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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Thank you for hunting that down. That was very thoughtful and kind of you.
  2. If anyone had bothered to keep a record of the number of times LL has screwed things up (and sometimes royally screwed up) the list would be pretty long. For a while there, they had to roll back everything they did because it was too buggy. The result of pushing things out before it should be. One of the worst disasters, way back in 2005/6 or so, ended in the grid being down for several days (a week if I remember correctly). There have been other, not quite so drastic, disasters. All of the incidents I remember were a situation where LL had tried to improve on something but something went wrong and things were really worse, instead of better. That's not to say things didn't get fixed. They did. Mostly. Even that old permissions bug where perms just arbitrarily change themselves (even in a vendor) rears its ugly head now and again. I know that has happened because it happened not only to me, but to my RL other half as well.
  3. Aw man! It was supposed to be a surprise! Well... you get it a day early then. Enjoy!
  4. I'm pretty sure the word 'more' is in the thread title.
  5. To my knowledge none of the forum software makers have ever introduced a feature like that. Of course, not having a way to know if LL's contract with Invision allows LL to make any kind of code changes in the software. I rather doubt it. That has the potential to open up a lot of nasty legal problems. I've found it easy enough to just not go below the line that separates threads with new posts from threads that don't have any new posts, whether I've read those threads at some point or not. Every now and then I will go through and mark every thing read so that all those old threads fall off the list. When the number of pages start creeping past 5 - 7. Most of the time it isn't necessary because they eventually fall off anyway. I do like your idea but for a forum I don't think it is something feasible. You know what they say about keeping things simple.
  6. I know butt dialing has been a thing for more than a decade. I rarely drink so I wasn't aware that drunken butt dialing had become a thing. Well... anyway... here's to the future! Cheers!
  7. Which is why most people use ADD far more often than WEAR. It's only a click or two more to add then detach an item that is already on that point. Bottom line is the ADD and WEAR are working as intended by LL. It is not broken.
  8. Chalk is cheaper. lol Although blackboards may be more expensive than whiteboards by now, blackboards do last longer.
  9. I'm with Maddy on this. SL is "old" tech, as in 15 years old and with all the adult content, it is not an appropriate learning environment. It's easy enough to figure out how to circumvent the barriers to other areas of SL for those who are determined. Had LL done something like have a separate adult grid to begin with (think Teen Grid)... but... they did the opposite.
  10. It really isn't necessary if the sim is surrounded by LL owned open water. There isn't any access to the open water so no one would be able to fly onto the sim from the water. As for teleports, you can set a specific landing point and allow TPing in the sim or you can set up a hub (not recommended) that will allow TPing in but no one will be able to TP around the sim except estate owner/managers.
  11. @Toolinator This link should provide you with information you need. Read it please, then if you have questions ask them in this thread. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Estate_Menu
  12. Fruit Islands grants full estate rights on homesteads and full sims. Or they did when I had my homestead. Ownership has since changed hands so I don't know if that policy has ever changed. I don't think it has.
  13. All they need to do is turn on the "new posts" feature and with one click you get a list of all new posts since your last visit and below that a list of those you haven't read yet but haven't had any new posts since your last visit.
  14. It is very effective when the sim is not attached to another sim. I know it works because it did so on my old homestead that was not attached to any other sim. Open water on all 4 sides.
  15. From what the person said it's not a parcel it is a sim.
  16. You'll need to set up a group and have those people that you want join it and the group needs to be deeded to the land.
  17. So... drunken butt dialing is a thing now?
  18. When, in RL, someone says something funny and instead of actually laughing you say "el oh el".
  19. We recently had one of these threads so why are we posting in an 8 year old thread on the same topic again?
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