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Raspberry Crystal

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Everything posted by Raspberry Crystal

  1. Really lovely! Love your decor and how you fitted in with the trees in the neighbourhood
  2. It seems to me that not saying anything leaves open the option to for an official objection at a later date, hence the uncertainty. I would also think that user reaction plays a part in managing the Bellerissa landscape, and the official rulebook is used a tool of last resort. User reaction could change. A show home could be seen as a marketing tool for the whole of the continent and second life itself, right up until the point where all the houses are full, job done and popularity of the project is established. At this point, without changing anything at all, the function of the house changes to become simply a promotional tool for the creator without any other purpose. No bad intentions required, in fact was probably created with very good intentions. So not necessary to be defensive, and well worth discussing.
  3. Roadside plot in green and pleasant Jeogeot. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Doi/106/176/73 Take a pod, or explore by vehicle from your front door. Objects not included in the sale.
  4. It looks like the people who found it possible to get one home have the same ability to get two or more, whereas others have struggled to even get one place. I think it would have felt fairer to favour those who didn't have a Bellerissa plot already, but I don't know how that could have been managed without causing other problems elsewhere. I'm not blaming anyone, especially as the level of demand wasn't anticipated. In my opinion. It isn't a good idea, or helpful to the community feel, to pressurise those who are honest enough to share the fact that they have multiple homes on the forum (not talking about @CoffeeDujour here in terms of pressurising) There are probably *lots* of people staying silent, or who don't visit the forum and possibly haven't thought about the issue at all who could be doing any combination of things which people are objecting to (not decorating, having multiple homes, etc etc) and the regular forumites, who must be invested in community or wouldn't post here so regularly, are taking the stick because they are being upfront. I was really sad about not getting a houseboat, but the long view is that more plots are being planned, and all the demand is such a good thing for everyone in the end. Yeah, they got it right! I've been driving around and reminding myself how nice the place is, and worth waiting for.
  5. I saw him swimming out! I must have a been one of those dots.
  6. I agree, very much so. I was just confused when I saw the date of the OP
  7. Names are showing up on the web map, I have been amusing myself reading them. I think one was called Oyster Soup.
  8. Thank you @Scylla Rhiadra ! I'm enjoying this thread as I'm more inclined to take landscape shots and I've been inspired to visit some of the sims featured in everyone's shots, so double bonus
  9. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cosima/80/183/27 Not sure if this qualifies as Landscape as the building is fairly prominent? Capturing the lightening took a few goes. I've visited this sim on several occasions because I love the permanent storm! Windlight settings homemade.
  10. I really like the look of that @Gryphon Ronas A very serene but rich scene.
  11. Sweet little spot situated on a grassy hillside, and close to an unfinished Linden road. Land is L-shaped and I currently have a raised 4x4m viewing platform installed in the corner, to give you just one idea of what is possible in this space. (see view from this platform in the image below) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Schell/155/223/101
  12. i think if you take the derender approach then other people will think this is ok, it sets a precedent. Hopefully someone will have a tactful conversation instead.
  13. I am currently camping out in a friend's new home ( thank you friend!), joined groups, exploring, having fun in Bellisseria. With the premium land allowance I have two mainland plots. Each with their own advantages. I'm using the shiny sandboxes, I even used live support last week! So my premium account, which I got to snaffle a shiny new house is going a looong way. Especially with the 300l stipend. Yes I was disappointed at first, but I'm loving seeing the community develop, and there is no reason to feel excluded, as you can join in anyway.
  14. I thought this one might make some people smile. For some reason the neighbours seem a little weird and I can't seem to get my vehicles to work properly... (I built this in the sims4)
  15. @Coby Foden I thought it was just me and my somewhat distracted walking technique!
  16. Your screenshots looks lovely @Marianne Little I drive myself crazy sometimes with tiny details
  17. Ooh everyone is so quick decorating! I spent ages adapting the porch area, and lining up the pavers for our path out front.
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