regions who really did nothing and then a few days later or something griefers came in and griefed the region, threatend disturbed the peace of course using proxies and then all of a sudden more people left and the owner lost money even some RP sims lost a lot of people because of drama, or griefer issues like this and bad choices. And just remember as the Rules of the Internet say, there is no such thing as Moderation enjoy your ban because there is no such thing as a real ban either espically in Second Life, or on forums. Now maybe before I became a Techy there was but after learning and researching yep no such thing.
  16. Well I see the accusations about hacking all the time not only in Second Life. A lot of people however don't know what the Real Term hacking means, and a lot of games people call cheaters hacks when half of them are unexperienced kids who have downloaded a cheat program to Aimbot in a game, or in Second Life a CopyBot viewer with modified griefer functions. Some of these programs actually contain Keyloggers,Spyware,OR Trojans. Keep in mind that I like Opensourced SL because it has good functions to begin with CopyBot was not a bad thing but people have to abuse the damn thing all the time so it got a very bad name, and now people are treating SL like a pirate bay although I see it both ways of Intellectual Property violations not only by CopyBot but people using Real Life mesh which they don't fully have permission to although unless the company files a valid DMCA nothing will happen. Anyways to get back on topic it could have possibly been someone with a Display Name similar to yours just randomly griefing you, or using an object with your name as the object to send out Stolen, or illegal goods this is used by Griefers in the purpose to Defame other residents, and it is nothing new I have seen it, I have even been hit by them before. * Also do not wear objects you do not know if they can be trusted, as these can contain scripts which hand out illegal stolen items, or griefer objects to others, then then LL might blame you but more than that it could hurt your rep in SL.* It works by detecting near by agent and handing another object from a rootprim. I would just ignore them however know that Griefers like to do things for the laughs, and they can attack a lot of residents and claim it is you doing it, some people in Second Life are stupid enough to believe a griefer and I know it is sad but Look how much trouble I have got into in Second Life some of it my fault yes we all make mistakes, however I am talking about the Griefers who attacked certain sims, and developers on the grid claiming to be me, and calling me a Bot, or a Hacker which I found was funny. The sad thing however some people are stupid enough to not open their eyes and see when a griefer on their own lands is the one behind the issue and they end up actually blamming someone without proof such as what happend to me a year ago, and then rumors get spread by their management that I am a griefer or hacker and then I find my name being sent out in various admin groups which is a violation of the TOS under defame/harassment. * The problem this creates is when a resident does believe you are actually the one griefing they Ban you, then Rant on you too sometimes and this can create issues for you as a normal resident if people are dumb enough to fall for it.* All I can say is that griefers are bad but people who support them, and do things in their favor and help them out can be just as bad. If you are stuck in a region however I would right click on your avatar and click detach all or on viewer 3 right click, go to Take Off then Detach All This will detach any objects you might have worn which are keeping you in the same place, or maybe you are wearing too many scripts this can often cause too many teleport issues because the server can have problems loading too many scripts sometimes. Another issue is if you are in a place where people are running too many scripts or the sim is lagging bad, or trying to teleport into a place where the sim is lagging bad.
  17. I see the verified by RL groups a lot recently mostly being used in RP sims such as GOR... Well here is a good Joke... Since people are going to do verified by Real Life, lets make a group and verify each person playing in our sim isn't a Bot lol. Okay well I choose to stay anonymous online I really don't care about being verified, I am everyone, and I am no one, I never forgive, and I never forget. That is just the way I natually am. When I say I never Forgive that really depends on how bad it is but still I never forget period. Verified by RL groups seperate the community as a whole saying hey I am a verified panther, not a manther, it ruins the spirit of RP, and I refuse to take part in any type of RP. If I choose to give out my facebook information, or Myspace is my choice, I will not have someone else asking for them. Also just some tips for those of you wondering OMG my friend is getting stalked, well I am everyone and I am no one, so I could be your best friend on another account another hardware ID/PC, and another IP you wouldn't know me if I was, so that means I could be a stalker, but don't worry I am not a creepy stalker as kitty only rages at those who have clawed first then I respond, my friends respond and believe me it isn't good, and its to protect the kitty, and their friends whom they are. 1. Listing PICKS or people in your profile is not a good thing. 2. Giving out information like myspace facebook, etc. ** One Cat Leads To Another, Another Cat Leads to Zippo Cat** To me this meme means they will track your friends you make one person angry then they got your myspace friends, or friends from facebook, and before you know it people are making threatening messages to you online, or doing other harassment to you. Never do verified groups, never trust anyone with too much information.. I don't know how much I have to say this, but always assume a person maybe recording you reguardless of rules, remember the internet has no real rules, and TRUST IS A WEAKNESS... I still am really amused by some people in SL how much ignorance there is, and yep kitty always gets the hate ); but then again lots of people hate kitties. http://tinypic.com/r/xdzer8/5 <--- Nope I didn't do it but see my point of what happens when you mess with the wrong people heh. Thats what 3 sims taken offline in a matter of minutes or less due to one griefer who decided to grief me and other people. http://tinypic.com/r/2a5ydmp/5 <-- See what happens, Someone decided to slap this ktity, well Kitty got its revenge, yep that was like 20+ IP bans but ya know I got some great laughs from all of this drama not started by me. Another big tip about stalkers and verifying info through verify groups is this... The Internet is serious business don't think a griefer will get banned, true you can get banned from any game or service, but what is a ban? Before I learned about MAC/Hardware ID bans I could actually be banned, but now I can do what I want when I want anywhere I want there is no stopping the pain train so to speak. I am not an evil kitty who bites without being bitten first, however there are those that are. You report a botter for stealing your work, or selling your copyrighted content illegally they just make another account and don't care that is their life, I choose not to do that simply because I believe it is wrong. But you also have to remember that giving any information can lead to serious RL threats and attacks, as well as the safety of your family online, your friends, and that I have seen griefers hit sims before, and you know there were some pretty epic Raids of over 9000+ griefers Linden Lab just kept logging them off one after another but imagine everything you worked for in the virtual world destroyed in a matter of minutes that is how bad it can become. I have been there, I have paid back my enemies, still paying back my enemies, and most them sneak off quietly to try to start a new life, but beleive me even those 3 years ago who did serious copyright infringement to friends I knew, I will never forget. So for those of you who wonder about giving out info in verified groups, Don't do it as it can often lead to internet trolling, griefing, and if you decide to piss off the wrong kitty and smack the wild cat, that kitty and its mommy just might run out and chase you down forever.
  18. There isn't really much you can do besides. 1. Mute 2. Eject/Ban from Land 3. Abuse Report 4. If you don't own the land contact the person running the business and ask them about it. 5. You can just try and ignore what they say and see if they go away. 6. You could also ask them what their problem is in an IM and see how they respond and decide to ignore them from there as sometimes people do create drama for others, however if you were in a store with your friend shopping and someone came up and trolled randomly then more than likely it is a troll. 7. Just try not to make yourself a victim of Griefing/Trolling. In other words don't feed the troll, and don't make a griefer or someone who knows how to grief mad.
  19. There are a lot of RP sims that put in covenant that they are allowed to log information for RP purposes in their covenant however I find that some RP sims are going way too far. For example just recently in 2011 but the issue still going on in 2012 I had a griefer who RP's on these RP sims which are owned by one person but got like two others who own the sims as well like managers, and they own 11 now. Anyways This one griefer from there had it out with me in an IM, they brought the issue into the RP which they shouldn't have for any reason IM's are considered private per SL TOS, however this simulators owned by these people say in their covenant that they are allowed to share instant messages without consent. Okay so I don't get the issue what if I didn't even play there and was sending an IM about something else someone decided to do a hate crime and go run to an admin because I gave them the birdy in an Im or something that would be totally messed up. I believe that this type of conduct should be dealt with when reported but it seems we have to take matters and drama into our own hands because LL doesn't deal with such. So in the end people are constantly breaking this Rule of the TOS/CS every single day, even in public and nothing is done about any of it, even CDS, Red Zone, and people can use chatloggers/broadcaststers to illegally log text without consent on their own sim like local chat. While I agree people should be allowed to run their own RP region the way they see fit, and monitor chat to deal with disruptive griefers, I do not agree with these 11 RP simulators that have a CopyBotter running wild on their regions from a very well known griefer group constantly Copying other peoples content and posting it on torrents, I found this from a google search, and its the same person who griefed me in IM, used foul language at me I really didn't even know them at all, and then they attacked their own RP regions with numerous alternate accounts to frame me and got the laughs all I will say on the issue. What I am saying in other words is that these RP simulators who wish to have these rules should be required to list the chatlogging policy at the very top of the covenant so people can easily read it, and then that should be limited to Local Chat only, and in addition moderators of such simulators should not get involved in peoples little kiddy personal disputes which they obviously have been doing. All I will say is that this rule is never followed anyways and while I agree with privacy, Linden Lab's Rules do not apply outside of Second Life, and Griefers, or people who mess with this kitty will be dealt with, and really I don't care who you are where you are a developer of our grid, or a Land owner believe me I can think of all kinds of ways to get my revenge without even breaking a TOS rule offically in the Second Life service or grid. My point being I only respond when I am griefed or feel I have been griefed by another user, otherwise I am a peaceful kitty, and beleive me when I say I have met many internet Griefers, not only in Second Life either, but other sandbox title games, and while I have enemy Guilds, or Griefer Groups who dislike me because I really could careless because I do what needs to be done, and have others who will help. I do find it quite funny however how users in Second Life like to grief my friends sandbox regions, or even CopyBot an entire store and say hi im Goth, and then say its me to create drama not the first time ive heard about it either but quite a few times let me just express my opinion that while some RP admins maybe stupid enough to help Griefers clone other peoples content in Second life, or allow grief fests all the attacks against me by griefers have been FAIL because their goals have failed in SL and out of SL. So in other words I hate to say it but as long as certain community groups are allowed to break the Community Standards/TOS then it seems like dealing with the matter is in our own hands where it be doing something in SL or getting word around outside of Second Life's service so that you don't break the TOS in SL.
  20. If you used your own Second Life account and it is sending SPAM then I would disable Second Life IM to email and see if it still occurs. If it is a spammer who is using your email address such as EmailHere@yahoo.com , and using the spoofing phishing type of email I would have your friends check the headers because it will give the info on which it was sent from. Another thing I don't know s if you are using Yahoo, or Hotmail aka Web Mail login, or a private email server such as an ISP server as there is a major difference when it comes to email hacking, and Trojans sending out emails as if you are infected with a worm they can easily effect windows mail and such. A good trick is to add AAAAAA@AAAAAAAAA.com to your address book so that if you do have a worm it will try to send an email there you will know you are infected, maybe add BBBBBB@BBBBBBB.com too. Change your passwords as well don't use something like a birthdate, your name, or anything family related use something for example instead of the word password as a password use. PÄ$sW0rD9O5a$ and how you remember it is up to you there are a number of ways but a lot harder for a hacker to guess or use. Norton & McAfee SUCK, I don't know how many times I have to say this one, but there is an internet meme called Not Even Norton Can Protect You, hell even Norton, was comrpomised back aways, and even StopSign those old Veloz guys who advertised back in early 2001-2005 had their StopSign/Services compromised as well. There is also a couple of worms/Rogue Exploit going around which will completely bypass any type of virus scanner on your pc as well disable it and make it so the virus runs at startup it includes keyloggers, steals passwords, creditcard info etc. I know about this one because I got infected with it, and I knew it right away but it did get through my AntiVirus even with advanced and custom settings, however now I have their code stores on a disk for personal use later if I so please and believe it or not I tested it recently when I was hit like 5 months ago Microsoft still has no fix for it. So basically if I understand it all correctly it is your email account sending a bunch of spam to your friends, or people in Second Life, and you have never used this email on any other service such as Blogger,Facebook,YouTube, or Twitter? IF this is the case then I would have your friends check headers, possibly someone spoofing you who wants revenge on you in Second Life or something, and yup I would check sent mail as well as all common things too.
  21. In the Second Life Options under graphics I think there is a setting for full screen, or press Alt + Enter, but make sure you set the screen resolution to the one you want otherwise it wont look so great. As for Video Recording, I would try Camtasia, and then download a free program called Divx, through the options in Camtasia set it up to use the Divx Codecs tweak it for max FPS/good HD quality, and then set the screen area to record and start recording. 1. Camtasia. < For Videos 2. Divx < which is free for the codecs. 3. WireCast < For Streaming. This is what I use currently and it works pretty good. Of course there are free programs out there but I wouldn't expect the best quality from them, or the best settings.
  22. LL only controls what goes on in their service for example. 1. In Second Life. 2. On Second Life Forums. 3. On anything owned by Linden Lab. Outside of Linden Lab Servers, I can do anything I want and Linden Lab won't do anything period. For example if this person is making terroristic threats, or threats to disclosure Real Life information then you could always file a complaint with YouTube, or LawEnforcement if you feel that your life is in danger, unless you want to go get a court order and sue but that is about all you can do, otherwise this person may choose to make hundreds of YouTube accounts and post the video causing even more problems, and nothing that can be done as IP blocks are easy to avoid. Always assume that everything in Second Life maybe recorded by someone who is around you, Text, Audio, or Video, even if the rules restrict it there is nothing to stop it. It is up to the service which hosts the video such as YouTube, FaceBook, MetaCafe, Myspace, etc. if they will do any action, or remove such content, Linden Lab really can't do anything unless it occurs in Second Life they might do something if they catch people linking direct links to grief a person, spread rumors etc. But thats about the only way ** All I have to say is play your cards carefully, and you can really get your Revenge on some.** (A Good Example) The way I play my game  Then there are some dumb people in games that would consider things to be blackmail or a threat for example a person is being griefed, trolled, or gets pissed off at someone, and then the person responds with a comment like Go away unless you want serious problems, or something like mess with me I will mess with you, or even things like BlackMail, you do this, or I will do this. In other words don't be stupid, and play your cards carefully, if I for one say I am going to do something, then I do it. I have seen Abusive GM's in Second Life who caused serious issues with me many times, Over months I collected logs of abuse, and finally gave them a choice solve the dispute or they went on public blogs outside LL Jurisdiction they didn't so they all went public, can LL do anything Nope. In other words they would say Just mute the person, and don't respond. Was what I did wrong, I don't believe so because I was griefed by these people first, and responded by playing my cards carefully. Did I threaten, or Blackmail, in my eyes nope, but to others yes, I run my own cards and play my way. "In fact I will say this person told me ( SL Can go to hell in a war.), and the other person sent me IM's filled full of foul language, spammed my email with hateful comments using LSL Scripted objects, so yup I have my reasons for what I do, and its not just something I do to break the TOS/CS, or a privacy violation on someone. In fact There are others who do the same thing." Oh and really I never forget serious business, so don't expect me oh this person will forget, nope never until the dispute is solved which was started by their own people I never forget, and if you expect me to even try to forget and have something good to say then they would solve this dispute I have asked nicely qutie a few times before drama came heh. If they want to get a court order to have those logs, or stuff removed then they are more than welcome because I will take them to court for everything I have on their members griefing me which happens to be a lot so good luck, and good luck removing the posts that have been posted, edited, reposted hundreds of times from hundreds of different IP addresses once the data is on the internet there is no stopping the train. Oh and Drama, usually takes two, or more to create drama. One to start it the other to finish it then from there it turns into a game of Cat & Mouse, then from there it can involve your friends, Groups, etc. But that all depends on the situation how bad the drama is and if you do not solve it and come to an agreement otherwise it can go on and on forever and ruin your SL life. I guess you could say been there played that game at least 3, maybe 4 times with different groups of people who started the drama first, but overall I would say I know more groups that I have had no issues with than 3-4 groups run by griefers, and some sim owners in Second Life that support corrupted GM's, besides I exposed them all for what they did, and advised everyone to stay out of their sims with proof of such until they solve the dispute and for the most part I would say that it has been a success. I do not like Drama, or having to do such, but when I get attacked, or griefed first I will respond. While people should Respect Rules, and be be nice, there is no reason why anyone should have to take crap from a corrupted GM in any sim. There is also no reason a person should knowingly be part of a group of Griefers in Second Life either as doing such earns you a bad name as well, and when I find myself part of a group like this turning to griefing I leave if they dont deal with it. I have left 3 or more groups within the past years that had griefers in them, and exposed them. So bottom Line is I can't imagine how many times I got Abuse Reported to LL for posting Logs, and evidence outside of LL Jurisdiction, or passing such to a friend of griefers spreading rumors and dealing with RP issues like this, but really I couldn't care because I played the game correctly I came out of it with a Full House, and proved that they were the ones in fact griefing so to me it was a Epic Win . And Yup I was threatend with Lawyers before too, guess what they never came and the people who owned the sims that were supporting griefing finally left the grid too so that was a victory too. ( And by griefers I mean these guys were CopyBotting stuff from people I knew so much, and I had dozens of snapshots of this and still do somewhere.
  23. Well usually no one gets into trouble for taking a snapshot or making a video/film in Second Life in fact I have never really had an actual IP issue with that. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Snapshot_and_machinima_policy There is also a thing called Fair Use. I am not asking anyone to break LL Policy Here, TOS, or CS, however even if someone says you can't take a snapshot on their land there is nothing that can prevent you from doing such, you can use a viewer to bypass it, or use a program to capture images/video, and do as you please outside of Linden Lab jurisdiction the only way they could really do something is by getting a lawyer for that. Keep in mind this isn't a game, or service like Lineage 3, or one of those strict game development companies that make people sign legally binding contacts when they beta test, or work with the company called a (NDA) non disclosure agreement. Stealing of anyones texture in Second Life is so easy even a caveman can do it... 1. Use a program take a snapshot of the texture and save it. 2. Use a CopyBot. 3. Use GL Intercept. There are however general things you can do to support the developers of skins, and textures for example. 1. If you run a clothing company for example list where your models bought the Skin/Hair/Shape, Etc. that they are wearing the name and where they got it from, it is not a must do thing however it helps those looking to buy some of the stuff they like, and gives credit to those who created the skin and other things. Plus overall it can bring more profit. Lawers and Second Life. 1. Things such as fullperm textures, I agree that when people buy them they should not try to ruin another persons business however some people will on purposely hand them out, post them on Torrents, or resell them illegally to make money. Selling them illegally and setting up their shop on an alternate account, or sleeper account not linked to their Computer Hardware information is a common thing, then launder the money out from Second Life to their paypal and then to RL it can be a hard thing to deal with when it comes to getting lawyers involved over a virtual avatar when. 2. You have no RL information a bout the person, and only their avatar name + all LL gets is their IP/Computer Hardware ID which are easily changed. People also use Free Wi-Fi networks such as Burger King, or anyone elses Wi-Fi connection to do the piracy, or such what this means is that it could harm innocent people, and or take a lot of time in a court to track them down and most people in Second Life are not willing to do this. The biggest problem with our Grid right now is this however. 1. CopyBotting, reselling/Launder Money, or illegally sharing outside of Second Life. < The botters always change their info and sometimes look like 100% legit people shopping and spending money. 2. illegal RealWorld works in Second Life such as Video Game content being imported into Second Life mesh such as Turbo Squid and resold more than likely without consent. The problem however is that the only way Linden Lab will really act on this is if the game company for example files a DMCA claim on the content/user selling the content on the market, or if another resident files a DMCA in Second Life. I see Botters proudly using stolen content and members of groups/people who do such quite often it is so obvious but they have been playing this game for over 500+ days and I wonder how they manage to get so far I guess it is because someone needs to file a DMCA on them... Otherwise if no DMCA is filed the Botter, or person who is in violation of trademark in SL, or Real World content being used in SL, nothing gets done sometimes.
  24. I had a friend from another game try to make a SL account today but when they tried to make a SL account all they got was this error message, and they tried it like 4 times at least, and the same thing happend like a week ago when they tried to register well that was like before my pc kinda got fried. https://join.secondlife.com/error.php Is this a common thing going on with the registrations right now, anyone else have any problems with register a new account?
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