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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. In the US there are the traditional boarding schools like the ones in the UK. A few are co-ed. Then there are the ones that are for assimilating the indigenous. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Indian_boarding_schools There was a time, as a child, I wanted to go to boarding school. To get away from the abusive family members. The question is, would I have been jumping out of the frying pan into the fire or would I have been jumping out of the fire into the frying pan? I'll never know.
  2. It's not just father and son. The lyrics describe me as perfectly as if Yusuf (Cat Stevens) had known me as I was growing up. Dammit. Even after all these years there is something in my eyes after listening.
  3. I've never seen it so the implication(s) are lost on me. Sorry. I have seen the original though. FedEx isn't in it.
  4. Youngest living of 5, only surviving girl, no other girls in the neighborhood, so, yeah. Problem is for every family that has at least two children there is always one "baby of the family". So that really doesn't describe the situation. People just don't stop to think how easy it is to be alone in a crowd. Mostly because they likely never experienced it so can't understand it. Oh and I don't have to peek anymore.
  5. What is it called when that happens and you are not an only child but might as well have been?
  6. There is. Just have to convince LL to enable that feature. All forum software has that feature. ALL. Unless you're fool enough to purchase a software package that charges extra for features that are normally part of the whole package and not a separately charged item.
  7. Acktualllly, it means something more solid, brownish in color, tapered on both ends and doesn't fizz when it plops. 💩
  8. But... you were doing so well. Oh. Right. When I went to bed, everyone else was already asleep so there wasn't any one left to talk with. *sorrowful puppy eyes*
  9. It's 2 am. I'm hoping I'll be able to go to sleep soon. Yeah I know. Rots of ruck. Androids are dreaming of electric sheep while I'm staring at a computer screen. Good night. Hope your day goes well for you. Oh and you'd better check your post count again. I think you were looking at your rep count. oops
  10. Thank you. I have no intentions of ever changing so no worries there.
  11. Mine's about 8 inches long. Oh! You meant the measurement, not the body part!
  12. The Metric Conversion Act didn't come into play until after 1975 (it was signed by Ford on December 23, 1975). That is 2 years before I graduated from high school. They didn't even start teaching metric in the schools I attended until it was far too late for me to convert. https://www.nytimes.com/1974/02/03/archives/schools-are-urged-to-convert-to-metrics-used-in-most-countries.html Note the article is dated February 3, 1974. ETA: Also, there's an awful lot of mile markers on highways that would have to be changed. Who's gonna pay for that? Not me.
  13. Didn't forget so much as ignoring the existence of. That one hasn't changed. That one also forgets that pretty much everything that was said and done is all there for everyone to find on the way back machine. I'm half tempted to post that link to the epic threads thread someone recently dug up and then watch the disturbed hornet's nest go crazy. Half tempted. Which means not happening.
  14. The feeling is mutual. Nuh uh. I'm the mostest unpopularistest avatar in the whole universe! So there!
  15. Is this one you created? If not... I'm not premium. I do have a place still on Hither. Par has been super understanding. I'm going to try to log in for a bit this evening. I do appreciate the thought and your generosity. I'd rather have one of your kitchens...
  16. Ohhh! I get it now! I am unpopular. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
  17. You were lucky you got away. I had to live with all of my rapists. Only one of which was not related to me by blood and it took me 5 years to realize I had to get out and another 5 years to do it. I only managed to get away from my stalker ex because he got himself locked up in Camp Fed. Yep. Had the knife thing done to me too. By a so called friend. That ended the friendship in a heartbeat and got him kicked out of my house immediately. There's a lifetime worth of more I could tell you about but it would serve no purpose. Except maybe to cause someone to accuse me of turning it into a competition. No thanks.
  18. Sorry. Even though it happened a very long time ago it's not something I can laugh at. The bottle was thrown deliberately from my cousin's car (not by my cousin though) at my head by one of his friends. I don't think my cousin ever knew it was me but I did hear him getting on his friend's case for doing it.
  19. See my reply to BelindaN. You've already read the one where I stated I don't hate.
  20. If you had had some of things done to you that were done to me over the decades, you'd get uptight, too. Chances are you've never had a 9mm fired at your head from about 15 feet away and found the bullet holes in the wall behind your head in a semicircular pattern. One of which went through 4 walls and into the next door neighbor's duplex. Ever had a half full beer bottle connect with your head after it's been thrown from a moving car? Believe me, it's not fun. Or someone try to shove you out of an El Camino doing 60mph down the highway with gravel shoulders? That's not even a drop in the bucket of all the things that have been done to me. I did nothing to deserve any of it. It's a wonder I've survived the last 60 years.
  21. It was a direct response to me (I was quoted) so I took it that way. There was no indication of it being addressed to people in general. No mention of using my post to springboard. Had that been stated clearly, I would have taken it in the same manner in which you did. The time of year isn't helping either. The downhill side of winter is always hard on me.
  22. I don't fall into either category. For me, it depends on the mood I'm in at the time. Some days I want to read long posts, other days I just don't have it in me. In the future, as much as I like to tease people who do tend to write long posts, I'll do my best not to tease you any more. I may slip up once in a while. Try not to take it personally. It's was never meant that way and never will be.
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