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Evangeline Arcadia

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Everything posted by Evangeline Arcadia

  1. Hi Aurora - if you mean one of the older linden homes then you'll need to abandon it to be able to get a new home (which are sold out right now). If it's mainland you purchased then no, but you will need to have premium membership to be eligible (and 1024m of land free under your tier allowance I think). Hope that helps:) There's more info here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:New_Linden_Homes_2019
  2. Just want to say a big thank you to everyone here who created an public space from their homes. The ideas are so great and beautifully done. I've had such fun visiting them and bookmarked them to return again. Thank you😍
  3. It's been mentioned by LL that all the first gen homes will eventually be replaced by all the new themes coming, so it would be a replacement:) It'll just take a bit of time.
  4. Yeah, I imagine it's quite a bit of work. I'd be open to renting but the cost and potential hassle (chasing payment, griefers, other things...?) seem a bit off-putting. Hat's off to you:)
  5. It's doubt it's gonna happen, and not sure it would work in practice, but I on the face of it it seems like a nice idea...I'm sure I have a tent somewhere in my inventory....:) Would still be like a land grab, with not everyone able to get what they want. I don't know for sure but I suspect that the beach positions will always be the most in demand, but there are fewer of those compared to inland spots (from the map). So some will be dissappointed. I'm wondering now if there'll be another continent in the future too - I estimate they can fit an average 20-30 homes in one region (let's assume it's the same for houseboats), and it looks like there are about 500 regions on the continent (judging by numbers shown the SSP copy), with about 50 which are not habitable as they are water spaces. So let's say about 450 regions x 30 homes = 13,500 homes. Patch has mentioned there are over 38,000 home to replace, so Belliseria won't hold them all (unless some will be in the sky or underground...I doubt it...). Maybe another continent will house the next themes. Unless I've completely balls'ed up on the figures lol! Just fun to speculate:)
  6. Thanks so much:) I have a good look around. I'm going to check out the firestorm way too.
  7. Looks like you had a lot of fun!:) May I ask, did you use a marketplace prim to mesh generator, or something else? (recommendations would be really appreciated).
  8. I'd love to have a sim! Oh wow, the hours of fun I would have decorating/terraforming etc. But realistically it's never gonna happen unless I win the lottery. I doubt the prices will ever be low enough for 'regular' folk to afford one lol. I personally think the prices are ridiculous for something that's virtual, but then I don't know if I fully understand the costs involved for LL to host them etc. So I could be wrong.
  9. I would imagine they'll have some kind of upgrade option if you have the existing premium. In the blog post it says it's coming this year so not too long to wait:)
  10. Since LL have already announced a price rise for the existing membership I would only assume that the 'new' option will cost more (they're not gonna set a reduced option if they just put the price up...). What the added benefits will be I couldn't guess. Maybe something more in the way of support or benefits to do with owning sims or businesses or something like that
  11. Its been there for a couple of days at least that I know of , just test areas is my guess since they look like copies. I like the mouse though:)
  12. Thanks very much for that:) That's very interesting, and disappointing too:( If it's anything to go by then it doesn't look like there are that many more houseboats coming...maybe about 300. Gonna be some disappointed people (me included 😢) if the demand hinted at on the forums is anything to go by. A beach place seems to be popular.
  13. If you look on the world map you can clearly see another continent they have set up other areas for both new houses and houseboats and you can even see them in place, so I think we can safely say they are implementing more:). Plus there are a few plots I've seen that look like they'll be releasing on Belliseria too. I do get the frustration though, it would be nice to have some rough idea, but they've said it takes quite a bit of coordination between teams so I guess we just have to be as patient as we can:)
  14. You can't be 100% sure, but it often is the case that those who are angry or upset will vent that in forums in greater numbers than those who may think or feel something positive. People are always more likely to voice their opinion if they are upset. It's like the old saying in customer service that a person who has a bad experience in shop/restaurant etc. will tell 10 people, but if they have a good one probably just 1 or 2 (or something like that:) ). Plus it's usually only a small percentage of users that will bother to visit the forums and post anything. So I would say the majority of users will probably just say 'hey ho' and pay the increase, accept the changes etc., and are probably fine with it in the sense of feeling that's just how it is. I guess time will tell...if many drop their subscriptions. But LL probably wouldn't reveal that info...
  15. Sadly no:( The blog post just says more coming 'soon'. My personal guess is either just before SLB16 on 20th, or just after that date (since there will be themes shown there). I would have thought June since it was about a month between the first and second batch releases (I think) . But what do I know lol...
  16. Hi Bengta, LL have said that the reason they only released some of the homes and not all of them in one go is that they didn't want people to have to wait so long till all the themes and styles were ready (as that will take a bit of time). They wanted to try and get some out to people as soon as they could. They have more homes coming, and more styles, so I'm not sure it's quite correct to suggest that they won't be offering homes to all premium members. Their aim is to replace all the homes currently existing, so theoretically we should be able to get one. So we won't be being short changed on our premium from that point of view. The perk will still be the same i.e. have a LL home (whatever theme & styles are available) or use the land allowance instead for a home or building of your own choice. Nothing has changed there (yet...) Having said that, it won't mean that we may get exactly the home theme we are hoping for (but it was a bit like that to a certain extent with the first gen homes), so sure, there may be some disappointment there.
  17. ...or land instead to put your own choice of house:)
  18. Interestingly although there are supposed to be about 60,000 premium members Patch said in an interview (https://thebellisserian.wixsite.com/news) that there are about 38,000 homes to replace (well, he said 'over' 38,000 but didn't say something like 'over 55,000' so I would assume it's nearer 38,000). Many of those old 38,000 homes aren't taken, from what I've seen, so hopefully, including a bit of rise in new premium accounts caused by the new homes hype, by replacing that number there should be enough for all, yeah gonna take some time though. I just hope enough of the themes people want most.
  19. I don't personally believe LL are aiming for scarcity for homes. I don't see why there needs to be scarcity for anything new, not in a digital environment, when it's easy to replicate. Just doesn't make sense to me ( unless they do deliberately want to create the hype, but I think it'll more likely just piss people off). There is scarcity at the moment just because they were rolling out what they have rather than wait till all the homes were finished. They've already said more houseboats and houses are coming soon plus new themes. I really do hope that it will be be enough for current demand (why do I have a nagging doubt that it won't?) and that all members will be able to get whichever theme they want. I can't see scarcity benefiting LL in the long run, especially with the premium hike...
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