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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Hmm. Somehow I've gotten it into my head that basic accounts can't access the Linden homes. Might want to double check on that. I don't know why basics wouldn't be allowed to visit though. Might be just some holdover from days gone by.
  2. Thanks KT. Catalina, if using esc doesn't work then the culprit is definitely the setting in the script. You may need to hit esc a few times for it to work.
  3. Yes. That is how they work. Without the script it would just be something to look at, not something to actually ride.
  4. Not really a mystery. It could have been something as simple as a scripted welcome mat you walked across without knowing what it would trigger. There are some creators who use such things and then don't want to have to deal with people who were added to the list without the customer's consent. Been there, done that. I think his ears are still burning after all these years. but I'm off the list. Permanently. lol
  5. No. The setting is in the script. If the script is no mod there isn't anything you can do.
  6. It would be funny, if it weren't so true. Fortunately, there are still those communities and cultures where such things are very rare, if they occur at all. Oh and thanks for giving me an excuse to use that smilie. lol I've been wanting to use it for a long time but the right opportunity never seemed to come up... until now.
  7. Now I'm thinking LL should not have "discounted" land prices last year because some are just going to keep demanding more and more until LL goes bankrupt and SL shuts down because they can't pay the bills.
  8. How about have some patience instead? These things take time. Weeks and months of time. Or would you prefer LL go back to pushing things out before they are ready? I'm sure those who weren't around from 2003 to 2007 would just love being able to experience all the crap those of us who were here had to put up with. All the down time due to things being rushed and deployed before they should have been. Like the time the grid was down for a whole week in 2005 and LL had to refund people's money because they hadn't thought to add such a clause to the ToS.
  9. Oh, you mean one of those marketing schemes that inevitably backfire? I seriously doubt it. This time around the Linden Homes are selling themselves because they are so much nicer than the old ones.
  10. You know, if I hadn't started playing hidden object games for the first time this week (completed 4!) I'd never have noticed that spool of cable and the stack of boxes look fake. At least the slippers and rabbit are real. Pay attention to the direction shadows fall in and it isn't so obvious. Oh and April is cute but the purple bunny is cuter. And clean up that room!
  11. To determine whether or not you want to associate with someone solely (which is what is being said here) on their appearance? That's not ok. Doesn't matter if it's height, weight, skin tone, or anything else. You shouldn't judge a person by their exterior because you don't know their story and appearance by itself won't tell us everything we need to know about that person. Like the saying goes - we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, you may miss out on a good story. We can only understand the person after interacting with them and that takes time and effort. Moreover, some people may only have an external appearance without "content", hence, we need to give ourselves a fair opportunity to interact and evaluate the other person. Judging others merely by appearance isn't much different than stereotyping. If you aren't willing to take the time and effort to get to know someone at least a little before making a judgement call, then why would anyone want to know you?
  12. We have an ant problem here, too. Can't seem to get rid of the little buggers but eventually I'll get it taken care of. I just wish the pest control company I used to ese had offices here. At least our ants aren't ones that are venomous, like fire ants. The bites hurt but they don't get infected.
  13. https://www.networkworld.com/article/2320790/infrastructure-management-when-animals-attack.html
  14. Well you might as well write me off completely then because I'm not about to spend money I don't have to spare buying mesh bodies and heads for all of my accounts just to suit someone who appears to be somewhat shallow minded. Perhaps you just aren't thinking things through quite all the way. https://ryanschultz.com/2018/03/14/discrimination-in-second-life-based-on-avatar-appearance-dont-be-a-meshist/
  15. Boy does it ever! . HOAs are about the only thing I may actually hate, rather than just have a strong dislike for. It's MY home and if I want to paint it pink and purple polka dots with green and yellow stripes that is exactly what I will do. Don't like it? Sucks to be you. And that's a general "you", not anyone in particular. I'll live in a freakin cave before I ever live in an HOA neighborhood.
  16. While it may be rather rare there are those people who don't log in much. Perhaps because they have a very busy RL and don't have a lot of time to spend on making over their avatar. I'm curious as to why it is so important to you when it's the personality behind the avatar that makes the person, not the avatar itself.
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