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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Other half and I learned a long time ago that sharing a pc just will not work. Even more so now, two decades later. That was one of the reasons we fought like cats and dogs the first couple of years. Thankfully, my mom stepped in and helped us out making it possible for him to get some used parts and build one for himself. She even admitted that she didn't want to like him but found she was liking him in spite of herself. lol
  2. This is true. I've been hanging around SL since 2004 and I'm still learning.
  3. I need bifocals myself. Dunno know I'm going to do in a few months when it's time for a new prescription. I can't afford the exam or the glasses. They come in pretty darn handy at times.
  4. A pair of low powered reading glasses might help. I'd suggest a magnifying glass but you wouldn't be able to hold it and the phone at the same time unless you got a mounted one like this: or this: Just a thought.
  5. Mostly into the new Linden homes. They even been neglecting Linden Realms because the demand for Linden homes has been so high. It's been 2 months since they shut the Realms down for "repairs" that are done by the moles, who are also the ones building the Linden homes and regions for those homes. I'm sure things will return to "LL normal" when the demand for the new homes eases up enough that they can cut some of the moles loose to work on the other things that need attention like the Realms.
  6. I'm one of those weirdos that do read the fine print.
  7. Sometimes words just aren't good enough to convey what I think and feel.
  8. That was about the time I stopped logging in. Two deaths in the family less than a year apart, one of which was my dad. I boxed up most of my snaps. I keep putting off going through them to organize and label them so I know wtfreak they are. lol
  9. Ah. I thought you would be using your phone if you didn't have access to another pc. Isn't that what those that have cell phones do? I know some that do when they don't have access to a pc. Maybe not on the LL forum but on others. It's what I would do if I had a cell phone and was addicted... I am not addicted! You are! Everytime I get online YOU are there!
  10. Look at it this way. You're getting paid to post on the forum while you wait for the updates to complete.
  11. Every time Beez would post that smilie/emoticon/whatever it would always make me giggle. Miss you Beez.
  12. Same. It's why I am not, never have been and never will be a member of any political party. ABATE was as close as I'll ever get to that.
  13. Oh. I see. Most of my opinions are unpopular so I've learned to keep my mouth shut in order to avoid the crap that gets flung. I get more than enough crap flung at me on a daily basis in RL for being female and non-white. I'd give you a demonstration but I'd rather not get this thread closed or deleted or end up being banned myself. It (the thread) really gives a bit of insight into those who respond. Which helps us all in more ways than we might realize. I suppose I should confess that my first post was a warning shot across the bow for a certain person that has been on my ignore list a year now and know they are and have been on it. This person keeps trying to bait me into an argument so I'll lose my cool and get banned. So I've fired a warning shot to let them know they need to stop quoting me, stop reacting to my posts. In other words they need to leave me the eff alone. They aren't going to get any revenge off me for the things they said on another forum that got them banned from that forum. They got themselves banned but they blame everyone else for it. They are still trying to rewrite history. I do have a link I could post to back up my claims but I don't think the mods would like me posting it since it would likely start a war. So. I won't be posting it where it can be seen by everyone. So, it is and it isn't what I meant and I apparently confused myself when I read your post at 1 am. I wasn't thinking clearly and I should have waited until this morning and reread your post. Sorry about that.
  14. Where did that come from? I never said one word about my opinions or sharing them and certainly never said sharing my opinions leads to grief. Kind of like? How does that work? I'm sorry. I really can't wrap my head around what you are saying. It doesn't quite make sense to me. I kind of get it, but not really.
  15. The wiki says this: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewerhelp:Blocked_List So I'd have to say items given by scripted objects do not unblock.
  16. It does unblock someone when you send an object, IM or Ls to the blocked person. It's always been that way. Banning simply denies access and does nothing else.
  17. You might want to talk to your GP about therapy for the hot flashes/night sweats. Get them stopped then reduce the dosage over time until you no longer need them. Hopefully you have better luck with it than I do. My mom was lucky. She never had hot flashes even though she had a full hyster when she was in her 40s. After her last child (which I just found out my sister died when she was 2, not 5 as I had always thought) she didn't want to go through losing yet another child ever again. Here's some info on the therapy: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/menopause/in-depth/hormone-therapy/art-20046372 And some on the good stuff: https://www.medicaljane.com/category/cannabis-classroom/#safety-and-efficacy
  18. I see that once in a while. I chalk it up to either a glitch or a connection hiccup. It's usually one or the other and rarely prevents me from continuing to browse the MP. There could be a problem with a node between you and the servers or any number of things that there is no real way (for us) to determine is the culprit. Unless it starts happening daily/several times a day I wouldn't worry to much about it. If it gets to be too much of an annoyance, file a support ticket. Make sure you include every detail you can even if it seems unimportant or not relevant as to what happens, how it happens and when. Keep a notepad handy and record the dates, time and frequency for a period of time and give LL that info as well. It could be very helpful in tracking down the issue and getting it fixed.
  19. When I first started SL I used to spend 12-18 hours (not kidding!) a day in SL. I can't do that anymore. It did lose a good bit of the appeal it had for me over the years. One day I just stopped logging in without even really thinking about it. For 5 years. Then something happened and I decided to try again. About a month after that, I got hit with a diagnosis I never in a million years would have expected to hear and the other half had a really bad heart attack. So it's been hit and miss since. It's been about a month since my last log in. At the moment I'm trying to decide which is more appealing for today, SL or Sims 4. On the other hand, why not both? Since all I do in SL is build and I've started a rather large build project in the Sims 4. Decisions, decisions.
  20. Been there, done that. Never got the t-shirt.
  21. At first I thought you meant the impeachment proceedings. Then I remembered something about the team being sold/disbanded/moved mentioned somewhere. The only thing I have against the Patriots is the troll on the old Skiffy board that called himself Jedigate. He was a staunch Patriots fanatic. And of course, I will always love my Aints. They finally made my dream come true. They finally won a Super Bowl! \o/ And I don't even keep up with sports anymore. lol https://www.newburyportnews.com/news/local_news/sorry-america-patriots-aren-t-going-away-any-time-soon/article_f8f01ec6-6b59-5158-908d-f2b428bb507f.html
  22. We're sorry, but the number you have dialed has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again. This is a recording.
  23. You're not alone. I've had that problem for a couple of decades now. The hot flashes that should have stopped years ago but didn't because surgery at age 25 don't help. Thankfully, I managed to convince my new doc to keep the therapy going for at least the next year as I gradually attempt to wean myself, again. Unfortunately, I also already know what will happen before the end of the year is up. They'll be back. They always come back. Just as severe as always. There is only one thing that does the trick as far as sleep goes (and anxiety). It's legal in my state but it's not for everyone. If you can get the medical where you live, you may want to consider giving it a try. Go for the high CBD, low THC content to start. For newbies, I'd recommend a few puffs 15-30 minutes before going to bed for a night or two and see how it goes. Content (CBD, THC) will vary with each strain but the individual strains are consistent. You just have to try the different ones to see which works best for you. For anxiety a few puffs in the am works best for me. It stops the attacks cold when I have one and prevents them from happening for me when I can be consistent. It even helps with the "winter time blues". Of course, YMMV.
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