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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. If you don't already have something like this. It can help with fingers and toes when your skin is messed up in those areas so you don't have to jump to a different skin if you don't want. You can edit and tint these as well.. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SmitCo-BoM-Nail-Covers/21128569 Also another thing that is helpful in trying to get close so you can fine tune a match in color and tone is, if you are in firestorm viewer.. Go to your quick preferences button.. the button that has the firestorm logo on it.. Click that and then put the dot to ON in the Color Under Cursor. That will give you the R.G.B numbers of where ever your cursor is.. So you can just put your cursor over your skin area that you feel matches closest to what you are wanting to match up for the spot you are trying to fix.. Once you get it close you can fine tune it from there, or sometimes you hit it on the spot and are done.. hehehe
  2. You could try Velour in the Venus Maitreya also to see how they work too.. A few skins will fit on there.. I just wasn't in world at the time to get to them and ITgirls was the most recent I had gotten and on the top of my head.. I can go though mine and get you a few more.. Just demo those for right now and I'll whip that up really quick of the ones that I have.. ETA: Actually I thought I had more than I did, I must have been thinking about my reborn body and skins..I'll have to shop around myself for a few more and demo what's out there. hehehe ETA: I almost forgot.. If you use the Extras hud in the Erika folder.. There is a skins tab on there that will unpack a folder that have skins for the Erika heads and the body. I haven't tried them myself, but it's another option, if you haven't tried those anyways..
  3. You can try ITgirls across the way from Velour in the same mall.. Those seem to fit well in the Maitreya version of the body skin..
  4. @Ayashe Ninetails I just want to say, I'm enjoying our discussion and learning a lot.. I just want to make sure my gabbyness isn't coming off in a bad way.. I'm just a gabby person sometimes and that can annoy the heck out of people sometimes.. I can get a little tunnel visioned too at times, so give me a good slap when you see me getting like that.. hehehe
  5. I have an the linden security, I was just curious about being able to eject.. I guess that's not a thing either for alts there.. I also forgot about radios.. hehehe
  6. Thank you.. I kind of had a feeling it was going to be something like that.. I was hoping it wasn't, but it sure felt like it since I never really had too much problem wih this before.. I'll put down a radio for sure.. Again thank you.. Thank you all for responding so quickly.
  7. Ya there are a lot that will just build them like that though.. They end up usually having to get a curvy AO because of that as well.. That will happen with any body when they suck the shoulders inside the hip bone area.. I really haven't had to use a curvy AO yet.. I have them but found pulling my shoulders out more fixed most of that .. I could have saved that money....hehehe That kind of style of body has been around since before mesh bodies, with the gaping crotches and big lower bodies..Some just really love that style I guess.. It's hung on for years.. hehehe I'm sure some mesh bodies are built more for that and won't let you get the freedom you need to bring the shoulders out and hips in far though either.. Like Kupra is probably more built that way.. But I've made some nice bodies with reborn that things proportion really well with the hips and shoulders.. I still had to use deformers though to get the butt off the lower back.. but once that was done it looked really good.. i could bring it lower and in with the sliders but really not off the back like the deformer I found did.. GenX I was able to get something going on it but kind of just stopped after awhile.. I just kind of just lost interest in it..Not really anything to do with the body, but other things I guess.. hehehe I think if someone wants to exaggerate features they have all the room to do it with those bodies, but at the same time you can go the other way most of the time too and proportion them up right.. Just not where it would be able to do those thin body things.. I think the reason flicker has so many bodies that look like that is, people just go there more than they do the other way.. I remember seeing those sad face skins and shapes all over the place.. they seemed to go hand in hand with the crotch gape shaped bodies.. hehehe I love those pictures, they are awesome Erika Might be able to pull off the Joey look with some Standard unrigged mesh.. LOL
  8. My alts can't even have coffee in this place yet.. hehehe
  9. I ended up setting them to an owner as well and still not able to do anything with the settings.. Everything is greyed out.. I'm gonna try and relog with the owners tag on and see if that does anything.. I had to do that for something in my old land.. Ya, relog didn't help either.. I'm wonder if LL allows it or not?
  10. I gave my land up a couple weeks back and moved into a linden home.. I'm curious, is it possible for my alt to have access to things like changing the stream in my linden home in Bellisseria? I have it set to group, but not able to get them to be able to change things like the music.. Now I'm also wondering if I would be able to eject someone if I needed to when on my alt? I'm not used to living around places where other users have access.. I already had a little funny thing happen with someone that i had to eject last week..hehehe I'm really more concerned with being able to change the stations than dealing with a griefer.. If it comes down to it I'll log in my main and it'll be two against one..LOL
  11. I think I see where we are having a slight difference.. It's with, exaggerated features.. hehehe In my eyes, exaggerated features is when they look like they had some sort of plastic surgery to their body.. For me, I see Erika fitting more in the child bearing hips category, than exaggerated features category.. The features don't feel exaggerated to me like the other bodies it's getting grouped with.. But more natural flowing features of a woman or body type of a woman that hasn't had any kind of plastic surgery.. I feel closer matched with Erika than any other body because of how natural it flows.. If you seen my body in SL you would see what looks like a petite curvy, which pretty much lines up with what I am in RL.. I get called petite a lot, but that's just because I'm smaller than everyone else.. lol I get around some of these really tall guys in SL and I start feeling like I'm a child avatar.. hehehehe Ya, That look, up in that picture, I would never be able to pull off unless I wrapped things up tight and lost a lot of body circulation and wore some really loose clothes.. hehehe Erika I don't think would be too workable for something like that, where Maitreya would have all kinds of breathing room to get that done. I still want to give something like that a try just to see what I could pull off without going alpha layers.. it will probably still have some curves, unless I get creative and dig into my standard mesh repertoire.. hehehe I think it will be a fun challenge trying to see if I can do it.. hope for the best plan for the worst! \o/ hehehe
  12. Ya, I was more meaning to demo it while wearing the two bodies at the same time.. Take one off and put it back on, take the other off and put it back on to see a better comparison.. then kind of rinse and repeat with the others.. It's kind of how I demo bodies nowadays and wish I would have started demoing them that way a long time ago.. hehehe A lot of doing it like that was, to see what bodies would work with certain clothes from other bodies, like fitting into Maitreya clothes and things like that.. It just became a good way for me to compare bodies too.. Looking at those images, I'm wondering if that lower image might be possible with Erika.. I was testing out the petite addon in the hud and it goes pretty flat.. from the hips to the ribs You might be able to but I'm not sure.. I've made full figured shapes but don't think you will get that less hippy thing with Erkia.. Would be more like a full figured woman if anything.. I never really tried to make an avatar like that before, but it would be neat to try.. It would probably take upping the torso muscles widening the shoulders and bringing in the hips all the way and pushing out the saddlebags.. It might come close but probably not really as good as you could with the ones with lesser curves.. if we just had more freedom in the sliders in that point between the chest and hips.. we could do lots of neat stuff.. hehehe ETA: Maybe a waist to chest area deformer or deformers that would get us to the other way than petite, that would be kind of neat.
  13. The reason it may look smoother is because of the amount of visible triangles it needs to pull that off.. Each one of it's components has more rezz weight than most popular complete mesh bodies.. If visible triangles mean anything at all with rezzing.. It's like wearing 3 complete mesh bodies at the same time. That's insane if those numbers mean anything.. hehehe Notice how I keep saying, if they mean anything? because we keep getting told things don't mean anything after being told they do.. like complexity.. so I'm playing it safe.. hehehe But if they do, wow that's a lot of cheeze on that pizza.. lol
  14. Another that I really like that does really nice skins is, ND/MD.. I had gotten the one on the left awhile back and really love it.. If you want to give their flicker a look, here is the link for that.. https://www.flickr.com/photos/alea_lamont/ Also I guess they moved so the main store links might be different.. this is the slurl that will get you to their store if you want to demo things.. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sugulite Island/188/159/25
  15. That's another good thing about Erkia.. it comes with a full wardrobe and a lot LOT more and the price is close to Maitreya on a regular day and half priced at the moment..
  16. That's the thing, I see a good difference from where she sits compared to those bodies it's getting niched in with.. If you put on the Erkia body, then at the same time test out the other bodies without taking off the Erika body to see where things stand out or get hidden from each body. You'll see why I love this body and why it is so much different in those areas than the others.. Plus how much more natural and more proportioned of a build it is to those.. It may seem like it is in the same place as like GenX and Reborn.. But testing it while wearing them over each other, you should notice it's more in between and kind of already sitting on it's own.. The GenX and Reborn being on one end and Legacy and Maitreya being on the other...This one sits right in the middle.. I like to call it, The Sweet Spot.. hehehehe I test them out and when I take one off, I can see how Erika shines over the others.. out of the box no deformers or addons just bang pow better.. hehehehe As far as wide range for like making androgynous avatar.. I don't really know what kind of bodies those require.. I'm just glad there are bodies for things like that.. I know Maitreya has such wide range in markets that Erika may never even make it into.. I just wish it would catch more light in the one it's stuck in at the moment so it can have a chance to spread out more.. I just really don't want to lose this one.. I guess what I am trying to say is that Erika is in a different fit than the reborn and genX and Kupra bodies.. I think that's one of the biggest things that hurts it from really being seen as it's own thing.. a really well proportioned natural build of a body.. everything just feels like it's where it is supposed to go rather than exaggerated features.. Each time I do the testing it against another body and pull the other body off and see Erika standing there, I say to myself every time " And this is why I love you! \o/" lol I just really hope it keeps pounding the pavement and moving on up and lands in a better place with more variety..It may not make it to certain ones, but I'm hoping it's not gonna be stuck in a pack that relies on winning popularity contest.. That's probably hoping for a bit much though .. hehehe
  17. I'm hoping for that myself and it's gradually getting there.. That's become a challenge for just about any new body that has hit the market in the last couple of years to overcome.. Getting those creators that will overshadow the ones that flood the market holding the body into what feels like a niche category.. Even Reborn is flooded with the same thing, It just had a better booster plan and took off.. Those addons really kicked it into turbo.. That's why I get excited when I see a creator like Scandalize getting on board.. It only take a few good creators like them to get on board to really have things take off. If they start to update their things to our body, it can change the things in a big way.. Right now with the new bodies, we have to hunt and piece things together just like we did in the early days of Maitreya and Belleza and so on.. It took them years to get to where they saturated the market.. Lets face it, there was a heck of a lot wider range of creators when they started out than there is today.. The market is flooded with what feels like a lot less creative content that has become popular... honestly I think just looking at the events can show that.. Events used to be where you had a lot of great content creators showing up to show off.. Now they have become the new shopping malls for a lot of the places that would follow the greats. So now if we don't see these new bodies in the shopping malls in the most outfits, we get it in our head that they aren't as good as the most popular bodies.. Just not worth the time to go back through those growing pains.. That's what it's become is a popularity contest that decides the fate of a new body.. Where before it was a lot more of the body vs the body in comparison than anything.. Myself, I've decided to let the popularity contest go and get back to getting in the ears of the content creators that I want to see making things for the body I feel is the best.. Rather than settling on what we can find.. Putting in some ground work to help push the rubber tree plant.. hehehe Because in my eyes, the best body on the market isn't the most popular body right now or in the top 10.. In my eyes, I Honestly feel that the best body is sitting at 39th place and slowly moving up again and finally getting seen more and more.. It sucks getting a body and having to go through the growing pains again like when mesh bodies first came out..But I honestly feel, Erika is the best thing since sliced bread when it comes to mesh bodies.. It has everything but the popularity right now.. A content creator that has put out more updates than any other creator that I've seen.. When something needs fixed or feels something could be improved or added.. If something wrong, expect it to be fixed before the month is out or in the following month, not 6 months from now or in some cases years or never.. It comes with a full package of content for any new user to start out and not have to hunt the world to get moving around in it.. It has mesh heads ,full wardrobe, plus deformers and addons built into it.. Almost forgot, also the bangingest body on the market than can go from regular to full figure.. hehehe It just needs more of what it's users have been doing more and more.. Getting into the ears of the content creators they want, rather than falling to the side because of getting overtaken by stores just slapping a color on something they haven't created themselves.. It's gonna take some time, but I've decided I'm in this one for the long haul.. I really feel it has a lot of what the other bodies don't , other than the popularity to be able to seep into those other areas.. If it ever gets up around that top 10..look out world.. hehehe I really really love this body and think it has a possible shot at pulling things off. ETA: Damn it sure didn't feel like I typed that much stuff.. hehehe sorry about that..
  18. Erika has jumped 4 spots on the ladder from 43 to 39 since last month and two spots since last week and looking like it's gonna be at another 150 more users before long since last month as well.. It's looking more promising that Scandalize is gonna keep putting out things for Erika as well.. Erika is sparking at the heels and working her way up..That little Ant is moving that rubber tree plant. Here is the newest one Scandalize is bringing to us.. I'm So Excited!! \o/ hehehe ETA: Almost forgot.. It's 170 a fatpack.. The total outfit of top, pants and shoes is in 3 fatpacks.. So $L510 for the whole thing..
  19. Back then, Legacy had just came out..They may have been talking about the deformers that came with the body back then so they could fit into other brands of clothes.. None of the body addons existed back then..
  20. The same way. I'd rather learn it and be able to do the things on my own.. I'm never too old to learn something. If I can learn it myself I will, but when I can't, I try to keep up the best I can when having things explained to me..
  21. I'm wondering if they are just going to keep it there until after the holidays. That would be nice :) I'm loving everything about it. It may not be the most popular, but in my opinion it is the all around best..
  22. It's like that saying.. Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to fish and you feed them for a lifetime. I'd much rather teach someone to fish.
  23. You'll love this update.. The addons are built into the body now so you don't have to wear them anymore just click them on in the hud.. So no wearing deformers or addons eating up attach points. Plus the wardrobe is much bigger now too It's getting there, like the little engine that could.. hehehehe
  24. If you haven't tried it yet, go give Erika a try.. Give a look and see how the proportions are on that body.. You'll probably like the price a lot more.. hehehe Since their last update, it's all I've been wearing.. Pay special attention to the butt and legs and see what you think. Mine looks like I have dancers legs and i love it. From the front and back it's even more POW.. hehehe
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