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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Now I know what bothers me about you. You don't like BB or Lucille.
  2. I keep a cast iron skillet handy. I would have fired up the old surround sound stereo turntable and put an album on... or tuned into FM radio. Then whacked her with the skillet to get the point through her thick skull. Or I could play one of my guitars or my keyboard... the non electric ones. Or take her to a powwow and let her dance to the beat of a different drum. Oh yes I so went there. LOL
  3. I do have a FB to keep in sporadic touch with my daughter. That is the only reason I have it. I do know the difference between social medias. None of which changes my opinion about social media cesspools. The use of FB to manipulate the US 2016 Presidential election is a prime example of the cesspool. That's on top of all the people stalking, harassing and generally trolling others just because they can while Suckface Zuckface just sits back and laughs while rolling in the money piles.
  4. Are you not familiar with how EA Games operates? Do you have any idea how many games struggled to become successful and EA axed them before they could? EA has a far worse reputation than LL does.
  5. I haven't looked because if I do and I see that green checkmark, I'm going to come unglued all over LL. All they have on any of my accounts is PIOF, nothing more. They have NEVER had my SSN and if they somehow do have it... someone is going to prison. Someone already stole my SSN and filed federal income tax claiming me as their wife once so now I have to wait every year for the IRS to send me a special PIN before I can file. This will go on for the rest of my life. Which means I can no longer file early and get my drastically reduced (THANKS TRUMP) return when I need it. This kind of ....incompetence is what makes it so easy for ID thieves. I'm pretty sure LL doesn't want to be held libel either criminally or civilly. But if they keep bungling things the way they have been, it wouldn't surprise me to see them lose a huge lawsuit.
  6. Not seeing anything in that image that says SL is a video game. It talks about playing games in SL and says SL is an online virtual world. Only Google tries to label it a video game. If you're going to just take Google's word for it... that is foolish.
  7. Sorry to be the one to tell you this but, as a former live music venue owner/operator, that is a flat out lie.
  8. *coughs* In September 2002, Earth & Beyond was released. Having been in development since 1997, this was the second 3D sci-fi space-ship based MMORPG. Earth and Beyond only lasted two years before being shut down by developer Westwood Studios' owners, Electronic Arts. *coughs* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_%26_Beyond ETA: While no, it wasn't successful it does kind of make the point.
  9. They wanted to tell everyone about SL. That lasted what, a month? Over 10 years ago. One million new accounts... and out of that one million how many are left that log in regularly? Roughly 50k. A drop in the bucket. Bottom line is, they are repeating the same mistakes with Sansar that they made with SL and it will have the same results, if not worse. The biggist mistake made with both? Opening them to the public before ever leaving beta. Very few even realize that SL was still in beta when it opened to the public and that status has never changed in the past 15 years. If someone can find an announcement that SL made it out of beta, please, PLEASE post it. I've been look for years and never found one.
  10. Not in my part of the world. 30 miles out from Portland in a college town and you see very few running around with a cellphone growing from their ear. People might believe that technology will drag people kicking and screaming into the future. That's not what is going to happen. People are way too dependent on tech now as it is. I just hope I'm not alive to see it all come crashing down. It will destroy humanity's faith in itself.
  11. Had it been anywhere* but a club, I'd have gone. I don't do clubs. *Almost anywhere.
  12. I'm sorry. I should have said please. I apologize for my momentary lapse of good manners.
  13. Don't make me rely on Google translate... the suspense is killing me!
  14. RL other half DJs in SL and has DJed on the airways (AM/FM radio) in RL. We've owned/operated a few clubs in SL. Those two things are complete bullcrap and are precisely what killed that club (and any club fool enough to do ignorant things like that).
  15. Or the guy who stole the lady's garden gnome and 'sent it globetrotting' way back when and now we have the famous Travelocity gnome. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travelling_gnome
  16. Public criticism, even if it is a very well thought out constructive criticism, can be a hard pill to swallow. That's why I tend to drop notecards rather than contribute to the embarrassment of the creator. For some, embarrassing can be putting it mildly. Should they be embarrassed? Probably not. They're human. It's going to be embarrassing to have your mistakes that you may not have seen pointed out to you in front of the whole world. People who are 'artistically inclined' tend to be more sensitive than most. Not saying anyone should be walking on eggs with them, just treat them a little more kindly. Expecting imperfect humans to be perfect seems a bit of a conundrum to me.
  17. AM just sort of slipped in, did his thing while no one was looking, then slipped back out to watch. Some amazing things were done with sculpts.
  18. That would depend on whether or not it was constructive. Most people don't know how to critique without being offensive in some way. It's not something easily done. Truth is, there really is no such thing as an unbiased critic.
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