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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. I think you should re-read Bitsy's post again because that is not how I read it. At all. If I'm wrong and I'm the one who misunderstood her post, I'm sure she will correct me. The paragraph below is the one I think you either misunderstood or missed reading it" You're both saying the same thing. Bitsy just took it further. ETA: And maybe, once in a while, I should finish reading the thread before posting....
  2. They are exactly what the name implies. They apply the skin texture or clothing texture to the mesh body (or head). Here is a more in-depth explanation: http://regenerationshapes.com/index.php/2017/03/25/second-life-appliers-work/ *waits to see the light bulb go on over Amina's head*
  3. Just by making sure you click on the correct menu item. The one for HUDS is clearly marked as such. The one for the rest of the attachment points is either just above or just below it so it's easy to miss (right)click without realizing it. Here's a helpful link from the FS folks you might want to bookmark for future reference. https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/hud_issues
  4. Just be sure you are using the HUD attachment points and not the avatar points.
  5. I'm perfectly capable of making that decision for myself. I will do so when and if I choose to. Not when someone tells me to. I'm a woman, not a girl. I haven't been a girl in over 4 decades.
  6. I knew there was something about you I like. 😇
  7. Right now the only thing aggravating me is the person who is misinterpreting every thing I post. I didn't not say it was, I said it SOUNDS LIKE. If you've never been a victim of anything then you wouldn't know. I have been a victim in the past, of many things. I consider myself to be a survivor since much of it took place 30 (and more) years ago.
  8. Right click the HUD in Inventory and select edit, then use mouse wheel to scroll in/out to locate the HUD then move it to where you can see it OR you can attach it to a different screen location. If you attach to a different location you may need to edit and move it to see it. Went through this recently with the Ebody HUD. Of course it was the one time the above didn't work and I had to delete that copy and unbox a new one. Problem solved. ETA: And always make sure you allow the scripts to fully load first. I've noticed sometimes things seem to take longer to load than usual.
  9. This sounds too much like victim blaming to me. People are just supposed to grin and bear with something that they find aggravating for years on end? Humans don't work well that way. Keeping things bottled up is not good for any one. That just leads to sudden explosions. When I was young I would do exactly that until one day it would all just come boiling out. It's much better to let it out than to let it build for years, until you literally explode with anger.
  10. Well, well, look who escaped from the Phoenix asylum, too.
  11. Yes you can name and shame on SLU/VV1 but be very careful of how you word it and be prepared to be interrogated thoroughly. sluniverse.com does redirct to VV1. Don't think Cris has the archive up yet.
  12. That used to work. Don't know if LL plugged that hole or not by now. See above. To the best of my knowledge the only way to prevent someone from camming in from another region is for the target region not be connected to another region.
  13. I'd prefer not to purchase from someone who professes to hate SL "with a passion" as well. Would someone be so kind as to PM me the store name, please, so I can add it to my short list of "do not shop heres"?
  14. No, but I will be the death of you. 😈
  15. lol I'm not letting anything "ruin" my experience. It's not a problem like you think. And yes, it is that way, for me, because I do insist and if others aren't willing to use common courtesy, buh bye.
  16. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't bother and just close the IM. Ninety nine point ninety nine percent (99.99%) of the time I get crickets to my "hello".
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