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Raspberry Crystal

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Everything posted by Raspberry Crystal

  1. Oh no, very frustrating! I used autorefresh to work out when the plots mostly came up, and had quite a few disappointments, then got my home using manual refresh on a very old android tablet.
  2. My garden planting this week! Also erected the lovely carport made by @Chic Aeon
  3. I'm loving the feel of the landscaping around the trailers, especially the dirt tracks. I was hoping for some forest trails in Belli and this gives me hope for that! With the smaller plot sizes the surroundings will be really important.
  4. @Innula Zenovka but Adrian was such an idealist, and quite kind to aged pensioners and pets!
  5. Not moles who place them, though the original object is mole made. I rather like them, though I haven't seen them used to prop up garbage bags yet!
  6. I've always thought of him as an Adrian (but he is my favourite 😘)
  7. @Marianne Little although that build you linked to looks fine in itself, in my opinion it doesn't really fit in (is that what you were saying?). There are others which achieve a change of purpose without being too jarring in the street scene. I do love the temporary role play scenarios though, it adds to the fun.
  8. I am a little nervous at the idea of completely repurposing buildings if it changes the look from a residential home. It's such a tough job to keep up to the quality of the mole builds and not spoil the look of a street.
  9. Moles are currently my heroes, I enjoy the work they have done in Bellisseria so much! I'd never heard of Lusk, so went to look just now (looks a bit like the old linden homes but with a different theme?) I'm sure there are other places I haven't heard of / visited yet. I have so much to say about my search for land on mainland that it would get way too long to read. It would be really handy to see an example of a plot in mainland that someone considers to be a decent buy, just to get a feel for what people are talking about.
  10. I don't think that's possible Leninah (adding prims to Linden home) but I am definitely not an expert!
  11. @Leninah (cross posted so responding to your last message) Mainland is unnecessarily horrible. The more time I spend in Bell the more I see that. This new build represents a change of culture, and that can't happen without some rough edges being torn on the way.
  12. @kiramanell Your point is well made, and makes an amusing image @Leninah Not sure if this was mentioned already, but your premium entitles you to an old Linden home + tier on a 512 (+48 ish if you group it) mainland plot. my perceived value difference is in the build and environment quality between old and new plots rather than area or prims. It is possible, but fairly challenging* to hold onto a mainland plot while trying for a new home. *You can't do that manoeuvre by phone for instance You sound annoyed, and I can understand why. The response of Moles et al to all this is to focus, as much as they can, on releasing more homes but without reducing the build quality. Stating a time-frame which turns out to be inaccurate could cause more problems than it solves. The informed guesswork on the forums here suggests 'this month' for a large release, and to my uninformed opinion, this would seem reasonable. The last release sold out in under half an hour though, and if you are not available around release time you could miss out again. If you use a browser extension which refreshes the land page, and sends an alarm for relevant keywords you could probably pick up a plot outside that time, but it would need a bit of thought.
  13. I have a simple wearable jeep but since I found a walking hud, I've really enjoyed exploring by foot much more because it is so easy and doesn't hurt my hands having to always press a key to keep going.
  14. @LeninahI'm sure some people will wait to get their premium account until they have a much better chance of getting a new home, especially with the proposed price rise. (I wasn't that patient and played the refresh roulette to get my plot) That doesn't solve the problems for existing account holders though. With the new houses this feels like a good deal, but for many, myself included, without access to them it would be less so. So I guess this is a business risk. It doesn't look like the new plots can be produced any faster at current quality levels. In the end it is up to you how to proceed, and I certainly hope you get a new virtual home sooner rather than later.
  15. I'm really loving some of the neighbourhood names I come across. This one was a bit of a 'How did I miss this?' moment. Emerson Lake, right next to Palmer Lake up in the north of Our New continent (Emerson, lake and Palmer were prog rockers from the land before time for any youngsters out there!) Anyone else spotted names they've really enjoyed?
  16. Budget issues always prevented me from having larger plots in SL but nowadays I feel like I'm 'primmed out' from my time in opensim so I don't have that itch at the moment. Maybe a Bellerissia type double sized plot, or a new mainland plot with zoning and active covenant might be a draw some time in the future.
  17. Maybe 'pick benefits from a selection' would work, or themed alternatives with a suite of benefits?
  18. There's a street near to my own which has an avenue of mature trees, every time I turn this corner I just love the leafy view. One row back from the 'circle' lake. Would be a wonderful place for a dog owner in real life, who could set out from home in the shade of those trees then walk along the shore. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kiva/43/104/23 (Tp is to road not a house)
  19. This looks wonderful @Pixie Kobichenko and so quickly done!
  20. For @kiramanell who was asking people to keep uploading their photos! Working on my back garden veeeeery slowly.
  21. What a lovely house! Really stylish and in a civilised part of mainland
  22. Looks gorgeous though! I have a spent a whole week wrestling a swimming pool
  23. I can't help thinking that this situation has caused a lot of bother for the customer service department.
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