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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. You will be losing some groups and offlines. They are removing from basics and giving to premiums.
  2. lol Matty. Leave it to you to find a silver lining in all this mess.
  3. It was 10 when I joined in 2004 and didn't increase for several years. I don't remember off hand what year it was but I want to say it was around 2007/8/9 when they upped it. It may have been as early as 2006 but I doubt it.
  4. I can just imagine the volume of spam that would create. Basics won't have a snowball's chance in hell with the offline reduction. Offlines capped daily. Emails crammed full. It wouldn't be much better for premiums. There are already a lot of similar groups out there that I've had to leave because of the constant spam from all the different merchants and their employees. Maybe rethink that one a little?
  5. This is all too true. We've (RL other half and I) owned and operated a few clubs in SL over the years. Never again. The truth is the majority of those clubs do not make money. They lose money. They operate at a loss, not a profit and are lucky if they break even once in a while. That is the real reason most clubs (and RP sims regions) disappear after a relatively short time.
  6. I was one of the ones who dumped Photobucket when they went full pay. I wouldn't have minded a small hosting fee but they went more than the whole hog. I was using it to host some of the images I was using on the FS forum before I discovered that particular forum provider didn't limit that sort of thing, just in the nick of time.
  7. Some of us are still here. It's been a long 15 years. Holay crap I'm old. lol
  8. I remember all too well. I was still on the FS support team back then and heard a lot of things the rest of us "plebs" never had an inkling about. There were times when I was actually scared he would succeed. He came way to close to succeeding for comfort. SL would have been dead long ago if they hadn't canned him when they did.
  9. *sigh* So because I'm basic, I'm to be punished for being basic by being charged more for a service? The axe is about to fall on my neck isn't it.
  10. OMG! Yes! Even though he has been gone for years now some of the crap he pulled (and tried to pull) still chaps my @$$.
  11. Since I do live in the US, I didn't want to bring it up and be the bearer of more bad news. I'm glad you did.
  12. You're making the assumption that the majority of my shopping is for clothes. Sorry, that isn't what I do the majority of my shopping for. .
  13. The smaller increases over a period of time would have been the better business move. Makes a bitter horse pill a bit easier to swallow.
  14. I think you may have forgotten to take one thing into account on the changing last name thing. A lot of us basic accounts have last names because we've been here that long and longer. So why shouldn't we be able to pay to change our last names?
  15. For some reason I rather doubt we shop at the same places for the same things. When the big move to the MP occurred I thought I would be losing the vast majority of the inworld stores I buy from. Fortunately, for me, I've been proven wrong. The majority of the places I shop at still have inworld stores. The ones that are still creating content anyway. Some of them are gone from SL and no longer have either location.
  16. What is it about you that makes me feel good whenever we agree on something? Thank you for chiming in!
  17. Thank you for clarifying. I wasn't sure. I still would like to see your products. Aw shoot. It's the other forum that has the peace sign. This will have to do. ✌️
  18. A thought just occurred to me. Is LL trying to recoup its losses on Sansar by these changes and rate hikes? Could be a very strong possibility. Make us pay for not transitioning over to Sansar. I mean, I know LL can be nefarious at times but damn. That would really take the cake.
  19. Please re-read my post. I did NOT say I never purchase from the MP. I do make exceptions. Just not very often and it has to be something that I can't substitute some thing else for. I don't even know what you sell so it may be that your products aren't something I would purchase. I'm not saying that to hurt your feelings or make you angry. Send me a link to your store, please, and I'll be happy to take a look and maybe purchase something (will have to be no more than 50Ls since that's all the stipend I get each week). I do believe very strongly in supporting "local" businesses when I can.
  20. There are some rumors flying around that there are several groups of people who are working in Unity to create virtual worlds that are supposed to be far better than SL. I don't know if this is fact or not but I have seen signs that it is true. So maybe those of us who are slowly being forced out of SL will have a place to go in the fairly near future. I hope.
  21. My real life other half is a DJ in SL*. He is also basic. He's not happy about the group thing either. *He was a professional DJ in RL way back in the day and he's damn good at what he does in SL.
  22. Somehow I missed that last line yesterday. It's true. He doesn't remember much. But you know who remembered even less? Jerry Garcia. RIP Jerry.
  23. Like Rolig said, he flounced gracefully when his premium ran out. Not sure how you missed that when he tended to mention it almost every other post. lol I am teasing. I probably would have missed it, too, if he hadn't told me directly.
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