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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. I don't have the kind of money it would take to buy the equipment needed. Besides, I'm waiting for the Holodeck to be released.
  2. That's the problem. Most on Steam will see it and judge it as a game. It's not a game. There is nothing to "complete". "Tourist trap" maybe, but not a game.
  3. You're asking someone who grew up drinking Community Coffee?
  4. ☕ The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup
  5. In what year? SL launched in June, 2003. Steam launched in September, 2003. So if you mean "planned" from the beginning, that's incorrect.
  6. It's been that way for 14 years. I agree with you. I just don't see LL ever changing its hands off approach. It started with Philip and should have ended when he left. And here we are. Still stuck in the same old rut LL continues to ignore.
  7. I doubt Sansar will be listed on Steam for long. Steamers are gonna fry it so badly that I cringe when I think of how reviews are going to read. There has been some talk about SL being listed but that got shot down. From 2012: From 2013: https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2013/09/why-second-life-isnt-on-steam.html Steam isn't a good place for SL. Those people are gamers. SL is a creative platform. SL isn't going to give most of those gamers what they will expect so they'll end up frying SL just as badly as they will Sansar. LL's rep has been in the toilet for many years. It's not surprising to me that they decided to flush and it's going to over flow.
  8. phabulously phantastic, phreaky, phurry, phunbags
  9. I've had to register again for each and every forum "upgrade" there has been in the last 14 years. That's at least three times, if not 4. There is a such thing as being "pre-registered" on a forum so that the poster doesn't have to go through the whole registration process. Forum admins set up the account for you and set the password (that you are supposed to change when you first log in). I'm sure LL has done this, perhaps not exactly the same process but something very similar. If the accounts were connected in the way some seem to think, those who were banned in world would not be able to post on the forum at all as we have recently seen is not only possible but... it happened. Of course threads were locked and deleted so there isn't any evidence.
  10. If it were me, it'd be more like: *CLAAANNNNGGG!!! cast iron skillet to the head CLANNNNG!!* But then this isn't YaHell NAC so, not me.
  11. As far as logins go, yes. How many times has LL disabled logins and yet we've almost always been able to post on the forums (unless the website/forum was down as well) in the past... decade?
  12. You have 30 days to change your mind before the account is "frozen". After that you have 60 more days to change your mind before they wipe your inventory and delete the account permanently.
  13. Hey Whirlz? Are the rocks I used to live under while on the team still around? I'm thinking maybe I should move back under. 😇
  14. Amazing! You've discovered something that can be done in RL but not in SL!
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