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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. But would you support for example the SL front page displaying and promoting a Gorean RP in the interest of bumping up the new user count and retention?
  2. The question is whether the percentage of new people who come and rent land covers the expense of those who don't. Considering the cost of the basic Premium and how much one gets back in the form of a weekly stipend, the amount remaining barely cover the expense of the resident's time and load inworld.
  3. The lab makes its money from regions rented, not greater concurrency. Concurrency only results in greater expense in bandwidth and CPU cycles.
  4. Any woman with a brain is not going to admit that in public but to give some indication I'll point out Kindra Turian who I met back in 2011 when she came to Osgrid to look for a cheaper place to move her Gor sim to. She and her partner are the founders of CounterEarth Grid on Opensim and through her promotion and organization now host 30+ Gor communities on their Grid. Very sweet woman but don't let that fool you into thinking she is a pushover.
  5. There is enough man eating in the forums to make that statement a falsity.
  6. I was only talking about furries but I've been forced to as a female by a female domme. I sort of liked it even though it was a bit humiliating.
  7. I'll disagree with that to a point and say that for the smarter women it is known that men are easier to control and somewhat dominate by appearing to be submissive.
  8. I read about the first 7 books of the series in my teens and early 20's as I was very much into fantasy fiction back then and though I agree with your previous post that the writing style wasn't the best, the books were entertaining with an element of eroticism. I ran across the RP first in IMVU and then somewhat in SL before 2010 and enjoyed it for a year or two before finally moving on. I think the extreme formality was what eventually turned me off though it was a good learning experience. People get freaked out about the female submission but in a way, it was the females who were really in control of both the RP and sims back then but behind the scenes. If a Master wasn't toeing the line and playing it right, he's be neutered and tossed out on his ear.
  9. Maybe not but the way some posters have carried on in other threads about various form of sexual roleplay, it doesn't leave much.
  10. Well if it isn't Gor, it is some other RP or even just the natural course of it almost anywhere you go in SL. In general female avatars tend to take on a submissive role and males the dominant one. It is most assuredly not a Gor phenomena only.
  11. I'd quibble with that though it might have been true for some. It also extols the virtues of honor, integrity, and valor for both men and women though that sometimes does get lost on those who are hung up on the sexual aspects.
  12. But some never seem to understand that the more they rail against it, the more there will be those who wonder what they are missing that it results in such negative reactions.
  13. Well when one realizes they haven't yet convinced the entire forum of the rightness of their opinions. it must obviously need more debate!
  14. Moderation has moderated it seems with more of an inclination to delete questionable posts rather than just close or delete the whole thread. I'd also wonder if some individuals have been given warnings about specific posting styles that were aggravating others and causing upset but that's conjecture. In any case it has resulted in less fighting ....mostly.
  15. You have 5 negative posts about the roleplay lifestyle and yet it was all just jokes? Ok, my apologies, carry on.
  16. But it hasn't really seemed to have brought more new people into the forums since the policy change. If anything, there is less people here now, especially posting.
  17. She was around more before and in the mud with us slinging it about.
  18. so reducing the population even more and one less reason for new people to come to SL, resulting in those who look to clean up SL of any adult activities that they don't like, getting bored and go off to look for new worlds to clean up.
  19. Mmm but it seems to me you have been less actively involved since then.
  20. Very arguable as I feel the new restrictions and the enhanced moderation policies did a lot to kill the community that existed in the Forums and by extension bleeding to the rest of the platform, though that is happening at a slower pace. Perhaps the drop of the inworld concurrency is due to the summer months but that the Lab after so many years felt it necessary to do some work to the onboarding process at the Welcome region, makes me suspect that things are not going in a good direction.
  21. We been getting deceived for 1000's of years by politicians and yet we are still here so how much worse could AI be and still at least sound coherent?
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