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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Didn't matter how it was presented and you know that. It would have played out the same way regardless of how it was presented.
  2. For myself I am pretty sure this is a new rule because when a Linden rather than a Mole closes a thread and posts what appears to be a new rule, the Mods before now have then acted on that new ruling in subsequent incidences. I think OP's will need to be careful in future in starting a thread that calls in specific Lindens as well as positing changes to the current system. So I better not make a new thread that I think PBR is crap and should be thrown in the trash as an example.
  3. It doesn't matter but it does for the sake of consistency. With the new rule the thread Stop Free Memeberships? would likely not have been started as it would clearly be in violation for asking about a system wide change. This would be the same for many of the more active threads discussed in the General Discussion section in past. Knowing this ahead of time could save a resident from initiating a thread and possible getting a warning and or ban as a result.
  4. Peeve at new Forum rule, aka: The Forums are for the community to discuss Second Life and should not be used to Call out Lindens or request changes to the system. So we can no longer complain when stuff isn't working because asking for it to be fixed would be tantamount to asking for the system to be changed.
  5. I consider the report of 50% of logins being text viewers as a pretty good indicator that there is a significant percentage of bots. Even if some might be operated by real people, their ability to interact in a 3D world wouldn't be much better then a bot anyway. Considering the amount of duplicate data collections (concurrency as an example) that happens in Secondlife, it stands to reason that it would require quite a load of bots anyway to harvest all that data from the 20K+ regions and 50K residents. There has been quite a few people in the forums over the past few months reporting a significant uptick in region bot visits so it stands to reason that there has to be a significant percentage of inworld bots to be noticed as the 2000 bots you claim, is only 1 bot in 10 regions, hardly a significant ratio for people to notice how many are actually around. The only thing you are bringing to the table to contest is multiple posts about a hypothetical resident who didn't know how to differentiate between a group of bots and a group of people you party with. Not exactly hard evidence from your end regardless of the humour you state your case with.
  6. One or two reporters getting a group of bots wrong does not negate multiple lines of other evidence that there is significantly more then 2000 bots inworld.
  7. There been enough people even in the forums pointing out groups of 20 dots that are week old basic avatars, called Hey Me1, Hey Me2, Hey Me3... and all members of the same group. There are also those groups hanging out in the underwater in the sea. Captain Oldbie would likely recognize the difference between an actual party of real avatars all dressed different and years old instead of days and realize it is a club or party of some sort.
  8. Would there be more then a 1000 left if we got rid of the bots and the free accounts? That would make the jobs of the Mods and governance so much easier!
  9. Anyway there is now a Jira which is addressing some of the problems and people are invited to comment there https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-234612
  10. I think you are right and have posted before on my own suspicions and reasonings of why I think there is a significant bot population in SL in spite of the protestations of some of the naysayers. Another piece of potential "proof" of the bots though was a mention by a mobile viewer developer a while back in a post that the statistics point out 50% of SL logins are by text based viewers and though some could just be creators wanting an inworld presence for support, it is likely a large percentage are bots in that number.
  11. Well its none of my business but it really sounds like an objection to upgrading out of principle more than affordability. I find better video cards in the trash then what you are using. Having said that though I would wish the Lab would allow a setting where people could use Draw Distance for not only the environment but also the avatars in the scene so I can load just those within a 5 or 10 meter range for example rather then having to reduce the complexity setting to some low value because its loading all of them. Those gray avatars still affect the framerate.
  12. I would suspect it isn't going to come to that.
  13. You said the idea punishes those who can't afford the lowest premium so I am looking for clarification as to how you see that, not arguing.
  14. People come to the forums to find out how the new features work or when they are coming...if any. I don't expect PBR to interest that many other then a small minority. The mobile viewer would be of more interest to the majority then PBR. Other then that, new features are haphazard at best with little rhyme or reason to it making the life of the casual resident any easier. Well more then a few drop by and all the bots of course don't need to know and are a fair percentage of that "vast". Though less Residents are logging into the forums, there are still quite a few just perusing as guests https://community.secondlife.com/online/ but those are dropping too as there is less interesting content here to read. Remember too that the onus is on the community to give new residents the help they need to navigate this world as the Lab itself has very little in the way of that sort of thing. The Forum has still been a go to place for residents to get more in depth information to this world.
  15. I'm here a lot less as you seem to be. There are not the topics anymore to keep the interest and out of necessity will be regurgitated more and more due to the lack of topics that used to be allowed. Every day more will leave or not return because of the lack of topic diversity. There is no other way for that to go. The real question is whether that will start reflecting on the inworld concurrency numbers, something I suspect will happen unless they start bringing in some additional features at a faster pace to keep up resident interest.
  16. ~shrugs~ sez you. Meanwhile many others are no longer logging in as the forum is boring.
  17. No, it takes nothing away that Basic accounts already have but gives some other features that are not available to anyone now but could be brought in with very little to no cost to the Lab and used as an enticement to draw in more premium members. Some people are not happy with the reduction of Forum topics we are allowed as an example. If they added a section for Premium members where there is a greater range of topics allowed, it would likely attract some to invest in Premium. Same if they added a greater range of emoticons that could be used as post responses for Premium members. All the things that people would like to see here as an example are features that some of us would be willing to pay for if they were brought in as part of a premium feature package. The current Premium features they have now is not sufficient for me to go Premium because I have no interest in them. If I want land, I'll go to my own grid where it is free so it is not an enticement but there are features I would be willing to pay for in SL while at the same time not depriving my alts or other basic members of what they have available now.
  18. They could block free bot accounts for all I care but as far as free membership accounts instead of blocking them they could just be making it more enticing to be a premium member. stuff like Premium viewer options. Premium Forum options like say a section for Premium members where we could talk about anything. Premium land options, etc. Plenty of ideas that could be made for paying members only. The premium options would be things we don't currently have but that quite a few have asked for. That way it doesn't take away what basic members already have but might entice more members to go premium if it results in some of those extras we know SL will never give us but maybe they would if there were to be more members willing to pay a premium price for it.
  19. And it is probably unpopular to point out that the one's on the one side will be debating on the opposite side of the fence in a couple of weeks when their own pet peeve sex kink is being discussed.
  20. They could call it a "beggars tin" instead for the starving artist image? One wonders how many full perm products some have to buy and retexture before they make one that actually gives them some profit.
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