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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. o, you're just flooding the front page of General Discussion with 8 year old threads.
  2. Not to mention their ageism is showing.
  3. Wonder how hard this one will be.... mixed bag >> ??
  4. I've reported him/her for all the necroed threads they bumped up this morning.
  5. How about you stop necroing threads and flooding the GD front page with them.
  6. Dang that is very close! flapper yapper was what I was thinking.
  7. That is a common practice in RP since the advent of display names. There were two things that prompted the display name. Those who got hitched in SL and wanted their last names to be the same and those who RP being able to use a character name that is different from their user name. I mean, really, calling some big beefy jouster guy FuzzySpuffy ruins the immersion.
  8. Lazy Alcohol >> bum rum 1920s motormouth
  9. Do this first and if none of it works file an FS JIRA. https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory JIRA: https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/file_a_jira (if you need help filing one) https://jira.phoenixviewer.com/projects/FIRE Or you can always ask for help in the support group. https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/firestorm_support_groups_join
  10. wide tied or Wide Glide (Harley) money bird
  11. You guys are too fast for my TBI. lol amphibian roadkill >>> ribbit debit ??
  12. I tried doing that. It got shot down. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. Pffft. Maddy isn't gonna flounce. She might leave but she isn't a flouncer. Well. Ok. If she sets SL and the forums on fire and then leaves, she flounced.
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