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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Found the redelivery info. Right here in the men's section there is a huge sign that you click on to get a notecard that tells you how to get a redelivery. The notecard reads: It's also posted on Emilia's profile on her picks tab: I also joined the REDGRAVE Skins & Fashion Updates 2 group. Emilia hasn't logged in since 07-31-2018 while Dean hasn't logged in since 11-01-2018. Messaging Dean won't do any good as according to his profile: So no redelivery terminal is present in the store. The skin vendors are CasperTech, so she could install a redelivery terminal. None of the skins are priced at more than 1490Ls. Most are priced at 990Ls.
  2. Haven't been there in a long time. Was thinking of logging in and going to the store to check if there is one. I think I remember there was one last time I visited.
  3. Don't remember if anyone asked so far but did you check your Received items folder? Also, people's IMs do get capped if they don't have them forwarded to email. Sending a notecard along with an IM is the best way to make contact.
  4. Welp. At least the brats in SL are adult brats. Can't say the same about IMVU. After many years of getting their junk mail, it would appear they finally gave up on trying to entice me back. Thankfully.
  5. I would go with the reset to white and then reapply the skin you use. I know of no reason it won't work. Deleting the old and using a new copy should be a last resort.
  6. Did you ask Scylla if it was ok to post her chat? No? Rut Roh.
  7. Ebody has 4 reset buttons on the applier tab. Maybe look for something similar on the Slink HUD?
  8. Wouldn't it be better to just keep it in your pants? 😇
  9. Depending on the body you are using there should be a reset button on the HUD that should have taken care of that problem. Key word being should. I'm using the non update-able Ebody on a couple of alts and had that issue a few days ago. It took a bit for the reset to take effect because lag. I think the sim needs a reset, too. Reset buttons. I do prefer the packaging that is a HUD over the ones you have to attach. But I'm still in the habit of going home and rezzing boxes.
  10. Streams are not tied to log in. It is possible to DJ without ever logging in. The DJ just won't be able to interact or speak with the audience because they are not logged in. RL other half has been an SL DJ for years and has had this happen a few times. All that is really needed is to let the DJ that can't log in continue broadcasting until another DJ can fill in (unless of course they lose the stream as well). In the meantime communication can be done via a 3rd party chat between the DJ and host/hostess/managers/etc. Once the fill in DJ shows up all that is needed is to change the stream.
  11. You are not what I would call the typical elitist or hardcore gamer. The ones I'm talking about are the arrogant "get gud" guys. Those types really are not suited to SL. They usually turn out to be nothing more than griefers.
  12. If they did, then those of us with less than 20/20 vision would be crying to get them enlarged so we can see them. Some of them are so small I have to almost put my nose on the screen to bring it into focus, with prescription glasses that are only 6 months old. Sometimes it's better to leave well enough alone.
  13. Try "SL is a creative platform." instead. Most will usually get the idea and if it appeals to them, they will hang around long enough to start the learning process. If they have more of an attention span than a flea does, they'll stick around for the long haul. If not, then SL just isn't their cuppa and never will be because SL isn't for the elitist or hardcore gamers.
  14. Affiliate sellers are not actually responsible for failed deliveries from affiliate vendors. The original creators are. The way it works is, the original creator sets up the affiliate vendors with the products loaded into it and then sells the vendor to someone who has agreed to abide by the creators rules. So whatever vendor system the creator is using is the system the affiliate uses. The affiliate seller has no control over the vendor itself. Your best bet is to contact the original creator for re-delivery. It can take up to a week to get a response at times. There are many reasons why it can take so long such as the creator is on vacation, ill, hospitalized, family crisis or just flat out busy in RL. There is also the possibility that the affiliate vendor is an old one and the original creator no longer logs in.
  15. SSA (Server Side Appearance) hit the grid in 2013. SSA handles ALL of the baking and does it server side. It hasn't been done client side in the last 5 years. Under the old client side system, when you wear clothing layers, the clothing textures are sent from SL server to your computer. There, the viewer layers the clothing textures onto your skin textures (baking) and then sends the resultant textures back to the SL servers. The servers then send these textures to other avatars that might be in the region. If any one of these things don't work properly, the result is commonly called a bake fail, leaving your avatar looking like a cloud, ruthed, or your clothing not visually changing when you change outfits. In general, bake fails occur when there is a communication problem. Even with SSA.
  16. According to the OP the person was a woman so yes, her. I don't get why you find that amusing but hey, people look at me weird for my sense of humor.
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