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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Good luck. And I mean that sincerely, not sarcastically.
  2. What galls me is the fact that basics are being reduced to compensate for the increases to premiums. Basics may not pay an annual fee but we do spends thousands of dollars in SL annually. Basics spend just as much in SL if not more than premiums do. Way to go LL. You've succeeded in pissing me off bad enough to call it quits for good this time. But I will wait until I have cooled off and LL has had a chance to reconsider this ill-advised move. Shorting one customer to give another more is a bad business practice. You think LL is barely afloat now... just wait. And so much for LL being so concerned about retention. *sighs* Second Hell would be a more appropriate name these days.
  3. Wow. Talk about being out in left field. You've gone so far out you're not even in the same galaxy any more.
  4. Negligible to you. What is negligible for you is a once a day meal for someone else. The highest paying job I have had in recent years was $14 an hour. Can you live on that? Barely, but not really. That is $29,120 annually BEFORE taxes. Take home pay is less then $25k . And that was a temporary position. Any price hike hurts. Badly. And it isn't going to get any better. Youth wins out over experience every time.
  5. Holy crap! I didn't even notice they are reducing groups and offlines for basic. What utter balderdash. And to think I wasted money I don't really have to spare to try and rebuild my SL business just so LL can nuke it from orbit before I can even get enough things made to put on the MP. I knew I should have never logged back in but I listened to the other half's offer of a mesh body. Do I regret it now? Hell yes.
  6. I was here back then. I do remember. Which is why I let my very first account go after the trial period was over. They won't be able to deter determined griefers and trollers by financial means. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/03/guys-its-time-for-some-troll-theory/521046/
  7. While I don't have a console (and have no desire for one) I do have lifetime subs to STO and a couple of other games. If I had to pay for those now? No way. I'd have to starve to death first which would be rather stupid considering I'd be dead before I could pay for the sub. That $99? That's 2 weeks worth of food for me and it only takes about 10 days of no food to kill you.
  8. So I'm riff raff? Gee, thanks. I hope you didn't mean it that way. SL would be pretty deserted if they ever did away with basics.
  9. I copied and past the comment directly below that image. Try reading it for yourself.
  10. You know, it would not surprise me if LL were to do away with basic accounts altogether. If they ever do go that far, they may as well close the doors to Linden Research because there is no way they can stay viable on Sansar income alone. They really are shooting themselves in the foot.
  11. So now you have two choices... pay annually or monthly. What a load of hogwash. Effective June 24, 2019.
  12. Well then... LL just priced premium completely out of my reach. Apparently LL is determined to oust all us poor folk and have SL only for the people who have incomes over $50,000 US annually. Thanks LL. It's so nice to know how much Linden Research dba Linden Lab appreciated the thousands of dollars I have (now) wasted over the past 15 years. I was going to request my original account back and go premium on it again but no, you had to go and raise the rate and make it unaffordable.
  13. @janetosilio Empirical evidence is the information received by means of the senses, particularly by observation and documentation of patterns and behavior through experimentation. So my question is, what empirical evidence do you have to prove I am wrong?
  14. I don't. He always won at Flounce Bingo. He cheated.
  15. Hopefully it isn't something that causes her pain. And I just realized how long I've been posting today. Too long. I haven't gotten anything accomplished. /me engages lurk mode
  16. Sometimes I flounce. Sometimes I just lose interest and stop posting. And sometimes... And sometimes.... So how about a nice game of bingo? What?!? I lost?!?
  17. I have to be leery of all guys. I learned (the hard way again) to not place so much trust and faith into others. Too many of them will eff you over every chance they get.
  18. I recognized her. That's how I knew the thumbs were fake and not Brachydactyly. She isn't related to the 4 cases that have been reported, all in the same family. Other half loves the Kill Bill movies. I'm tired of seeing them.
  19. I've never even heard of it and those thumbs are obviously fake. That isn't what double jointed/hitchhiker's thumb means.
  20. That's not being shallow, imo. That is following a "gut instinct". I had to learn the hard way how to listen to those feelings and act accordingly. Life is so much less stressful now and a lot less chaotic without those people constantly tossing monkey wrenches into the works. Had I done so when I was young, I would have saved myself a lot of pain and suffering.
  21. But it does not point AT you. It can't. Not even hitchhiker's thumb bends that far back. Ninety degrees is about as far as a hitchhiker's thumb will go. https://www.healthline.com/health/hitchhikers-thumb And yes, I did hitch around the US in the late 70s, early 80s. I don't have hitchhiker's thumb.
  22. There was a time, several decades ago, when all I cared about was if the guy was good looking or not. Since then, I've grown to understand that I don't want to be that shallow of a person. 5 Traits That Separate Shallow People from Deep Ones
  23. Testing. 1 2 3 ... Nope, my Lakota keyboard didn't somehow activate itself.
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