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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. I've noticed that Solar seems to find a lot of things amusing even when they aren't. *shrug*
  2. They may have the power but they do not have the right to exert their asshattedness on others. Their dictatorship ends where others' rights begin.
  3. Did I say anything about VR? No. Don't read more into my post than what is there. My point was that someone else had the idea and implemented it long before LL "stole" it.
  4. 3D homepage... lol Active Worlds already had those years ago. I forget exactly what they were called but they were the smallest "world" available and were meant to be "webpages". Seems like LL has been beaten to the punch... again.
  5. I don't imagine you would like it very much if someone told you what you to do with your avatar any more than other people like it when you tell them what to do with theirs. My RL height is 5' 4" and it's the same in SL. I'm not changing my height just because some jerkface wants to try to say I'm a child in SL. In the 14 years I've been in SL I have never played or even had a desire to play a child nor have I ever been accused of being a child avatar due to height alone. Anyone that throws that card is a bluffing bully and should be horse whipped.
  6. You're doing it wrong. It's this way: Necroposts! Necroposts! Necroposts! You're welcome.
  7. I thought it was the opposite. From fire to frying pan. At least that way, you can skate on the grease for a while. 😇
  8. I was just giving an explanation of why they never took it further than it went, not criticizing you or anyone who does pay for it.
  9. For the simple reason that a few years ago (about 5) the services being used to translate went from free to pay. That pretty much killed the FS translation because most people weren't willing to pay for something that had been free for years and years.
  10. Hope you ARed the account. Maybe file a support ticket on it as well since sometimes ARs just aren't enough.
  11. Aw man. I can't afford premium until maybe next year, if I am lucky. If.
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