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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Makes sense. Thanks. And sorry. I probably should have just IMed you but I thought it might help if someone responded with something. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the reduction in groups. To the best of my knowledge (at the moment) the only option I have would be to use my alts and even that is going to be a very difficult call. Frankly, it's all going to hinge on whether or not I have a snowball's chance in hell of reviving my little shop so that I can continue contributing to the good of the whole of SL and be able to afford to be in SL. For now, the chances of that happening aren't looking very good. I even had to "borrow" some of the other half's hard earned Ls just to pay my rent on my skybox for one more month in the hope that things will change for the better for me.
  2. Heh. I've never even been to one of those "events", whatever they are. I probably wouldn't be able to get in anyway what with all the premiums having ... precedence... over basics. Don't much like crowded places anyway.
  3. Just trying to see if I can get it to work. I just can't stop myself from trying to be helpful sometimes. Oh well. Can't even upload it as an attachment and it's not due to file size (1.8mb and limit is 4.88MB) and none of the other usual workarounds are working. Maybe, if you have the time, redo the vid and try again? Or just wait until the traffic dies down a bit and try again.
  4. That's only a part of the whole point. A major part but still just a part.
  5. Google Translation: It is totally out of your mind to make any changes. For years we basics hope that the number of groups will be increased. It is hardly possible to manage my business with 42 groups. I had to take a manager for advertising. To be able to build on events, I have to take several places. Then buying groups to do business and look at all. I have no idea which 7 groups I should delete to be able to do 1 events like Spring or later Easter, Christmas. Many basics like me do not have a credit card for different reasons. But we bring LL money by paying rent, go to events and thus raise the money in SL with others, so that the organizers can pay the rent for the event place. Others, who only spend their free time, so spend money in SL, or dance whatever you can to buy something. That brings LL all the money. For years, newspapers write when they write something overhanging or download portals on the Internet, Sl are dead or extinct. For me SL lives, in the last few days I did not come to sims because they were overcrowded. But Residents, who will now be cut with the changes, of which some will surely stop now. The beginners who are told you need the group and the group first, they will quickly realize that LL does not seem to want them. I had my 42 groups full within 2 weeks. That will apply to all assets. Now soon only 35 groups? You have a splin! The recipe for getting money is not to disgust the majority. These are all potential money-makers! As for the IM's. Even today, I always tell everyone, read it in an infinite number of profiles. Im capped, please send nc's. Now 25 down to only 15? Now finally the few people I know who have not had any difficulties now come to this point. At the Risenevents the booth rents are on average 1000 L and higher. Anyway, only premium people can pay that. They are also preferred, even by advertising groups. Customers are expected to be stupid and can not look further than 10 meters. Instead of improving these and other annoying points for basics now so this scolding. I'm assuming the changes will lead to fewer residents in the long run and that means LL will make less money. What use are cheaper lands for premium, if really the Sims become a whole bit emptier? ***** No offense intended. I'm just trying to be helpful.
  6. Most companies and people don't seem to really care one way or the other. We've become a disposable society as well as a "me me me it's all about me" society. Definitely not the world we were lead to believe would exist at this point in time. Those of us who are not in the "1%" are considered expendable, less than human. We have become "the Other".
  7. Hi Willow. I'm curious as to the reason you need to be in the 7 FS groups? I'm thinking I remember you but I'm not remembering what your role is so I'm wondering because for most of the team it wasn't necessary to be in all of the FS groups. Yes, I'm a little confused. No, the migraine hasn't gone away fully. Refresh my memory, please?
  8. Certainly. Doesn't change FB's exceptionally horrible track record though. To clarify, I wasn't referring to the people who use FB. I was referring to the company itself.
  9. One of my favorite creators. I love your outfits. I just wish I could afford to buy more... and more.... and more... /ends exceptionally rare fangirling
  10. Sorry, not everyone does that. Some of us view FB as a cess pool.
  11. You are missing a lot of information to be so judgmental of my situation. I have been premium before and wanted to be again. I was trying to restart my SL business so I could hopefully afford to go premium. I suppose I shouldn't expect those who have an income that is likely double what I can earn in a year to be able to understand. As for the rest, I call bs. Premium accounts have never carried mine. I have always paid my own way and never once did I ever cash out nor did I have any plans to cash out. I was planning on leaving it all inworld and using it to pay for land and everything else I would need to just break even and be able to stay in SL. So yes, I am being driven out regardless of your opinion.
  12. There are those who simply can not wrap their brains around LSL well enough to be able to write scripts. I'm one of them. Sure, I can do a bit of editing on settings but that's it. The reason I can't comprehend LSL is due to TBI. My point is, some of us are not capable due to health issues/disabilities.I feel that should always be taken into consideration when suggesting someone write scripts for themselves.
  13. If you go through all the CEOs (except Philip) you may be surprised to find out how many of them worked for EA before coming to LL. Rod Humble (The Sims 3) comes to mind and I remember reading about a couple of others as well as some of the employees. I've often wondered if there is some connection between the mismanagement of SL and those that previously worked at EA. I suspect there is.
  14. I'd been using it for years for personal things. I didn't even bother closing my account, I just left. It still chaps my hide, too. Just as being driven out of SL, slowly but surely, chaps my hide. Even more so when I've been spending money I don't really have to spend on buying all new mesh objects to build with so I could get my little business going again which there is now no point in doing since I'm being driven out. Thinking about that hurts so much it stings. Because, frankly, no one but me gives a damn about it.
  15. No I haven't read all 9 pages. I just woke up from trying to sleep off a migraine. Migraine 1 Selene 0 Sorry @Grumpity Linden , nothing you said makes up for the fact that I am being driven out of SL. Slowly but surely. LL has no appreciation for anyone who has been here for 15 years and shelled out thousands of dollars to help pay your salaries. The worst part about it? No one cares. Thanks for all the fish.
  16. ok Now I am confused. I can't make any sense out of what you just said. English isn't my native language either.
  17. In case you didn't know, when you highlight to quote someone quoted in another post it won't show the original OP's name. It shows the other person. Like it's showing you quoted me when it was someone else. Not the first time it's happened.
  18. Ah, so it was 2006 when they upped it to 25. Just seemed longer. Thanks!
  19. Not everyone has the time to go through several hundred emails coming from SL after work. If you've never been a part of one of those groups I mentioned, you've never seen the sheer volume of notices that are sent out, much of which duplicates because it isn't just the merchant sending them, it's their employees too. Then there are those who receive a high volume of email that has nothing to do with SL. And how are you going to enforce uniformity so that all duplicates are titled the exact same? I'm sorry. I just don't think you are thinking this through far enough. You know what they say about engineers? It looks good on paper but it doesn't work. Or maybe it's just me. I'm tired. It's been a long day thanks to the waste management running their trucks too early in the morning and waking me up before 5am. Then, of course, the migraine sets in due to lack of sleep. The TBI doesn't help. So, if I am misunderstanding what you are saying, I'm sorry.
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