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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. In the US, senior discounts start when you turn 55. You're also eligible for AARP when you hit 55.
  2. This is the only "major" pet peeve I have in SL. The rest are all minor, not worth mentioning and usually end with me either walking away or just clamming up. People who insist that if you don't have voice on you are not the gender in RL that you present as in SL and are therefore intentionally being deceptive. Do you really think no one in SL is deaf or has hearing loss? Voice is off because I do have hearing loss AND tinnitus. Be thankful I'm willing to spare you and myself the frustration of constantly asking people to repeat what they say as much as 5 or 6 times so I can understand them. I can NOT read your lips in SL ffs.
  3. Yea it is. 5 years isn't that long once you hit 55. Believe me, I know. The last 4 years have literally flown by and left me wondering where the heck they went. It's true that time seems to pass more quickly the older you get. Whoosh 💨 there it went. Now get off my lawn! ✊
  4. Why does DJ bother you? I'm curious since DJ does stand for Disc Jockey and originated with am/fm radio, not to mention hubby was a RL DJ and is a DJ in SL (when he has time these days).
  5. I've been an SL resident for 14 years. The above is a load of hogwash. While there were (and still are) those who collaborated, there have always been more that never have. People don't leave SL just because their creations "don't work". Most private sims are residences (homes) and are going to be "dead" since most will be out and about exploring or hanging out at clubs or doing whatever it is they enjoy doing in SL besides just staying parked in their homes.
  6. If anyone is interested, FS has both styles of menus. You don't even have to take my word for it. This comes straight from the lead dev (in 2011): Why? Because people have personal preferences and it was better to include both so that everyone who uses the viewer has the option. It's all about options. I'm just glad the dev team understood/understand just how important options are to SL residents, since LL doesn't seem to get that options are what people want. I hope they (FS devs) never decide that giving us options is more trouble than it's worth and we end up with zero options.
  7. If the mods don't lock it... well then... woot there it is*. I don't really want it locked but I am leaving it up to the mods to determine if it is worth saving. I think that is fair. *Yes I know. I say it my way.
  8. complimentary fans at reduced price? (complimentary means free as in no price )
  9. No. I have never assumed everyone uses them. I know all too well from having to deal with people in FS support that not everyone uses the same features of any viewer. You're doing a fine job of misconstruing things I have said and making a mountain out of a molehill. The only one "stamping your foot" here is you. Apparently you think I am angry. Nope. Not even close. You seem to be determined to continue derailing so the thread get locked. Since it seems to be wrong to try to keep a thread on topic so it doesn't get locked, I may as well request this one be locked.
  10. Where have I even mentioned the thread being for noobs? It's for everyone, not just noobs. There are those who have been residents for many years that are just now learning some of these things. And yes I do TYPE things out of habit. Btw, FS does still have pie menus which I do use. Because it is my personal preference. I'm sure you'll have fun mocking me for that as well.
  11. A quick google search would have turned it up.
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