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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. No. But you certainly chose to read that into my words when it wasn't even implied.
  2. Wtf is this bs? Who said the thread was started to bring me down specifically? Sure as fek wasn't me.
  3. Didn't make it halfway through the first page before regretting reading the thread. Thanks for reminding me of all the things everyone else has (or had) that I've never had or received.
  4. My brain will never be the same. ...sets Scylla on fire
  5. One of those rarities that just gets better with age.
  6. There's only one good thing about the month of February. It's the shortest month of the year. Even if it does last for freaking ever.
  7. Since the help I once provided to SL users for more than 5 years is now considered nothing more than pointing at long pages of a wiki that doesn't help anyone, I'm done. Done with being treated like crap. Done with people who can't see the forest burning all around them because they're too fekking busy setting the fires.
  8. There were a bunch of third party sites with different lists as well.
  9. Hey! Don't forget the Tang when you go to the store tomorrow!
  10. I am. And I have Tang in my pantry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tang_(drink_mix) https://www.amazon.com/Tang-Orange-Powdered-Quarts-Canister/dp/B002WWHXS6 Tang has been on the market since 1957. The powdered form hit the market the same year I was born. 1959.
  11. It's still available in the grocery stores. Usually in the same aisle that you find Kool-aide and Country Time on.
  12. Yeah, we don't get near the junkmail we used to get. At least, with freezer paper, you can choose the softer side. Wax paper not so much.
  13. How dare you! The price of toilet paper is always relevant! Of course, you could always go back to using these: You can identify poison ivy and poison oak, right? /me runs
  14. Someone just had to go and mess it all up for everyone. Fekking humans.
  15. Other half got flu shot. Then proceeded to get the flu at work and give it to me. I was in bed all week.
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