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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I must have ketchup for my fries!
  2. I had the same problem with okra n tomato. Luckily my mom finally realized I wasn't faking the gagging. I could eat the tomatoes but the okra? No effing way. I love fried okra though, just can not eat the slimy okra. I will toss my cookies as soon as it hits my stomach. Same with Pepto Bismol. You know, instead of chicken for dinner tonight maybe I'll do breakfast for dinner instead. But the ketchup stays in the fridge.
  3. @Ceka Cianci I like ketchup/catsup and I love mac n cheese but the two do NOT go together. I'm just glad you didn't post an image of ketchup on fried eggs.
  4. Well... if you are leaving one region and crossing into another that is on a different sim (server) it is a sim crossing.
  5. Yet many of us know it was the way the sign up was set up that was the real reason people didn't follow through. For many it either wasn't very intuitive or the process just took too much time so they figured eff it they'll find something easier to sign up for. If it takes more than a couple of minutes or there are too many hoops to jump through, most people won't complete it. They'll just move on to something else.
  6. You might want to check out the most recent release. It's more user friendly than in the past. And be sure to use the tutorials. Just follow them step by step and if you use video tuts you can always stop, start and rewind as needed. It will start making sense and there isn't anything wrong with repeating them as many times as needed. Sometimes repetition is all that is needed to "get it". You just have to keep plugging away at it. https://www.blender.org/support/tutorials/ It's worth the effort even if all you are doing is making things for yourself and not to sell. Just remember what Jason Nesmith (Tim Allen) said in Galaxy Quest. Never give up, never surrender!
  7. lol It's not that bad for me. I'm just not able to whip stuff out in a day or two. Probably because I'm too much of a perfectionist.
  8. Dayum. If I ate like you guys (and gals!) do I'd weigh over 200lbs instead of the 120-130lbs I normally weigh.
  9. Especially when it's been weeks and maybe even months since I've had a decent night's sleep. 🤪
  10. Try this page: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/login_fail For more troubleshooting help this is the FS wiki which is chock full of goodies to help: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/firestorm_troubleshooting All of the fixes that work for FS work for other viewers, although there will be some differences in the menus in the different TPV viewers and the SL viewer.
  11. I didn't say he is a generational player. I said many that play are. When I said he is probably a more typical player I meant he likely kills off his characters frequently. Most players do. From the titles of his vids, I'd have to say he is one that likes chaos and likes watching the sims die.
  12. I bet that if you ever tried the game, you'd love it because you can do all kinds of nasty things to your sims. lol https://sims-online.com/sims-4-death-guide-killing-your-sims/
  13. @Amina Sopwith If you're interested I do have a blog where I posted some of my first builds in The Sims 4 when it was first released. I haven't posted anything in a long time so the blog is still a work in progress. I really should post some of the other builds I've done. Eventually I'll get a round tuit. https://wolfeyessims4.wordpress.com/
  14. Aging is a setting in the game that can be turned off so your sims don't ever grow old and die unless you want them to. I never do. He is probably more typical of a lot of players. There are many that play what is called generational where they have generations of a family just like in RL. Some like to do the challenges. Some play rotationally where they play a sim or family for a time then move on to the next sim or family. Some like chaos. There are many ways to play The Sims that are as individual as, well, the individuals. Some examples: https://forums.thesims.com/en_us/discussion/895325/how-do-you-play-sims-4 Me? I get attached to the nonexistent little buggers so I rarely will kill one off or let them die of old age. My play style is, for lack of a better way to put it at the moment, all over the place. lol
  15. I've been playing The Sims since 2000, yet, I've never heard of this GrayStillPlays. Probably because I don't watch Sims vids. But I did take a peek and thanks but no thanks. I have aging turned off for a reason.
  16. Nah. Never take the advice of an ex FS support team member.
  17. Reinstalling is never the first thing to do when troubleshooting. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_camera I recommend joining the support group inworld (there are several for different languages) and bookmarking the wiki https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/ When you join one of the groups watch for the bolded type as they are the official troubleshooters. Many in the groups are very knowledgeable and can help but listen to the mods first.
  18. Unpopular opinion: The thread is getting too far off topic.
  19. I have a rebuttal to that sort of bs on one of my picks. This is the kind of thing that happens when people rp being an attorney and manage to convince others they are legit. That bs, no matter how it is worded, will never stand up in court in the US. Those kinds of picks are not legal contracts and do not absolve any wrongdoing.
  20. No, everything will not be fine. I have joined my voice with thousands of others over the years and never needed to be a member of a political party. Organizations like ABATE and AIM. Like most, I'm a bit selfish. I want to have my cake and eat it too, but I also want it to be free, come with 4G coverage, and have all my friends tell me how tasty it looks. But I'm not so naive as to think that there's such a thing as a free lunch let alone dessert. Yet, there's a pervasive line of thought that warrants rethinking when it comes to who is paying for our elections. As a result of closed primary elections, many voters see no other choice than to join a party if they want to have their voice heard. Closed or semi-closed primaries permit only those affiliated with a party to vote, despite the fact they are paid for by everyone, including nonaffiliated and minor party voters. Thus, the Republican and Democratic parties are enjoying heightened constitutional protections as private entities (as well as unlimited 'free speech' in the form of political spending), but they can also dictate who does and doesn't participate in their elections which are paid for by all taxpayers. I'm not interested in joining a party. Period. Exclamation point. Hashtag. Why would I? Why join one of two terribly unpopular private corporations that appear to spend the majority of their time and resources advertising how awful the other has become? "But that's just how it is," I can hear you saying. "Is it really that hard just to check the box and join the political party that aligns with your beliefs the closest?" Yes, it is. If I'm not in agreement with the entire party platform, there's no reason for me to endorse something of which I believe to be counterproductive. Neither the Republican nor the Democratic parties have been serious about any of the issues I care about. Whether that be competent enforcement of reasonable financial regulations, or protecting my personal right to privacy or (and this is a big one) respecting my right to equally participate in elections as an individual, not a party member. See, that is the whole point of remaining an 'independent.' I'm capable of choosing candidates, issues, and policy preferences for myself. In a time where access to information is cheaper, faster, and more voluminous than at any other time in history, I don't need a political party to help me decide what matters and what doesn't. I'm not a corporation; I'm a voter. So how could a multi-billion dollar corporation represent my interests? Simply put, it can't. I can't say I blame the Republican and Democratic parties very much for wanting their cake and eating it, too, but a problem arises when everyone else is stuck with the bill. Unfortunately for them, this is a country of, by, and for the people, not political parties. So until a party called the 'First Nations Party' is formed, I'll keep my independence and I'll vote on it, too.
  21. lol They're all equally repugnant to me. I don't need to be a member of a political party to vote. Besides if I were to join a political party I would no longer be independent. I don't want to be associated/affiliated with any of them.
  22. *sighs and starts thinking about uninstalling Blender
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