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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. Really? You have evidence? I doubt it. As Linden Homes have been around for 3 years, this could have happened over the last 3 years. Anyone seen this happen? Linden Homes are an incredible bargain. Most people just take their chances with Game of Homes until they get something they like. Where would a GoH landlord advertise? It is often the case that the objects in a Linden Home have an owner different from the one on the parcel. Is that leading you to this unfounded claim? I am talking about Bellisseria, not old Linden Homes.
  2. When I first heard of this PP feature, I was like "wut?" The idea that they have a feature that requires an (expensive) support person AND that the outcome is not guaranteed... it's crazy. Why didn't they automate it and make it a slam dunk. An unrelated question... is anyone joining PP for a month so they can pick a Linden Home, then reverting back to Premium?
  3. Like this? (If beachy Newbrookes means houseboats next to Newbrookes). There are actual Newbrookes on sand in SSPSea Cucumber and SSPBeach Please but that landscaping is TBD.
  4. I find all these new houseboat regions to be wonderful... new houseboat arrangements, a region with all square parcels, mixed terrain, ample rez zones, and wide water passages.
  5. Sorry. I forgot to say that the Moles have said that regions have to "produce revenue". Hence, we should NOT expect open-water regions to be created unless they are part of a geographic feature such as a lake. The attached photo is from SSPKermits Green and the blue rectangle on the right side is a 16 meter "waterway spacer", suggesting that this is the intended path of north/south travel. This is a generous width.
  6. There is ZERO advantage to Linden Lab in connecting Belli to Satori anywhere south of Stromberg and north of Rathais because 100% of the coastal parcels are privately owned. The 12m strip of protected water in Blofeld/Klebb is irrelevant because it connects to nothing (so getting there doesn't get you anywhere). The downside of connecting to these regions is that the connected coastal parcel regions would be granted a windfall profit and LL might reasonably be charged with favoritism or scandal. Also, it would be annoying to reside in a houseboat so close to mainland. Checkout the houseboats near Jeoget or Sansara for an example of how this has been done.. The issue of connecting Bellisseria to route 8D and connecting routes was addressed by extending 8D to Chiffre.
  7. Might wanna change the Place Profile as it looks like a no-tell-motel Further research shows that the Motel is at ground level and the post-office is in a skybox above one of the rooms. It also might be good to have a privacy statement somewhere. Does the system communicate with any servers external to SL? Is any mail activity logged? If so, who has access to that information? For example, in BelliBin (waste collection roleplay) there are no external servers, a BelliBin owner receives an IM when their bin is emptied giving the name of the collector, no information is logged, and a count of collections is maintained in the collectors BelliFind HUD (access to owner only). No record is maintained by BelliBin if a gift is given.
  8. A few thoughts... 1. Second Life is not a game by definition, as Linden Lab states "There is no manufactured conflict, no set objective". A game typically has "goals, rules, challenge, and interaction." (On the other hand, if "game" simply means something one does for fun or recreation.... well maybe). 2. Luna is correct that the daytime sky appears blue due to human physiology. Note that the daytime sky is NOT the same as the nighttime sky due to the interaction of the sun's rays with Earth's current atmosphere, where shorter wavelengths (violet and blue) are scattered (Rayleigh scattering). Our eyes are more sensitive to blue than violet. 3. A tomato is a fruit by definition (a fruit is an entity that develops from the fertilized ovary of a flower). But concentrated tomato paste (on pizza) counts as a vegetable serving on US school lunches due to politicians. 4. The results of the OP's survey with respect to Second Life will, at best, be anecdotal. This might be interesting. 5. I hope this entire forum gets archived somewhere and has perpetual existence as it is a treasure trove for those trying to understand the issues of virtual worlds in this quarter century.
  9. Linden Homes lower the "upfront" cost, which is the entry barrier. Also, an adult premium plan could cost the same as Premium or Premium Plus, who knows? I have no idea if Adult regions incur higher expenses. It is possible that the cost of governance might be less, as one might expect less ARs for "deviant" behavior
  10. I disagree. Linden Homes are about LOWERING the barriers to entry. Horizons have an EXTREMELY HIGH barrier to entry in that it costs in the $450US to $1400US range to get in.
  11. Bingo! I speculate that TooSL is very busy and has no interest in investigating adult Linden Homes. We won't be able to ask them about it until June of 2023 at SL20B. I am a bit suprised that Abnor chimed in on implementation details. If TooSL was into this, they would find a way to implement it. Below, Abnor is responding to Qie's remark "This would involve some continent design, sure, but isn't that dream come true for Moles? " about locating adult Linden Homes in Zindra.
  12. I agree but would add "what would be profitable". Linden Lab is already in the "adult content" business, albeit a tiny tiny tiny contributor given the relatively insignificant number of users in SL and the huge proportion of internet traffic consumed by adult content. Linden Homes (imho) are about lowering barriers to entry for permanence. Land sales, auctions, rentals, estates, etc. take time to figure out. Linden Homes are wham, bam, thank you ma'am. (appropriate metaphor for this topic? i thought so too). If Linden Labs sees revenue in lowering the barriers to entry for those who want to get jiggy with it, Linden Homes are a good vehicle. It is a DIFFERENT product than the current Linden Homes.... but at the end of the day (or night), it is just a product. SEX sells.
  13. I swear I had to look this up in the urban dictionary. This is a little too open ended. Are we talking about virtual worlds in general? SL in particular? Features of the world itself or it's inhabitants? Financial issues? Governance issues? Management issues? (head explodes) Given that SL is an opt-in recreation for me, I would say that I have no "real" problems, just annoyances. Some annoyances are addressed by deploying countermeasures (e.g. walls, ARs) and some we just have to accept that we have no control over. One thing is for sure. Nothing lasts. So one problem we will all face is where to go next and what happens to our stuff.
  14. Dips a naked toe in... So, Linden Lab already allows Adult commercial activities... that tells us what Linden Lab is... the only thing at issue is the price. (sorry for that ancient joke) Any discussion on this topic other than the financial one is just noise. If I were Brandy/TooSL, I would create a tiny continent of Adult Linden Homes and maybe charge more via a Premium Porn Plan. The covenant might be extended to allow commercial activity (oh my) or maybe even DJs with tip jars (jaw dropper). If this turns out to be just what the doctor ordered, enlarge the continent. Hey, a buck is a buck.
  15. My guess is that by NOT connecting new regions to Satori (except at Stromberg), they have the option of filling the new regions with houseboats, as they did in SSPKermits Green Also, they avoid charges of favoritism by Satori coastal parcel owners that did not get connected to a new region.
  16. In my experience, Linden Lab does an ok job describing what their products are, but are a bit opaque about why they do what they do. To get this "bigger picture", I suggest a "follow the money" approach. Linden Lab and Tilia want to grow the base of users that have permanence, that is, that have parcels where they can rez the things that they purchase. Prior to Bellisseria, converting day one residents to land owners/renters was not easy (don't get me started on that). Bellisseria gives day one users a easy path to permanence... just click this button, pay, and pick your home. Linking Premium membership to a Linden Home also gives a resident the best deal, $39/year (annual plan, after stipend), which is why old timers flock to Linden Homes. In summary, Linden Homes both help convert new residents to permanent residents AND help retain old residents. This might improve Linden Lab direct revenue and give Tilia more transactions.
  17. Speculation on Peresephone's speculation... First, Stromberg is the southernmost region that has protected water connectivity to the Blake Sea, so that is the PRIMARY reason for connecting there. Connecting to any regions south of Stromberg does not help water connectivity. Also, connecting at Stromberg gives you access to Chiffre and route 8D, which connects you to route 8C. GTFO could put a hub here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chiffre/220/13/22 for boat or truck freight. Lovely. That would seem to solve ALL the connectivity issues. All coastal parcels south of Stromberg and north of Rathais are owned. The protected water in Kleb/Blofeld does not connect to anything. To create another road extending eastward from the coast, Linden Lab would have to reclaim private land. Seems unlikely given that road connectivity is already established by route 8D.
  18. ssshh... I am trying to Jedi mind trick the Moles (These ARE the regions you want to rez)
  19. Yet more speculation about connecting Bellisseria to Satori with protected water.
  20. Further explanation of why sailors consider this a trap.... Sailors typically obey channel markers (buoys). In this case, if you are westbound, you will sail to the right of the buoy and avoid the banline. But eastbound, your intent is sail to the left of the buoy beyond the dock (thinking the water to the left of the dock is safe). We respect protect rights and do not wish to trespass. We encourage land owners to fully mark their banned parcels.
  21. ...dipping a toe in Setting aside the OPs particulars, if a landlord evicts a tenant, it is reasonable to return prepaid future rents. My thinking is in the same ballpark as Qie's... how does one deal with the mess of land ownership in Second Life? Imagine you have a friend who asks you how to acquire land... and you start reeling off all the ways... the pros and cons of each. The virtual worlds (metaverses?) that will dominate in the coming decades need to do better.
  22. Here is an excellent example of a "booby trap" banline, where a resident parcel is adjacent to Linden protected water but there is no visual clue that a parcel boundary exists AND the parcel has banlines. One might expect the banlines to start where the dock starts. The mini map shows the banlined parcel in pink but that pops up to late to avoid the banline.
  23. The text says... This means nothing to residents so not sure why a resident would want a copy. This is mole business. Nothing to see here
  24. With flat feet I am 5'8" which feels about right to me. Lately I have also seen some crazy tall men
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