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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. You're about 30 years behind then. It's been that way since the 60s. Still is. Especially since none of the manufacturers can agree on standard sizing. Even the "regular" lengths are too long for me. So it's not that it started out being done intentionally. The manufacturers have forced it on us. And it isn't just jeans either. And of course, now it's more expensive to make your own clothes than it is to buy ready made and guess who made certain of that happening? Yep. The clothing manufacturers/designers. Much like cars. With each passing year there are fewer and fewer things on a car that the individual can fix because the manufacturers want you to buy a new car every two years as if we can all afford to spend more than a year's wages on a car every two years. This is being done with everything. That's why it's said that starting with Gen X (I think it was) kids are growing up in a throw away society. It's gone on long enough now that even people are considered disposable, just like a Bic lighter, the culprit that started the whole thing. Bic disposable pens and lighters.
  2. For those who want to learn something new... There are straight leg, flare aka boot cut, bell bottoms and big bells. They don't ever go out of fashion. Some bright bulb just renamed them thinking they could pull a fast one. They didn't stop to think that there will always be those who remember.
  3. Yet EA/Maxis has been doing it since 2000. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Which just wiped out all content creators so there isn't going to be any thing to buy anyway since no one can afford the exorbitant upload fee hike that will inevitably follow.
  5. You can resize the window.... and the columns. Just like any other window and columns.
  6. Try Ducknipple. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/3428
  7. Unlike me, Maddy isn't a snake that lays in wait for you. ...sets you on fire
  8. Except its YOUR money that gets taken, not the person giving you the scripted object.
  9. Area search is also built in, in FS and other TPVs. How's that for knowledge?
  10. Or you could use the built in radar in FS and other TPVs.
  11. This is correct except for the part about fully trusting someone. Even if you do trust the person who gave you the object that is asking for payment permissions DO NOT GRANT THE PERMISSIONS. The ONLY time you do so is when it is a vendor that YOU rez out of YOUR inventory that YOU purchased from a reputable vendor creator.
  12. You have to rez the object on the ground to be able to see what scripts it has in it IF it is mod. If the scripts are no mod then you won't be able to see what it is they do IF you are familiar with LSL. Now what were you saying about no one being knowledgeable?
  13. You went behind the barn by yourself didn't you. See how you are? Now how you gonna act.
  14. Them's fightin werds! Meet me out behind the barn and expect to get a whuppin. If I'm not there in 5 minutes, you can start without me.
  15. You and others might. I don't. Not when I get stereotyped by others on a daily basis.
  16. To sum it all up in one word, it's stereotyping. http://theconversation.com/the-terrifying-power-of-stereotypes-and-how-to-deal-with-them-101904
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elitism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ageism ETA: Ageism does work both ways but it mostly occurs in younger people in their attitudes towards older people.
  18. His loss, not mine. I have zero tolerance for ageism and elitism. Don't like it? Too effing bad. I'm not killing off my inner child just to make some young dimwit happy.
  19. And here is an almost 60 year old woman with a lifetime partner who is 9 months younger in RL, blocking you inworld. People like you, that think they can control every thing others do, have no place in my life. Go suck the fun out of someone else's existence. You can't have mine.
  20. Ollie, First you need to be sure you have properly "aimed" FS at the OS grid of your choice. https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/preferences_opensim_tab?s[]=opensim Second, if you want to be able to do preliminary testing (the final test being in SL itself) you can install your own little grid on your pc. http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Main_Page It may look complicated but they really aren't hard to set up. Please note: The Firestorm support team does not provide support for the OS version of FS. You will need to utilize the OS community for help.
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