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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. Indeed. SST may replace SSP, so NEW THREAD! (SST: Super Secret Theme... if @Patch Linden stays on "theme") See what I did there? LOL)
  2. Done it! New Asian skin "Xiaohua". The package also includes a bunch of makeups and additional layers like freckles, and moles and three different breast-cleavage sizes. I'm not allowed to advertise in forums. So I can only suggest if you want the demo, etc., you can search MP for the skin name.
  3. Use name and SL name. Username as you've stated. SL name: carolinestravels.Resident. Go figure.
  4. This likely will not be an option if there already exists a "Caroline Resident". Actually, it is. All user names must be two 'word' names and so the second name is required. You don't have to call it a "last name"; we can just call it a "second name" or "Surname" - in all cases, it is no different from Tennyson, Jewell, or Su - and any other "second name" throughout Second Life. The reason "Resident" is generally hidden is so the those people with it don't keep asking "Why the hell does that person have Tennyson as a second and I only have Resident???" It is true, it is known.
  5. ...and never, ever feel a need to ever change your name again, cheating the company out of any possibility of recouping the costs of implementing this feature. Sure, why not? May as well just offer an annual Premium membership only once a year for free, too, right?
  6. Ditto. The company I work for also uses MOODLE - it's an excellent open source platform specifically built from the ground-up for educational institutions (though anyone can use it for anything). We use MOODLE for our web-based course management and WebEx for our live instructor workshops. @Alexilio - you may want to have a look-see if you aren't already: https://moodle.org
  7. Granted, and now the entire population of the world are amazingly rude to each other. I wish more people knew that actual difference between honesty and truthfulness. ~snorts~
  8. This is how AVsitter works normally. Sitting on a vehicle with AVsitter is still sitting on a vehicle (and Shergood vehicles do not use AVsitter). Based on the question, I'll presume you're referring specifcilly to The Mesh Shop/Bandit boats - which use custom "hooks" into the AVsitter script to specifically disable driver controls unless in the driver pose. Other vehicles may do this also. (And this is the reason TMS/Bandit still use the ancient version 1 of AVsitter). Under normal circumstances an AVsitter vehicles would function exactly as you describe it: The driver is always in driver control, no matter which pose they are in.
  9. Trollbait is as trollbait does; they've already won. Twice, it seems.
  10. It depends. If they plan to charge money for it, the iOS is the better bet because all statistics I ever see show that iOS users spend a lot more money buying apps than Android users.
  11. Start wearing Underwear appliers or system layers if BOM.
  12. Option 1: Sit on a prim, rotate the prim, go into mouselook. Use CTRL+` to take a snapshot. Option 2: Capture a wider-than-intended field of view and rotate in post processing application with a cropping. Option 3: Use the Black-Dragon viewer (as I understand it can do this, though photography gimmicks are not enough reason for me to use a specific viewer - so it is only hearsay on my part.) I firmly believe OPTION 2 is the best, because then you have an original you can always go back to for creating different effects, etc.
  13. Precisely. This is exactly what it is. The same for those whose parcel are next to roads and they put up ban lines (because hitting one while seated in a vehicle will *violently* eject you from the vehicle, delete the vehicle, and sometimes even worse (ending up in a different region or even requiring a relog.)
  14. Wow. Sue your school. Let me simplify the context of everything I've said here: If you comment on something you did not buy, then your argument is a moot one because what you are saying is conjecture or hearsay; rumor. If your comment is on something you did buy, and you are claiming it is "broken" then you should have seen it was broken in the demo, yet you purchased it anyway. Though such comment is still valid (even if you do not understand the concept of paragraph breaks, etc.). If you make a comment on something you did not purchase, but rather your comments are based on a demo that you tried out, then you should state that your comments are based on a demo that you tried out. Leaving this bit of factual information out is a deceit-by-ommision because it will be presumed you did purchase the product, when in fact you did not (and demo units are inherently limited in comparison to the retail version. Full disclosure is just one of those annoying things people tend to never want to give. It's okay. We're all used to it. A.k.a. only one side of every story.
  15. I experience the same. I even advertise that my places are open to anyone and everyone. For the most part I think the majority of people are respectful and just don't bother intentionally going into someone's home. Which brings the subject of the true usefulness of aggressive security orbs (the ones set tp TP you home instantly kind.)
  16. Serious question: Why should the Lindens be required to fill in that "hole" to complete a private estate group of regions? I think it's disingenuous to expect such, and unfair to ask it. Regions cost money to run, so perhaps Linden Lab should just pluck a chunk of Bellisseria to fill that gap? Otherwise, who will cover that expense? //Just Wondering. Edit to clarify that my questions are general and directed to all readers, I *know* you did not ask or suggest it, Matty! (Though insinuation is pretty thick, there.) LOL
  17. If you didn't buy it then your arguments are moot. If your comments are on the demo then state that they are on the demo. Otherwise haters will hate. ~snorts~
  18. This is the main argument that makes me laugh all the time. My question is "Why do you keep the hud attached, what is it you're doing that causes you to constantly click on it that you feel it's slow?" bSeriously? Sure, the HUD may react a little more slowly. When auto0hide clothing is removed, the refilling of the hidden slices may be a little slow, but in both cases they are amazingly reliable. As for the body look... I have been on and always returning to my Belleza on both my accounts. Always - because of how good they look. So I spent the full L$5k on Legacy on my alt and now that she's 100% BOM... I been spending a lot more time there. And totally enjoying the legacy body (and the *BEST* Auto-Alpha0creation system than any other body in SL, I think!) - I must admit I'm even thinking of plonking down for another on this account. As for those who say they purchased then dislike it? Shame on you for not thoroughly investigating the DEMO first. Everyone else is just hating for the sole reason of hating. Sure, perhaps a bad experience in the past with the old guard and old body, but this thread is about the new body and it's a new guard, so such complaints serve no purpose other than to shows someone for their true colors, I suppose.
  19. LLAP (I followed Leonard Nimoy on Twitter and he ended every tweet with that. He's missed.)
  20. It's a "loss" for a few dozen people (who make it all about them and their ability to "surf", etc.) and a massive win for thousands of other people. How did Spock put it? "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one." YOU CANNOT ARGUE WITH SPOCK!
  21. My main point is that your OC was all about your ability to enjoy your boating from one private estate group to the next private estate group. No offense intended here: I couldn't care any less about your surfing, swimming, scuba-diving, boating, flying ability as it relates to the Galaxy regions nestled amidst the private estate barons of Blake Sea. As for the private estate owners who surrounded the Galaxy regions: I understand the Galaxy was there first and they filled-in the space around it. Now it's gone, oh well. They can still move their regions around for a small fee. Though i doubt the likelihood that they'll be able to connect directly to galaxy again (and that's a good thing.) So my purview is simply: Yay that Galaxy is out into the light where everyone can see and enjoy it and I bite my thumb at anyone that whines about any holes left behind in the private estate conspiracy that is the Blake Sea surround. I believe that doing so is an argument to make it about you, not the SL community at large. Most of those egregiously-overpriced rental regions can all join Atlantas for all I care. Marktwain W. and his SL bazillionaire friends can all deal with it or move on because even if every private estate linked to Blake Sea were sunk today, Blake Sea would still be there and still be connected to the mainland and the experience may even improve. All of this being my personal take on the matter, of course.
  22. Well, since Galaxy is part of Bellisseria now, it kinda, sorta, maybe, perhaps, could-be, is. Isn't it? LOL I'm just funning. A concur with you that Galaxy-related subject matter should go over to the Galaxy subject thread. As for the LL homes, I understand Hooten Hollar region is *still* a major, unobtainable, evil-tease. Amirite?
  23. When I speak, a sound comes out. They call that"voice". So by speaking and having sound come out, I am hence: Voice Verified. As apposed to being a mute. This is the fullest extent of the entire "voice verified" profile statement, full stop.
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