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Tari Landar

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Everything posted by Tari Landar

  1. They are named after their parcel...just like every other place in SL. If you want it to be more unique than that, there still very much is something that can do this, it's called you. Stopping for a few seconds, at most, while flying to name a LM you know has the name of the parcel (because that's how LMs work) really isn't that difficult, nor time consuming. I do it all the time. I have huge groupings of LMs from specific sims, one sim in particular has at least 20 different LMs. It took me seconds, at most, to rename those LMs as I was wandering, flying, riding, walking, boating, and whatever else I was doing at the time. It's not a daunting task at all. I'm not understanding why this is a problem, those LMs function like every other LM in sl, regardless of who owns the parcel to which the LM leads.
  2. I have a LOT of LMs that have changed names, most of my lms actually have different names than they did when I got them. Some of my earliest say things like "bits and danglies editing", "those blue flower things", "big bug thingy", "that one room, with the painting", "stretchy place", "really cool trees", "box", "worm place", "Weird", "bubble", "giant *****show", "Idiot room"...you know, fun stuff that you're not likely to remember when you need to I don't dare delete them, even though most no longer go anywhere at all, I'm a sentimental sod, sometimes. I can only tell you where some of those actually originally lead to, and a few of them actually went to the same region, just different spots, lol. The first two went to a place I used to take people after field trips to xcite..for obvious reasons. Big bug thingy was a giant bug..duh, but also on the sim with the first two just on the opposite end lol. Dunno about room with the painting. STretchy place was Dark Dharma's Haunted somethin, or somewhere along those lines, my spelling is prob. off, but there was something in the building that caused the stretch deform. Dunno about cool trees. Box was my building box, a literal box, for about four years. Dunno on worm place. Weird was some random sim that just had all kinds of odd things on it, kinda strewn about, quite nonsensical but not always in a good way, it was like the grid just randomly tossed stuff there, it's hard to explain, lol, but I learned a lot about building from that weird place. Bubble is that bubble ride. Giant *****show was a really messed up freebie place, lol. Idiot room I actually had a bunch of each with different numbers and lead to different problematic welcome areas (And places like welcome areas) around the grid..ie...idiots All but two were created in 2008
  3. This has nothing to do with sl...but rl..and I was a child, and, well, I was a smart child. In my tiny little hometown, we have a festival sort of thing that happens in July, we call it Mardi Gras, but it's not like the real one, lol. It starts off with a parade one day, and lasts from Weds through Sunday, culminating in a grand fireworks show on the final night. Rides, games, food, great fun...a lovely festival really, it was held down at our beach (a great Lake, ftr, not an ocean). Anyway, I lived at the top of the hill, and my house was a gathering spot for many, many, many, many people. All week long, people in, people out, friends, family, neighbors..just, people. (this was a regular occurrence year round at my house, but particularly at this time). A lot of casual drinking, some, not so casual. Me and my sister, plus my cousins were pretty much the only kids around, minus a few here and there that came with their parents. People would always hand me money, ask me to go down and get them (insert whatever, sausage sammich, fries, whatever..) and I'd do it. The problem is, no one ever asked for their change...and I never offered it. I assumed it payment for my work (and yes this was a time when sending a 7, 10, 13 yr old somewhere super crowded by themselves was an okay thing, lmao, but, really, tiny village, EVERYONE knew me). Long story longer, I did this every single year. Sometimes I'd use the money for stuff for myself down there, sometimes I'd just save it up. One year, I was about 10, it was a particularly busy gras week, so, lots more requests, and by day 3, I had saved up enough in people's spare change to have $357 US (not kidding and I still had a few more days to go, so I ended up making WAY more). There's a game down there that required getting a ring around a duck(plastic) neck, to get a rabbit...I'm sure some of you know what game (and yes, these bunnies used for this were actually VERY well cared for). I couldn't win the game to save my life, I'd been trying for years. So, I went to the guy running the game, during a slow down, said, "how about I just hand you $25 and you give me a bunny". He said no, naturally, so I kept going, eventually I said "ok, $75, final offer, I can't go any higher" and he said "let me ask my boss" and he left to go ask whoever his boss is. The lady also running it with him wasn't really paying attention and came over while he was gone "can I help you" "yeah, see him, Andy, he said I can buy a bunny for $25, I've been trying for years and I still haven't gotten it, I even have my own box, and food and everything"..... She sold me the bunny for $25, I left happy. Every time Andy saw me after that, he just laughed. And that's how I scammed money out of a bunch of adults, and got a bunny and enough money to care for him for a good long while out of the deal
  4. I'm quoting myself..stupid, but whatever, lol. This goes for anyone and everyone, btw. I don't care if you hate me, I don't care if you just don't like me. I don't care if you don't even know me. If you need a sounding board, for whatever reason...find me. Send me a msg here, send me a msg inworld, nc, send me a friggen carrier pigeon...don't care. Find me. I don't know that I can help, but even if I can't, keeping it in is stupid and will end up hurting you, I know it will. If it's not me, find someone, anywhere, just somewhere.
  5. Nothing you said came out poorly, I know exactly what you meant, and mean, and ty. You're right, that's exactly what happens when the world around causes such turmoil and damage in someone. I'm sorry that this is how things have come to be for you as well. I don't think there is anything any individual can do to help someone once things get to that point, but if ever you need a sounding board, even for something small..don't hesitate to msg me. Even if I'm not inworld, or logged on the forums, I can see when I get a message lol. I don't like seeing anyone put up so many barriers that the world can't see the person beyond the walls at all. That's exactly what she does, and is doing, except this time, she's adding a few more meters between her and those walls. It's hard to watch, really. She truly is the best human being I have ever met and when she lets the rest of the world see that, it's spectacular, and she does amazing things. Now I sound creepy-ish, I'm sure, lol, but really, it's true. She knows I think this, I tell her all the time. It drives her nuts, she doesn't take compliments well. Right now she's not taking them at all. Sigh It's been a heavy day, but at least she hasn't logged off, or hung the phone up on me, lol (both being part of her MO, and when either happens she isn't likely to be seen or heard from for a while), so there's that.
  6. I don't know how many times I've listened to it already, or even why it makes me laugh so much but....it's actually really well done
  7. Ty, really I know she appreciates me being there, she tells me that constantly, even when I'm just around to say hi, she thanks me immensely. I know a huge part of why she does is because no one else ever is (she has very limited rl family, part of the problem, really). So I am more than happy to take her burdens on whenever she needs to unload them, and she knows this. I have been by her side in sl through all the crap other people have done. I've been by her bedside in rl hospitals, I spent days and nights with her in them when she wasn't even conscious. She knows there is literally nothing that would ever drive me away. I have finally managed getting into her head that feeling guilty for unloading on me, isn't necessary, it will never be necessary. I would be mad if she didn't lay these things on me, really. Because everyone in the world needs a sounding board, an anchor, something and somewhere they can lay their heartaches, so they don't cause too much irreparable damage. It's taken me years to get that into her had, though. I am absolutely certain that your friend feels the same way, I can promise you that. Some us not only like being someone's person, but also need it, for reasons.. I am very grateful I can be that person for her, and very grateful to have that opportunity, because I think it helps both of us in many ways. I like having that purpose in my life, even if I hate the reason why that purpose exists in the first place. Hearing her cry, and I mean really, deeply cry and sob, to the point she can't breathe, and worse, is just so heartbreaking. Knowing why she's doing it, just makes that heartbreak worse, because it's so unnecessary. She's not crying about things that are unavoidable, she's crying and hurting because of things that are intentional on the part of others, and that's just inexcusable in my book. She deserves a better world...hell the world deserves a better world, really. I think lots of people struggle with self worth, probably all people actually, some more than others, but it's a very normal, human thing to feel. I just hate that people are so easily able to seemingly force that kind of feeling on another person, and do it with such impunity, even self imposed, I just don't get it. Why do you have to hurt someone else simply because they're not what you desire, like, love, want to get to know, whatever...like why does that line have to be drawn, or crossed, when it is so very easy to simply walk away or never bother pretending you're going to be a better person...(I doubt that thought train makes sense, I'm rambling) Sometimes it just makes me want to hurt people for hurting her, it would solve nothing if I did, but if I could, I would and then I'd be in very big trouble. Ugh, people just suck, they really do, and not the good kind.
  8. Today is not a good day, I am just going to vent...a very looooooooooooooong vent. (it has nothing to do with the virus) I spent the better part, ok, ALL of last night, essentially talking down a dear friend from a ledge. I don't actually log inworld very often these days, unless I have to, because..reasons. But I have a very good friend I met many years ago that I keep in touch with in rl and have, for years. She's been through hell and back, really, not gonna air all her dirty laundry but this woman..she's truly amazing in every possible way I can think of. I honestly don't know how she's still standing after all she's been through, I sure as hell wouldn't be. Long story longer, she came out of her very deeply rooted (for really, really good reasons) comfort zone recently and what started as a dream come true (in more ways than anyone other than me seems to realize) turned into a nightmare so quickly for her, both in sl and out. I'm having a hard time coming to grips with the way some people treat others, ok, the way she's been treated recently. I think the problem is that I know her, and I know her very well, so to see her take some of the recent strides she has, hear her tell me how proud of herself she is for doing it, hear the pure joy in her voice that really hasn't been around in quite a few years....and then see it dashed all away by people in sl, especially one particular, but, people in general too... I'm hating people right now, and I want so badly to hurt this person for hurting her, but I don't meddle. I serve as a sounding board, a shoulder, her anchor in rough waters if she needs me, but I don't meddle. I wish the world would take even just a few minutes to really get to meet her. I have never met a more courageous, loving, dedicated, talented, intelligent, absolutely beautiful young woman in my entire life. She's faced things so insurmountable all on their own, much less all compounded together, recently had surgery again too that's throwing her for a bigger loop than it would normally, because this shouldn't have been necessary and that's worrisome. People claim things such as like and love, but they only want the parts of other people that they think they like, they don't want the whole of the being and I will never understand that. She and I have been dear friends for many years, but even we have had our issues, albeit it mostly minor issues, minus a couple doozies over the years (which make much more sense in light of what was going on at the time). There is light and dark in every human being, and you can't possibly have only one and not the other. I don't understand why this isn't, I guess more realized. I both love and hate that I know what she's feeling right now, and what she's doing to herself. I love it, because at least I know, and I can help when and where I can. I hate it because, she's struggling with self worth so hard right now and we've been down this path before. The specific person that partially caused this turmoil (she thinks she did it, of course) doesn't seem to actually care about what it's doing to her, but at the same time, doesn't seem like a monster either (yet my brain still says..you hurt my friend, you a monster). Like I said, I don't meddle, and I wouldn't unless she asked me to. But I so want to drive it into this person's thick skull that what they see of her is more than anyone's seen of her for years and years, and now they've driven that light back inside. But she's blaming herself entirely. Now she's going to pull back, put every possible barrier up, even building more, around herself to keep herself separated from the world entirely again, and the world needs light like hers around. Not just sl, the whole world. She struggles to fit in on a daily basis, and I struggle to help her fit in because we don't run in the same circles in sl (truth be told, I don't run in any circles in sl, lol). She's a rock club goer, I'm a stay at homer, and occasional wanderer. I've been with her to the one place she goes most frequently, and keeps herself out of the way, off to the side, so she doesn't bother anyone, it's sad to see. I've seen her try to fit in, and I've seen how people react to her, and I can't stand it. She tries to join in with things, like recently, I encouraged her to join in some RFL activities at this place, and that turned into a *****show of epic proportions. I went there, when she was offline to support her, and I literally witnessed people making fun of the photo she took in local chat. If it weren't for the fact that she truly enjoys this place (they apparently don't realize how much she actually needs it, asshats), I would've said something right then and there. She didn't want to win, she wasn't looking to win their little photo contest (and frankly, her picture is AMAZING, most of theirs suck, I don't care if it's for charity, she's really really good at taking pictures in sl). She just wanted to take part, and they're trashing her over it...like..wtf? This is for a charity, and you gotta be jerks about things...to what end...for cred? I could say a lot more on that front, but I'm not going to, because it will be epically nasty and get my post removed. I hate cliques with every fiber of my being, it's a huge part of why I avoid clubs and groupings of people, because..people are involved, and people are more cliquey than not and I just want to slap them all when they do. I hate the world for her, because the world we live in, rl and sl, is a world that can't and won't accept her for her, and she's struggling with that, but putting in so much damn effort, and I can't fix it, but if anyone deserves it to be fixed, it's her. Why are people so damn jerky..totally rhetorical, no need to answer. I'm just mad at the world, because the world is stupid and I just need to be mad at it for a while. I know, these issues seem minor in the grand scheme of recent events, but they're really not. Even one person feeling the way she's feeling right now in the world, is a big issue, and I'm certain she's not alone. (oh, and she won't read this btw, she doesn't come to the forums, she hates them..like I said, different circles, lol, but even if she did, she already knows all of this anyway)
  9. I'm going to live in this thread forever...don't mind me...I just need this thread
  10. And marshmallows because...yummmm, marshmallows now I want marshmallows, damnit self
  11. Before I start...said child has given his permission.... My son has been called bucket head since he was little, because... When he was little, this was his favorite toy, and THIS is what he did with it (awww, I ahven't seen that diaper since he was 1...sigh..anyhoo) As he got older, his weirdness got weirder.... He went with me to pick up his sisters from school like this (those aren't bruises they're huge fake chicken pox he drew on with colored sharpie a few days before..he was a really weird kid)... He also frequently wore a frog costume (year round), mermaid costume, and underwear only as often as he could get away with it. He hasn't changed an iota in weirdness since, except he outgrew the need to wear only underwear everywhere, even though he's no longer this cute and adorable, and now towers over my short ass self. Also..my niece, because...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, you send your child to my house, I feed them s'mores (she's also not a toddler anymore, btw)
  12. Wonky...everyone...everyone..Wonky (Wonky is my weenie)
  13. Okay my last post...I am seriously concerned for your health here, so, politeness be damned, out the window she goes. Yes there may be a test shortage, but the main reason YOU, personally, wouldn't be tested, is because you won't use your legal right to leave your own home and go out and get treatment. Even if a specific test isn't available for you, and it's probably not let's face facts, personally, your health cannot and will not get an iota better until and unless you put YOU first. Please, stop with the "in a few more days" stuff, please. What if you suddenly, or even slowly, get worse, and "a few more days" becomes "too late". I hate to be so morbid, but...I mean, this is a reality, if you're still feeling poorly for this long, something is seriously amiss and it needs attention yesterday, not a week from next month. It could be any number of things, and most of them are actually pretty damn serious and not to be taken lightly. It doesn't matter what she says, really, she can find a rusty spork, sharpen it, sit, and spin...her words literally mean nothing at all, she cannot enforce those words and SHE actually knows it (trust me, she knows, lol). Please don't be so afraid of them you're willing to do harm to yourself. When I got sick, a cold mind you, I did the "it'll get better, I'll wait a few days" dance, for a week, by the end of the week I was in the ER nearly dead (with things far worse than a cold). I'm going to be super blunt, because I have to, but...don't be me, don't be stupid. I'm certain your presence, your very essence would be missed by so many...it's worth pissing off your landlady for one day to ensure you get to stick around. My cranky self is peaking her head out, and my typos are a plenty, so, really I'm gonna leave this thread now. I've typed too many replies here and deleted them just today alone. I clearly need a self imposed timeout.
  14. There is no unknown in this regard, you need to stop giving her more rope to hang you with. You're literally letting her get away with it and excusing it away because you don't understand your rights. Your landlady CANNOT legally lock you in and prevent you from seeking medical care. That is 100% illegal in every state in the US. No lawyer would give her special circumstances, this is NOT an unknown, this is a fact, an absolute fact. I don't give a crap what she "says" to you, she is completely in the wrong and you need to understand this. It being her property does not put her above actual laws, that's ridiculous. No property owner/landlord/landlady is above the law...NONE. I'm somewhat sorry I replied now, and I'm sorry it came out so blunt, but, really, this is ridiculous and the way you're handling it is probably causing you some serious medical harm, and it bothers me tremendously that you're sacrificing your own health because you really don't understand how illegal this all is. I really hope you do some proper research and stand up for yourself and stop letting her walk all over you, and stop making excuses for her ***** and completely ILLEGAL behavior. I also hope you feel better soon., really, more than anything.
  15. I don't want to be mean, or sound mean, but I am going to be a bit blunt here.. I have family and friends ALL over cali, including your area, so I am abreast of many rumors, concerns, goings on, etc..(people have way more tim to talk to one another now, of course). I have not yet run into anyone anywhere in that state as woefully uninformed about their rights as you are, and that makes me really sad knowing you're already worried about other things and don't need that compounding your plate. I don't mean that as an insult to you, but more of an encouragement to know your rights, and understand them. I have a feeling this particular lockdown, this situation is not the first nor will it be the last, time your landlady has basically bent you over without so much as a hello, and you're unfortunately letting her. The bolded emphasis is mine above..and it is so absolutely wrong on every possible count, *especially where you are. She, legally, cannot kick you out without rhyme or reason, you have renter's rights. What SHE is doing in her own personal lockdown of the property in your own words, is actually 100% illegal on all fronts, even if a statewide lockdown were issues when she first started it. Your fear of tangling with her, I totally get, but she's not on the right side of that argument in any way. She's counting on you and other tenants, to not know this and not challenge it. I encourage you to do a fair amount of research, more than a fair amount really, because I have a feeling she's probably been taking serious advantage of you in other ways you're not seeing or noticing as well. It's likely she has many violations under her belt of all kinds, but since none of you are willing to stand up against it (and, again, legally you CAN and would have full legal backing to do so in your state, in your area..you have waaaay more rights than you think, a challenge doesn't equate an eviction) she gets away with it. This whole virus situation is only making things worse for you, I'm sure, but she cannot...I cannot possible emphasize that any stronger...CANNOT prevent you from seeing medical professionals. She CANNOT evict you for that. She is NOT above any laws. Giving her that kind of power is precisely why it's so easy for her to bend you and other tenants over, without question, get what she wants and then come back later for more. There's nothing legal about what she's doing, and if you are being threatened with eviction, threaten her with legal action (because that's an illegal act on her part).
  16. I don't feel like amending my post, lmao. If you're stuck at home with or without children to educate, there are LOTS of virtual field trips you can take. I'm going to share some links, because they're cool (but, especially if you have children, you can touch on all kinds of subjects, keep them engaged and entertained, and not worry so much about whether or not yo're "qualified" to educate them). Some resources might repeat, since some of them are linked on multiple sites...but, you can cherry pick. I'm not now nor have I ever been associated with any of them 🙂 If you have local zoos, aquariums, museums, etc..check out their websites and youtube because a LOT are posting things people can do from home 🙂 This is one list...(not too long, lol) https://www.weareteachers.com/best-virtual-field-trips This is another list (also, a good site, ftr) http://howtohomeschoolforfree.com/huge-list-of-virtual-field-trips/ Now, some more of my personal lists 🙂 Louvre Museum, Paris https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligne National Gallery of Art, Washington DC https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/national-gallery-of-art-washington-dc?hl=en Metropolitan Museum of Art https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/the-metropolitan-museum-of-art Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/van-gogh-museum?hl=en Uffizi Gallery, Florence Italy https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/uffizi-gallery?hl=en Monterey Bay Aquarium https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals-and-exhibits/live-web-cams Georgia Aquarium https://www.georgiaaquarium.org/webcam/ocean-voyager/ National Aquarium Virtual Tour http://samuraivirtualtours.com/example/nadc/index.html Google maps are your friend...pick a destination, any destination...want to see Pompei? https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7489468,14.4848331,3a,75y,217.27h,79.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1e-bu_kis-dL1BnVGZhDdw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en https://www.colonialwilliamsburg.org/webcams/ Virtually discover Yellowstone National Park https://www.nps.gov/yell/learn/photosmultimedia/virtualtours.htm https://adventuresinfamilyhood.com/virtual-magic-kingdom-walt-disney-world.html Khan Academy is pretty fantastic for all kinds of things, this is just one... https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/hass-storytelling/imagineering-in-a-box?CMP=ILC-DPFY19Q4wo0808190814190031F&fbclid=IwAR2j3ubvmYLU--JqYpsWpmNR4hPMtAw6Ck1rgeEdrWEQurmn4k6AyqFV1u8 If you have Netflix (or check other streaming services for similar) https://homeschoolhideout.com/educational-shows-on-netflix/
  17. Great big pot of chili, half of which is being frozen for later use. It's a chilly day here so chili seems appropriate. Thankfully I am in a position currently of not needing to stock up on food, because we had already recently done so in small trips anyway, because I do that once a year for about a month. So thankfully my cupboards, fridge, and freezer are full and our animals have a good supply too. We also took extras to my mom's house for them, my aunt and uncle who are out of work and actually have been for a while due to all this and unable to get any kind of assistance because this state sucks donkey nuts, an elderly neighbor that lives up the road who lost her husband a couple months ago, and another lady that lives up the road from us who isn't elderly just doesn't accept help easily but really needs it (we drop stuff off for her all the time, have done it for about 14 years, anonymously..she still hasn't figured out it's us).
  18. I forgot to add something, and it was probably because...cranky....but #-I forgot what number I was on, 12, 13, 50?...whatever it was... A lot of people are now forced to homeschool, and I have found that I have a particular set of skills that come in handy here, having homeschooled my own children for, well, forever, lol. I've used that set of skills to help others who are panicking about the new lifestyle being thrust upon them (and admittedly, also used it to knock some people down a few pegs who are patting themselves on the back for doing what they should be anyway...but that's cranky me). Even people who have schools that are doing everything they can to accommodate students and their parents seem to need a bit more guidance now and then. I'll extend that same offer here too... If you're now aboard the homeschool train and finding yourself a bit lost, even if your child(ren)'s school is providing ample support and guidance, reach out and I can help find you some resources. There are more free and readily available resources than there have ever been in human history. Many normally paid programs and systems are opting to offer free services, some are instead choosing to offer services at a lower cost (I'm not fond of this model, I'm pretty judgmental of it really). There are also countless other resources available for parents and students alike. If you need help finding them, let me know. I consider this self care and a nice thing, because it makes me feel good, not for helping, but that some people are trying to educate their children no matter their experience and making a concerted effort at it. That's way more valuable than many people probably realize.
  19. Mine aren't very...hmm....normal, we'll go with normal, but there IS a method to my madness, albeit it a bit morbid as well. (sometimes morbid is nice, odd as that may seem) 1-Don't die- that one's super important, and it has nothing to do with the virus, the panic or fear surrounding it (despite both being currently ramped up), or really anything...it's something I do every day...try not to die 2-Be cranky -also very important because cranky means I haven't yet accepted that I shall die today. Cranky means I'm still worrying, thinking about, doing, noticing, paying attention to..and whatever else...other things, other people, other acts. It keeps me on task for #1 3-Listen to music -music has always played a large role in my day to day doings, same with my family, we don't like quiet, and it is never quiet in this house. Even when everyone is sleeping, there is noise..and I love it. Quiet is too creepy for me. 4-Allow my slightly obsessed with cleansing wipes child to re-cleanse whatever surfaces she so desires as often as she so desires, and not judge her.- I wouldn't judge her anyway, laughing isn't judging. Also, even though she's not really a child, child, but a bigger barely adult child...I call her a child, because she's my child and I call all my childs child. There now that we've settled that......she does this now and then with cleaning, not just cleansing wipes, they're just her new(er) thing. I make the wipes for her though, because otherwise she'd probably cause a chemical reaction none of us needs to deal with. It's not an OCD thing, it's just a her thing. I can't say I mind when she chooses to clean things at random just because she has nothing better to do. Right now it's sort of a form of entertainment, I take mental bets with myself on what she'll end up doing each day. So far, I'm winning. 5- Binge watch whatever the hell I want to. -This is kinda an everyday thing, so.....eh, it still counts 😄 6-Take my damn vitamins. -Ugh...I so loathe myself sometimes...friggen vitamins....at least they're gummies. You can also include the other meds I need with this, I loathe them just as much, and am just as much of a child when taking them (that part is both funny, and not..I am a grown ass adult...but my grown ass HATES medicine.so, I fight it, not even always internally) 7-Talk about stupid ***** with other people. -This is also an everyday thing, in my family, stupid ***** is never off the table, and we talk about all kinds of weird things. We had a two hour conversation about rabbit (ours, that is) and his remodeling that he's so fond of, and how we'd do it differently, iff'n we were lil fluffy butts that had a home that amounts to the size of your average full bathroom, complete with a gate, like he does. (ok, he's spoiled) 8-Fall down various buzzfeed, boredpanda and reddit holes at random times, just because.- I'm noticing a pattern here...I do this a lot too. 9-Read things on forums, type up nasty replies and never hit send. -This might go along with #2, or it might be a daily thing, I dunno, but it oddly makes me feel better, so I do it. 10-Be grateful I'm not high maintenance.- I really hope this one doesn't sound rude or condescending, but, I am, truly. I am a low maintenance kind of gal, all day, everyday, all the time. I'm more grateful for this now, because there is less I need to do, less I need to stock up on, less I need to worry about and probably some other lesses I can't think of right now. I actually have an odd (to me, maybe to others) amount of sympathy for people who are high maintenance normally, because this whole *****show has got to be throwing a wrench in their lives, and that is a bit sad for me. 11-Check in on other people.- This, more than anything, is important right now. Not just family, but also neighbors, people I grew up with and only am in contact with on facebook or email, people I don't even really know that well but might be concerned for, hell people I don't know at all, lol. Checking in on others, even if they're fine, helps bring a bit of rational calm to the ever brewing storm that is a product of whatever the hell has invaded my system. It balances out #2, too. I also send people to help people who need help, because I can't help people that need help, I can't even leave my yard, lmao. 12-Procrastinating. -I have grown superbly keen of this in particular. I am procrastinating damn near everything I can, even if I don't need to, some things I force myself to. I am, in fact, supposed to be in here typing up part of a paper for class while I wait for meds to kick in so I can go to bed....I am not doing so, clearly. I'll write it tomorrow, ***** tomorrow is today now I forgot, or monday, it's not even due til monday night. This one probably lacks a method to the madness, it's just mad, but, I'm rollin with it nonetheless.
  20. I am, but I have every reason to be, and I think it would be extremely abnormal, problematic and likely damaging if I wasn't. Just as I think the overall lack of fear in far too many is precisely that (and also what has lead to this weird ass hoarding mentality we're now seeing, but...'nother novel, 'nother day) I have almost no immune system at all, I'm not just compromised....there's just nothing there(nothing detectable, which is as close to nothing as it gets). Something as simple as the common cold can, very easily, kill me. In fact, a bit over a year ago, exactly that almost happened (cold turned pneumonia, developed flu on top, oddly unrelated to the prior two...all combined caused almost lethal sepsis in a matter of less than a week). Now every single time I get sick, or even close to feeling sick, I get scared. But, scared isn't a bad thing, and people who say "don't worry about it", "no need to be terrified", "what does worrying do" and all other sorts of nonsense can stuff that crap right on up their tailpipes. Some of us very well ought to worry, ought to be scared. and ought to use that fear to fuel our current and future actions....and interactions with others. I'm more than sick and tired of seeing people claim how "not deadly" this virus is, or how many people will overcome it and get through it, or how for many it won't be severe. Cheers for those people that fall into those categories....how about they be grateful for those facts of their lives, while being a bit more sympathetic and empathetic for the rest of us peons who aren't so gosh darn lucky. Our fear is what helps those of us more vulnerable take better precautions and avoid those who clearly aren't willing to even take the most basic of precautions on a good, normal, day. The lack of fear is what causes so many more to not bother caring unless or until they have to. Y'all are slowly killing us as it is by not properly watching after your germs on a regular basis, this virus just happens to be one more nail in our not yet filled coffins that's covering an awful lot of territory. Bugger off with that cheery disposition, the don't worries, the fear nots, the you're overreactings and whatever other faux good feelies you think you're spreading with that rubbish......and let those of us who need and want to be scared do so. Sometimes it's nice to acknowledge that others aren't like you, and that it's perfectly okay to have fears you don't have 😉 Have I mentioned I'm also currently sick (thankfully not with this virus, or I'd not be typing here right this moment, for certain, but sick all the same) and not at all up to listening to rainbows and sunshine. All yous, y'alls and whatnot...are non-specific...unless it applies to you, and if it does...do better, because the odds right now are pretty damn good that someone reading your words is either not going to make it, or will lose a loved one, and it will likely be directly related to someone having not cared enough to take/perform the most basic of precautions and personal hygiene acts when this all started.....someone who probably says "eh, it's not that bad" 😉
  21. Ftr. what this seller is trying to do to you, and saying, in the whole "your license is revoked", is a huge load of horse manure, and you should ignore it. I do support sellers and creators, of course, but any that would act this asinine (and it's not that uncommon) doesn't deserve support. As a previous poster said, that "license to use" can't be revoked because you hurt their widdle feelings by being honest in a review (and because not ALL skirts in sl work that way, like the seller claimed, it's dependent upon type of skirt and the creator's ability to rig....that too is a load of horse manure). If your review was over the top, or broke TOS, the seller could've had it removed. I have no reason to doubt that your review was well within TOS and that the seller is behaving like a petulant little child Going forward, I wouldn't buy any more of that seller's items, of course, but I would continue to use what I'd already bought under the license I'd already bought them, if I felt the need or desire to (if I was super mad, I might not, lol, or might put them up for a bit while I stewed in my own disappointment with the seller, lol). I buy full perm mesh stuff all the time, because I can't make my own mesh to save my life. I've run into a seller with similar behavior before (I did leave a review too, that item was removed form MP, replaced sometime later and all neg. reviews went with it, mine too was a 3 star review)...still hasn't stopped me from using what I've bought in the past, but sure as hell stopped me dead in my tracks for buying new stuff from them. The seller makes good stuff for the most part too, so I was disappointed in the entire thing. My lost sales might only be a drop in the bucket to that seller (even though when I find a seller I like, I buy ALL their stuff that I like, lol) but it means something to me, so I let me wallet do the talking.
  22. LL, nor anyone else, really, wants to hear my tree fiddy on any mp issues anymore...lmao. But...I appreciate the JIRAs, and will be watching them as well, so thank you to the merchants who make them, and I mean that sincerely. I haven't the inclination (desire?) anymore to even bother creating my own, having heard..."tools in the works", "fix in the works", "we're looking into it", "soon"...for, literally, years upon years. But I am still thoroughly invested in those others create, and seeing how (if) things progress on them. So, whether or not anyone else (coughs, LL) ever shows appreciation for the time and effort you all put into JIRAs, reproducing errors, trying to find fixes, trying to find causes, and doing work that folks at LL should be responsible for doing........know that there are LOADS of residents that actually do appreciate and care about them. A heartfelt thanks is warranted, imo.
  23. I have a bit of a different take, and this is coming from someone who has gotten a review that was rather unfairly given with little option for me, as the seller, the remedy the problem.... The fact that your first thought when coming across such a review is "remove it" or "flag it", is a problem in and of itself (but I'm not saying that makes you a bad person or bad seller, ftr.). I am 100% behind sellers, in nearly all ways, but sometimes...we're wrong, lol. At the same time, you have to be reasonable yourself, and you're not doing so when your immediate reaction is to want to remove any evidence of a review you don't like. You see reviews that don't sufficiently meet your expectations as disrespect and I think that's indicative of a disconnect between you, customers, and reviews, and that may be a problem (not a huge one, it's easily fixable, lol, but sellers aren't superhuman or something, none of us, we make mistakes, and not everyone is going to like everything we do/make/create/sell...whether or not we agree with them). Sellers get few reviews to begin with, so if we're going to start getting super judgmental on those they do get (regardless of how informative, or helpful, you, as an individual think they are), we're going to see even less of them. I think that's a stupid approach, to put it bluntly, when there's a much better option for dealing with them. You're looking at reviews from a different perspective than I am, and I am certain I look at them from a different perspective than others too..none of us 100% right or wrong in our opinions, though. You can, as a seller, choose to be the bigger person, if you find a problematic review, and make the choice to consciously attempt to resolve or address the issue...or you can take the ultimately idiotic (imo) route and just remove any possible indication that you're not the perfect seller or make the decision that all reviews need to meet your expectations and any that don't are merely disrespect and nothing more and somehow LL should decide they don't belong....One speaks highly of you in a positive manner, the other doesn't, and would in fact indicate (to many people) that the customer may not always be wrong in their piss poor assessment(s) of your/our work, even if they word it in a way you don't like. Maybe your(general you, not you specifically of course) work actually does suck and isn't worth more than "doesn't work" or "it sucks" or "it's not pretty", or something...even if it's not how YOU or I would say it, that doesn't make it an invalid opinion. That's why I say addressing the issue as a seller, is a better option than simply choosing to get rid of it, because you'll say far more to potential customers when they can see how you deal with less than ideal situations. For a lot of us this is far more than just "work", and we take things personally too, but sometimes we might see things that aren't what we think they are. That's not a knock on us as individuals, but being unable to accept that not everyone does things , or thinks about things, the same way we do...won't help us any. I have had customers think that reviews are the only way to get a hold of me....clearly, that's not true, but belittling them or calling their version of contact some disrespect (and really, those examples are not even remotely disrespectful, I don't get that assessment of them at all, imo) isn't going to help either one of us, or potential future customers whatsoever. That can be a tricky balance, but it's one all of us need to find. All yous and your, etc.. are all general of course.
  24. I just finished watching The Black Spot a couple days ago, that's such a good show, working on The Protector now (both of those are dubbed shows, just like Dark, so if you're not into that, you might not like them lol). Before that I was watching The Stranger. Yesterday hubby and I watched 6 Underground and the day before Freaks...both really good movies. We're also still watching (as slowly as we can, sigh, we can't prolong them forever lmao) the rest of The Ranch and OITNB.
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