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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. To you young people looking gorgeous may be important but we older people know how unimportant looks really are both in SL and in RL. You could be the most beautiful human on the planet and still have a personality that is rotten to the core, while the ugliest person who doesn't mind not wearing all the latest (ridiculous looking) fashions has a heart and soul of gold. If people in SL are that shallow, I'd rather not chat with them. It's a shame people are so concerned over how they look that they miss out on all the truly beautiful people. The ones who may look like hell but are beautiful on the inside. It's what's on the inside that counts because looks are not going to last. That includes SL. No, your avatar won't suffer from aging skin but YOU will and that does have an effect on you in SL and RL. Young folks can deny that all they want but it's going to become a cold, hard reality one day. And it will be a very lonely one, too.
  2. One of these days that low hanging fruit is going to be hanging a little too freely and find themselves cut... off.
  3. Then I'm not imagining it. Thank you. I've also noticed that it has been getting steadily worse as the years pass.
  4. Now you know why I put Evenio on block inworld. I could see that coming.
  5. Rather difficult to hype something that is every where, RL and SL. It's used in advertising in RL every day across the globe. It is thrown in people's faces on a daily basis so it's no wonder they get sick of seeing it especially when SL is supposed to be one of the places people can go to escape the crap in RL. There was a time, for many years, that you didn't see so much of a sexual nature in SL. On the other hand, no one in SL really gives a damn what the other person wants or needs. All they care about is themselves and that is what makes SL far too much like RL. SL stopped being a mini-vacation 10 years ago.
  6. Are people actually reading what I type or are they just skimming for the low points?
  7. What part of did you not understand? I've heard this same argument or variation thereof for 15 YEARS. It was bull then and it is bull now. That will not change. And I damn sure don't need you to lecture me on it. *plonk*
  8. Google "garden lobby" to find absolutely stunning lobbies like this: Crowne Plaza Shanghai Anting No, I've never been there but you don't need to visit a place to be inspired by it.
  9. I am fully aware of the TPV policy as I had to be to as a member of the FS support team for over 5 years. The TPV policy doesn't change reality. What I see on my screen does not affect you or anyone else. LL does like using the "shared experience" as an excuse for not doing things they know they could and should do. It's a load of crock. You know it. I know it. And they know it. But they will never have the balls to admit it.
  10. That is precisely their reasoning. Although how they figure it affects anyone else is mind boggling since derendering is client side only and anyone else that hasn't derendered can still see whatever it may be. In other words, derender does not have any affect or effect on the "shared experience". Figure that one out and let the rest of us know.
  11. Will there be snakes? Not the two legged kind. It's not as much fun without snakes.
  12. Never have figured out how all sins are washed away in muddy water. Kind of like being baptized in a bayou. If you don't wade into a water moccasin nest first.
  13. I believe that particular clip is from The Sims 3. All of The Sims iterations have woohoo. /me giggles as Maddy rushes out the door to buy copies of any of the Sims games she can find.
  14. You mean you never turn over or breathe while sleeping or move while dreaming? How do you do that?
  15. Because Linden Lab. They're too cheap and lazy to get the code from the FS team and add it to the LL viewer. Funny thing is, it wouldn't cost LL a dime because the viewer is open source. Anything that goes into the FS viewer has to be approved by LL first but that doesn't mean LL will add the feature to the LL viewer. About the only time they do is when it's a security issue, like with RedZone.
  16. You ain't gettin off the hook that easy, Missy.
  17. I never said you were and Austin isn't the only place in Texas. Cut and Shoot is extremely conservative. But you've probably never heard of that podunk town even though they had one of the largest country and western dance halls in the state . All I'm saying is people have been wearing frayed bell bottoms since the 60s no matter what part of the country you live in and not always by choice (eta: the frayed part). The fact that you never noticed isn't relevant.
  18. Not really. We were wearing bell bottoms in Austin in the 80s. I wore bell bottoms every time I've been in TN from the 60s to when I got married in 1992. Wore bell bottoms in MO way back in the late 70s early 80s when I was bumming rides around the country. "Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see" 🎶
  19. It isn't paranoia when you know they are out to get you.
  20. Latest new pet peeve: People who post a bunch of what they claim to be pet peeves but in reality are just a means of trying to control manipulate others so they can accuse those others of personal attacks that never happened.
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