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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. So you do like having Big Brother watching you. 馃槆
  2. Good Vibrations >>> Sympathy Symphony Cold Bill >> ?
  3. I was thinking about him just the other day. I miss Max.
  4. In the eyes of LL, yes, but that doesn't make it the correct thing to do. It is easy enough to prove innocence just by comparing IPs on the account in question. Unless, of course, someone has figured out a way to spoof IP addresses that I haven't heard about. This is just one of the many examples of LL covering their @$$ at what some might consider the expense of the residents. It's all part of the way LL does business. Which, as we all know, is rarely (if ever these days) is in the best interest of the customer.
  5. Via Google translation: Trate de usar el visor para comprar cantidades exactas de Ls. Si tiene informaci贸n de pago archivada en Linden Lab, no deber铆a tener ning煤n problema. https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000138105-buying-selling-linden-dollars Para comprar d贸lares Linden en el Visor de Second Life, haga clic en el bot贸n COMPRAR L $ al lado de su saldo actual en d贸lares Linden. En la ventana COMPRAR L $, simplemente ingrese la cantidad de d贸lares Linden que desea comprar y haga clic en Comprar ahora. La compra de d贸lares Linden en el mundo produce el mismo valor que una compra de mercado en el sitio web de Second Life.
  6. I did the same thing all they way through grammar school and junior high. The only cards I ever got were from my teachers so I stopped bothering with it once I hit high school.
  7. It's what you put into it that makes it special, not what other people think.
  8. For some reason I can't quite put my finger on, this video seems to be relevant to the thread topic. If you watch, listen and really hear what is being said, you might want to grab a box of tissues first.
  9. Gaming falls under entertainment so I'd have to say it's the entertainment industry that drives much of it. Look at how far CGI has come in just the last 20 years. Compare the movie Avatar to... well.. pretty much any movie or tv series prior to Avatar's release.
  10. hustle mussel cherry picker >>? Augh. Lindal beat me to it.
  11. I knew there was something I was forgetting to do yesterday. I forgot to page Whirlz to the thread. Sorry about that.
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