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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Never heard of vampire bonds so can't have much of an impact, if any. The sky isn't falling because it already fell. Wait... is this some resident's bright idea and now people want to blame Ebbe for it? People can be utterly ridiculous. This goes beyond ridiculous. If I had a dollar for everytime someone has predicted the end of SL over the past 16 years... I sure could use that $10,000 USD right about now.
  2. Someone sent me a Valentine's Day card and a beautiful bouquet when I was about 16. Whoever sent it did know me because they knew about my cat and mentioned my cat by name in the card. What they didn't know is my cat had disappeared many months before then. To this day, 44 years later, I still don't know who sent them and it still drives me nuts not knowing. Someone cared and I had no way of knowing who it was or connecting with them. Someone who may have been a very important part of my life slipped away. That bothers me. As much as I appreciate the thought and being thought about... I really don't like anonymous Valentine's Day gifts/flowers/chocolates. This morning, when I logged in, someone had sent me a half dozen roses... anonymously. Thank you!
  3. No. You must still report any 1099s you receive from LL.
  4. I thought of this thread when I saw this on the MP today. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DD-FULL-PERM-Cupid-2/8440956
  5. Oh GGG. Good Gosh Gertrude. Yeah, it does tend to make people do a double take.
  6. <insert appropriate b word here> ...flounces off in a huff ...has a second thought ...flounces back and yells, "So there!" ...flounces off again in a huff with a hair flip
  7. I've always loved the phrase "stark raving bonkers". It covers everything offensive without being offensive. Brits are damned good at it.
  8. Why not Hut's for a buff burger? Or is the airport location gone now, too? https://austin.eater.com/2019/6/10/18660339/huts-hamburgers-closing-austin-burger-restaurant
  9. That is the original idea behind the holiday. A reminder of the importance of not taking your loved ones for granted (you may lose them one day) and to set aside a specific day to remind people to say the words before it's too late and the words can never be heard. Humans need to hear it, not just see the results that aren't always obvious.
  10. I've always wondered, since she has been married to him for so long, if it wasn't an arranged type of marriage. Not necessarily a traditional arrangement, but, an arrangement nonetheless.
  11. There was once a store (not yours) that I did my damndest to buy nearly everything she produced, in just a few days, because at the time I could and I just loved her stuff. I'm still buying some of her creations I wanted years ago. My point is, regardless of whether or not I (or anyone) uses FP in their creations, if your creations are "good enough" there is always at least one person who would buy everything you produce, if they have the means to do so. That's just how humans work. It's nothing to get paranoid over. It's nothing more than a customer who loves your work enough to want it all even if they can't afford to buy it all. Like me.
  12. Now that's a pleasant surprise. Of course, the way my luck goes, if I were to come up with a name or two to send to, I'd never be able to get in and send because the region is always full of premium accounts who get precedence over basics. I remember when everyone had equal access to LL regions and no one got special treatment. That should never have changed.
  13. Is this another one of those premium accounts only things?
  14. I saw it. Still not sure how you came to that conclusion since Nobhead was a good bit older than 48 in 2014. He's 88 this year so he must have aged 40 years in about 5 years. Of course I could be reading that whole page wrong. One of the oddest configurations for a forum/bboard/blog I've ever seen so it is possible I missed something.
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