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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. In your forum profile under privacy, you can hide your online status in the forums. My forum avatar is invisible, but only in dark theme. hehehe In regular theme, I stick out like a sore thumb.
  2. I just wish i could change the highlight color over the names.. That's really all that is bothering me about it.. it looks like crap on dark theme.
  3. Where is that at so I know not to read that? 0o Oh wait, that's that one web site you guys were talking about like a couple weeks ago? I'mma go to the neked thread instead and not post any nekeds again.. hehehehe
  4. I knew that hidden thing was a fake button!! \o/
  5. I'm waiting for someone to show up to show some really cool thing we can do with this.. Because I sure don't have a clue.. hehehehe There is always someone showing up when I jump the gun, with some sort of silver lining that makes me go, Hmph, I didn't even think of that?! Maybe dis not so bad now o0 hehehe
  6. Honestly, I think the real reason it bothers me is, it looks kind of gross color on dark theme.. If it wasn't highlighted it wouldn't be sticking out like a sore thumb, like look over here..
  7. I'm sure it will find it's niche and we'll end up seeing how it impacts things.. I feel like a monkey that someone threw a calculator in it's cage and trying to figure out what it is and what it's there for.. hehehehe
  8. I have to say, since the rule change, I've spent way less time in here and more time working on stuff in world.. I'm starting to think it wasn't such a bad thing now..hehehe
  9. That's how I am.. I leave the forums open even if I'm in world and doing other things.. Sometimes I'll forget altogether and wake up the next day realizing I left SL on and the forums.. hehehehe
  10. I'm quoting this again, which the whole world can see now.. hehehehe But forgot to ask.. Where is the post feed at? Is that the online profile stuff? I don't mess with a lot of forum features, so I don't know where a lot of things are really.. hehehe
  11. Didn't we have this at one time before in another version of the forums? I might be thinking of a different forum, but I remember it being there.. I remember when people would be getting into it, they could see the person they were getting into it with, still looking at the thread, which would cause one of them to say something like.. Ya I SEE you there, or i see you looking but not saying anything!! I wonder what it's really actually good for? or maybe it's supposed to like make us less hidden and less lurky.. O.O hehehe ETA: Oh, It even shows when someone is typing.. This is like IM's in world.. omg it's probably showing my typing this right now.. I better stop..
  12. I looked at my mesh heads from Lelutka and just realized, I only have the last two given away.. Kaya and Lilly.. I was like, I know damn well I've bought Lelutka heads more than a few times.. Then realized I was forgetting I had alts.. LOL
  13. Not sure if I'm peeved yet, but there was a forum update today and might be a peeve later.. hehehe Right now I can see there is one other user in this thread besides me.. omg that feels so creepy!! kidding, it doesn't feel creepy.. hehehe I wonder if that was the only thing that was changed.. Best check them rules again real quick!! \o/ hehehe
  14. That's users wearing one of the top 300 bodies on the list, that get scanned by the bots roaming the grid for the numbers.. 2.0% doesn't seem like a lot, but on that list a body doesn't even hit 1.0% until it reaches the top 20.. It doesn't hit 2.0 until around the top 10. When it gets around that top 5 it's gonna get interesting.. hehehe
  15. I had to go to your flicker to see the rest.. I really love your build.. I had to stop myself from exploring more or I would be at your flicker all night.. hehehe Your build is so beautiful and you are so much better at it than I am ,that's for sure.. I'm still trying to get my details down.. I love everything about yours, and really love your pool.. I wish mine was bigger and the water up to the edge like that.. The beach kit looks like the same one I am using.. It's so amazing how well the pieces go together.. I really love how you have so much stuff in there and still so much room and comfort feel to it. I get too impatient I think and try to get too much done in one day instead of really taking my time to get it right..I put the cart in front of the horse more than I should hehehe I pulled all my trees up and looking for more filling to get more tones going.. I'm on a quarter sim and all they had for the land was grass for texture and I can't reach the sand texture until way down under the water.. So I had this sculpty tool from years ago that lets me mold the land with sculpties..So I can change the texture of those to what i want now, just by dropping any textures i want in the molded pieces covering the land.. The bad thing is they are only squared, so I would need to go into photoshop and do my own land textures for the prims if I wanted smooth transitions from grass to sand.. So I'm looking for more patch things to drop down to camouflage where I change the textures.. It's all sand at the moment. And yes, SKYE is the only way to go.. I started out trying others but quickly learned, Skye was pretty much a one stop shop for my landscaping needs.. I spent so much there, but it would have been way more if I didn't find them as early as I did.. Everything down to my house is from Skye so far.. I am looking around at more patching though that might come from somewhere else, but it will only be because it's not at skye if I do get something from somewhere else.. hehehe My husband is going to kill me if he see's how much i spent on my land. LOL I really really love your build though.. It's very inspiring I'm in envy and hope I can get to that level of goodness
  16. ok, here I am again with my Acronym illiteracy.. What the heck is PBR? hehehehe
  17. I dropped it down and was messing with it and then noticed, Is that a....0o... Is that a timer? Then just waited to watch it go poof.. hehehehe
  18. I have to admit and probably to the point that everyone is getting tired of me saying it.. But I was more an Erika fan and so disappointed that it didn't go farther than it has with support.. I just can't find much for it unless I'm looking to catch a cold.. hehehe Reborne, that butt was the first thing I noticed about that body when I demoed it the first time.. I hate wearing deformers and that was the cure for what we noticed with the body rather than an update that handled the issue.. it's a big reason I'm back on my Maitreya more than on it.. It's doing so well now, that we can probably kiss that being fixed ever.. As far as Kupra and Reborne, The only reason i relate the two is because of the area they both sit in the market..One is drawing some from the other. Reborne is pulling from the kupra market. I doubt kupra is drawing from Reborne as much, since those with a kupra more than likely didn't jump from reborne to a kupra the past year. It being shown as a bigger body kind of puts them together in the market. They will probably level off and be right with each other on that list when it's all said and done.. Unless like you say, another body comes along that slides in there to compete with both of them.. Ya, Reborne had a way better campaign, but if it's not what people want, it doesn't matter how good the campaign is. Myself,I totally see a relation between the two and why they both moved up so fast in their climbs.. I wasn't referring to next year, but what's already happened and happening now.. A year from now could be a whole other ball game. I was being realistic because it was past and present that i was referring to. Also, I can't wait for the Nux body to come out.. I hope it gets jumped on by creators, mainly because it's what SL needs at the start gate.. I also can't wait to see it, just to see what I can do with it.
  19. There is still things being made for them, just it's really slowing down.. They haven't updated since like before the pandemic I think.. Maybe Bom was the last time they did anything. They came back and had a boost after the lawsuit but they didn't really last too long...But ya, they haven't done anything and gonna lag themselves right out of the market like Belleza is doing.. In the group people have been asking about updates for like a year and a half.. all I hear is , it's being worked on.. They aren't doing as good as is being shown is all I was saying.. I mean if they split the head numbers up on those heads on the list, it's a really really good chance they are gonna drop down the list.. The only reason I say that is, because, Genus has 9 different mesh heads and only 4 showing up on the list.. they have 2 babyface, 2 strange, 2 classic, and 3 stronge. Each one is showing up as one head each instead of two and three different heads on the list. in other words, if you went to the list to see how your version was doing.. you would be looking for Classic 001 or classic 002.. instead both are being shows as classic and the number for each are combined in the one..
  20. That's what I'm figuring is going on, it was a settle for body they that was there , but still not the one wanted.. It's been something that many SL users have been wanting even way back in the system only bodies days, with the gaping crotches because of hips and butt pushing the sliders limits. Still bothers me that there wasn't as much drawn to the Erika body, but then again, there is that lack of all around good content.. it's found itself niched in as a more, How much can I not wear and still be wearing something , body.. hehehe I really wish it would have had the same impact.. to me it just felt more natural proportioned when bringing the sliders up to full figured.. But that's just my perspective on that body.. Others may see the same with the reborne as well.
  21. It wasn't a really serious suggestion, but one I just thought I would throw in there back then.. Mainly because I don't believe it would ever really happen hehehehe
  22. You'll only have 30 seconds to rename the hud, which should be enough time.. I tried to see if I could resize it when I had it dropped, but it won't let you.. I don't think we can change the size on that hud at all. just the main hud.
  23. I don't understand why Reborne which is a much less niche body couldn't climb up so fast, if Kupra being more of a niche body, did it close to the same amount of time .. Kupra was only released around Nov 2020, so it's only coming up on it's 2 year mark and Reborne coming close to it's 1 year mark is climbing still.. Why wouldn't the same thing happen with Reborne that happened with Kupra?
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