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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Well... not all of you know. lol Even the properly set up ones can be a major PITA, especially with the reduced offlines. That right there is the showstopper for subscribos. Reduced offlines for basics. How would you compensate for that? Other than email, since that isn't always an option for some. Granted a very small percentage of the SL population but shouldn't their voices be heard along with everyone else's?
  2. lol That's who I was doing customer service for when my job got outsourced. Adobe. And the company I worked at was Stream, now owned by Convergys. All three of them suck when it comes to customer service, including LL. Subscribos... no. Not after the hell I went through being put on a few, without my consent, and trying to get the content creators to remove me from their spam lists. My IMs were capped every. freaking. day. for. months. on end because of ONE that I never subscribed to. Thing is, I have never subscribed to anything in SL so I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, I had not signed up for it. Some stores have these welcome mats that are scripted (there are other methods less easily detectable) and that is how you get added without your consent by simply walking through the door.
  3. You have a last name so I have a good idea of how long you've been in SL. In all that time you never noticed Mainland has been a wasteland for... must be getting close to 10 years now? Shirley you jest!
  4. There are already three threads covering the subject. In case you didn't notice.
  5. Telling people to sit down and shut up isn't going to cut it either. No, those weren't your exact words but that is what you are saying. Sorry, but in the US we do have freedom of speech and on this forum only LL has the authority to tell someone to sit down and shut up. What I'm getting at is don't be surprised if you get pushback for that comment. As for a business plan... that's going to take a while. I've had a bit of experience in starting up a business or two in RL and good business plans aren't hashed out overnight. They can take months to research and write up. I was lucky and able to do mine in a few weeks. For a company the size off LL it will take a good bit longer.
  6. Just fyi, many of us use the MP as a catalog and make our purchases in world. For me, personally, no inworld store? No sale. The exceptions to that rule are slim to none.
  7. You should hang out in the FS support group for a couple of days. It's almost always busy with people needing help of all kinds. I promise I won't harass you. Much.
  8. http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Grid_List
  9. OS if far better now than SL was 15 years ago. Back then, it really was "our world, our imagination". Now? pffft.
  10. Might help to include a link to Tyche's site. http://www.gridsurvey.com/ ETA: I had to look.
  11. I can. Active Worlds. And it's been going for almost 25 years now. And in case you don't know what AW is, it's SL's predecessor. No, it's not as graphically pleasing as SL but at least Enzo knows how to keep the doors open without running off more than half the customers. There used to be an AW refugee group in SL. I don't know if it still exists but at the time (2003-2004) most of the SL residents were AW refugees, myself among them. Thought you might like to know that some things do last a long time, just not forever.
  12. I'm poor. I don't get SNAP benefits or welfare or any of those government programs. I don't qualify. Why? I'm either too old, too young, nor do I have children young enough and living at home. All 6 of them are adults, the oldest is almost 45 with the youngest being 25. My point is, just because someone is poor does not mean they get any kind of help from the government agencies OR the churches. I'm just one of hundreds of thousands in this boat.
  13. You know, before the price gouging announcement today, I didn't miss Phil. Now, since the announcement, I do.
  14. A "war" I've been fighting against for more than a decade. They've finally worn me down to the point where I'm about ready to say eff it all. The one thing I won't do though? Go back to Active Worlds. lol
  15. Must be nice to be able to afford $2748 USD a year for a full region once the new rates kick in. Most of us don't have that kind of cash to spare.
  16. They wouldn't even have to move that far. Oregon does not have state income tax. ETA: Sorry. I know better since I live in Oregon. Too much has happened today and my brain is rebelling. TBI sucks. Outsourcing? They did that before. Didn't work out so well. And India? No thank you! for a number of reasons, one of which is I lost a decent job to outsourcing and my life has been hell ever since. I won't get into the incompetence and other things. I'm already ticked off.
  17. Oh ffs. What is your problem? If I've offended you in some manner then put me on ignore. Badgering me isn't going to accomplish a damn thing except pissing me off. You succeeded. Happy now aren't you. C U Next Tuesday!
  18. I lost it. lol Not really, there may be only two but I thought I had seen a third. Give it time though. Someone is bound to start another one. lol
  19. I've been premium and I have been in SL for 15 years paying into LL's bank account directly or indirectly thousands of dollars for land, Lindens and other things so don't come at me with that kind of crap. It won't wash.
  20. I think this is now the third thread to be started about the same thing. Can we please keep it all in the original thread?
  21. Odd. I've been premium and I've been basic. I've been basic for more than 10 years now and in SL for 15 but I'm not a "most loyal" customer? How do you figure that?
  22. What? Are you too lazy to use Google and see for yourself? The search "second life more sex places" turns up About 275,000,000 results (0.57 seconds) . Hope you have the spare time to go all the way back to 2004, the year I first joined SL. I also hope you enjoy reading as much as I do because it's probably going to take you a few years to wade through all that. ETA: And of course you shouldn't restrict yourself to that one search term. There are plenty more you can use that will show you the same thing. Oh and as the population of the world increases, so does the sex and the demand for all the trappings that goes with it.
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