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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. What did I miss? I'm not seeing what you quoted anywhere in the OP's post and it hasn't been edited. ETA: Oh geez, nevermind. I see it now.
  2. Someone else was kind enough to make a similar offer and I greatly appreciate both offers. I am sorry but I can not, in good conscience, accept your offer, for reason I will not disclose, publicly or privately. The reasons are very personal. Thank you very much for your kind offer.
  3. Well... that is a small sigh of relief. A very small sigh. Very, very small. Sorry. Feedback is what it is.
  4. I understood you. I stand by what I said. I'm not saying they will all raise the join fees in an attempt to compensate for other fees they have to pay. I do fully expect that some/many will.
  5. That's kind of what I'm remembering. The difference being that if the account was created before those changes then you get the 500L. Shoot, I'd be happy with the 300Ls if I could afford premium.
  6. Why are people doing their best to keep me from being able to revive my SL business? What did I ever do to anyone to deserve this kind of ostracization/punishment?
  7. Except I didn't cancel. Way back when Lee Linden was still an employee there was a problem when LL switched credit card processing companies that led to gift cards (like AmerExpress, Visa, MC, not the fly-by-nights) no longer being accepted because LL forgot to make them a part of the process. Well... since Lee was unwilling to help me out I ended up not being able to pay for my account and they cut off access. There was one Linden who did try to help after Lee got abusive and hung up on me. Unfortunately for me, what she could do wasn't quite enough to save my account, just kept it from being overdrawn. That was Cin Linden. I was so sad when she left LL.
  8. I honestly am not sure if you wouldn't get the 50Ls again. Just as I am not sure if I ever did get what was my premium back if I would get the 500Ls I used to get on it. I think I remember reading somewhere that you do but I'm probably wrong. Not really up to chasing that down today.
  9. ok Head still isn't quite right today so I'm not sure if you are teasing or not. I'm gonna take it as teasing. You sure you don't mean "greed" impact?
  10. Like I said, chances are the pay to join groups will likely jack up (raise) the rate to join the group. Greed does some strange things to people's heads as demonstrated by the 2500Ls to join group.
  11. Depends on how old they are. I do get the 50Ls on this account but any account created after a certain date in 2009 (I think it was) do not get any stipend to my knowledge. A couple of my other accounts are not as old as this one and do not get stipends. Which has never made me happy, of course.
  12. Stipend has never been raised, only lowered. It's never been more than 500Ls per week either. I don't believe LL would ever agree to raising stipends. If they do, they would also need to raise stipends for basics and that they won't do because they seem to want us gone if we can't afford premium.
  13. That won't work for those of us on fixed or limited incomes. You're also punishing basic accounts with this even if you don't mean to. That is what has people so upset. Please, don't add to it.
  14. I seriously doubt it. I've seen one post already where someone was asking if people were raising the group join rates since the announcement. If anything they'll jack the join rate up. I've seen some groups where the join fee is as high as 2500Ls and one or two that were even higher.
  15. Ah got it. Sorry. You don't need to answer my eta question now. Still battling the migraine.
  16. I use a debit card and there are no fees imposed by my bank on it or my bank account. If you are a student or considered to be a senior citizen (50/55 +), no fee accounts are available. But you have to ask about them because even though they are available, the banks naturally want you to pay out your nose for an account that has a minimum balance that's too high for low and fixed incomes. Was it really necessary to raise your prices?
  17. I'll take that bet I'm gonna regret! Oh wait... Johnny rosin up your bow!
  18. Good grief. I hope no one is doing that. Some of the groups I have wanted to join have been asking 500Ls and more to join for years on the pretense that the price will deter griefers. There was one group a long time ago that I actually would have needed to join if I had bought their product and they wanted 2500Ls just to join the group! Needless to say, I didn't buy their product and didn't join the group because of the additional 2500Ls it would have cost me. Utterly ridiculous and completely unnecessary. Just plain greed. So, if anyone is actually doing this, I strongly advise you to rethink what you are doing and the real reasons behind it, then drop that join fee to a much more reasonable rate. Something along the lines of 10Ls or less, maybe, because really, if a griefer is determined, not even 2500Ls is going to stop them. Some of them are just nutty enough to spend that kind of money just to get revenge or harass someone.
  19. Somewhat is an understatement there, Ryan. Very understated. But I understand why you are understating it. Raising prices has never been a good way to entice customers. When you "add" taking away things from basic accounts to give to the premiums and give even more to the premiums than what is being taken away on top of that just makes it worse. It reeks of "robbing from the poor to give to the rich". Don't get me wrong (like so many others have) I do, very clearly, understand LL's desire (not so sure there is a real need) to increase profits but doing it at the expense of your customers is a sure fire way to lose much needed income. There are other options but it would seem that LL doesn't have the finances to thoroughly investigate them. Perhaps due to the expense of developing and launching Sansar with expectations being set way too high.
  20. Not really an ideal situation but it is one I could live with as I already make a point to remove any notices I've gotten while busy building that I don't need and keep only those I want to give some thought to. Yes, I know I could just go to the group window and locate them there but that's not always something I have time for. No, I don't use the email feature and no, I'm not going to add yet another email addy to the ones I already have and can barely manage. It seems to all boil down to one thing. Basic accounts are on the way out. We've (other half and I) have been waiting for that to happen for years now. Seems the other half has been right all this time and I just didn't want to believe it. If that is the case, then it will be the end of SL for both of us. No more building to my heart's content and keeping my mind active and sharp and no more classic rock DJing. The really stupid thing? I've literally been in tears since the announcement came out. Angry and sad tears.
  21. They think I am a sheep in wolf's clothing when the reality is I am a wolf in sheep's clothing. I can see them but they can't see me.
  22. Thank you. After some of the reactions I've gotten in the past 24 hours I was afraid to make that suggestion.
  23. This is why I rarely offer an olive branch any more. Ninety-nine times out of one hundred I draw back a nub. *sighs, shakes head sadly and walks away* There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
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