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Hitomi Tiponi

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Everything posted by Hitomi Tiponi

  1. I know GOR isn't strictly BDSM, but you may get a response at the http://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/bdsm-interest-group/ forum.
  2. Performance is seriously degraded for most people using a Mesh enabled viewer. The LL viewer as released remains buggy, and you may have noticed they haven't incremented the release to 3.0.1 or 3.0.2, partly because those releases offerred no improvement and in some areas were worse. It seems like LL are using resident performance/crash stats and feedback to enable them to fix Viewer 3. Viewer 2 was released way before it was ready, and it seems that LL have continued this approach with Viewer 3. Those of us using the 3.0.5 dev version are seeing some improvements but the software still has many weeks of work to even come close to how it was before mesh integration.
  3. Firestorm Beta 3 (which can view mesh) is now available and that may be of use to those that unfortunately are having to move away from Kirsten's, though please read the blog entry first which points out the various problems that also exist in LL's Viewer. Details at http://www.phoenixviewer.com/.
  4. For those that are not already aware the SpotOn3D product actually runs a modified viewer 1-based TPV viewer through a browser plugin. So you are actually running the full viewer on your machine through the browser - and it looks just like that - not that many who are new to virtual worlds may realise that. The software has some nice features - but is not actually running a virtual world solely through a web browser unlike Linden Lab's experiment earlier in the year. To get an idea of what SpotOn3D are about, and why they are disliked among the Open Sim community so much I suggest you read this article by Maria Korolov of Hypergrid Business,
  5. I have also been suffering this - it happenned during a late 3.0.2 dev change. It affects both my laptop with Nvidia 445M and a netbook with an Nvidia Ion (and on my own and WiFi connections) so it could be related to the OpenGL issue or be something else. It is odd watching it spike at approximately 1 second intervals and it really degrades the SL experience - dancing at clubs is ridiculous as it is now so jerky. I have checked on the JIRA but cannot find an already raised issue - I am trying to find what affects it to give LL more info before raising one.
  6. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: I found that it helps a lot if you hide the favorites bar. But I can't warm up to all the cryptic icons and hieroglyphs, which used to be buttons with easily readable captions in plain English. And the IM window is a mess, imho. No skin or third party dev team seems to be able to fix it. The icons approach is adopted by StarLight and the TPVs Firestorm and Kirstens - Viewer 2/3 keeps them as words as that will undoubtedly be easier for new users. Many other games adopt the same icon (with hovering tooltip) approach on complicated interfaces. There does seem to be a disconnect between the experience that LL staff have with SL and that of ordinary residents - sometimes I think this may be because their equipment/technical knowledge/usage/connection is not typical of SL residents. And it may help being a lot closer to the servers too.
  7. This is probably related to SL using deprecated OpenGL functions that are not supported by the most recent Nvidia drivers - it can be helped by rolling back to a driver that is a couple of years old - or waiting until LL fixes it, which they are trying to do. Of course it may be surprising that a viewer with base code written in the last two years still calls OpenGL functions that were deprecated many years ago - but then maybe not.
  8. You are best raising that issue with your landlord Aleyah.
  9. Thanks to Keli, Tristizia and Extemporaneous for helping explain the StarLight skins. :matte-motes-big-grin: As Tristizia says the login screen changes slightly depending on if you are using the Beta or main viewer - this is because of LL altering the way they do things with Modes -it will all be the same soon. If anyone is having trouble with them, there are also contact details for getting support at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_Skins/Starlight#Discussions.2C_information.2C_support_and_questions - though many residents on this forum are knowledgable and helpful.
  10. Please specify what "doesn't load" means and provide your computer specs (especially operating system and graphics card) when asking for help. It could mean: nothing happens when you press the icon it gives some messages (useful to know what) and then stops you get the login screen up and then it dies before you log in You start to log in and get some messages then suddenly it stops without saying anything etc.
  11. Problems will happen with Beta builds - it is in their nature as they are there to test out new versions before becoming the main viewer. There will be another one along next week and until then you may have to use the main viewer or if you are feeling adventurous try one of the 'latest development viewer' builds from Snowstorm that eventually will become the next Beta - of course they are not guaranteed to work either. There should be no difference between the beta and main viewer in how it runs on lower spec hardware, but maybe there is something on your system that is affected.
  12. Just an obvious suggestion - have you tried to update the drivers? Or even better go to the GPU manufacturer's website to check that you have the latest video driver for your graphics card.
  13. Molluskea wrote: I have a crappy computer that won't download SL and I would like to play it on my iPad. Would reply but have too stop rofl first. :smileyhappy:
  14. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Erm... where is all of this being announced? I constantly run into SL-related news bits and information snippets that are being passed on by residents, but where does Linden Lab originally announce all these things? Do we have to keep an eye on Rodvik's private Twitter feed or something, or is it all just one big game of Chinese whispers? I agree that official communication is very poor - especially as many people do not know that their land or the land they are visiting is not on the main server channel. The best place to look is alway the 'Deploys for the week...' post by Oskar Linden in http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/bd-p/SecondLifeServer. Also a good way for checking out all the technical changes that are or will be happenning in SL is to look at Nalates' very good blog at http://blog.nalates.net/.
  15. I am not sure of the answer but if you only want to make specific megaprims for your use on your own sim then the best way is to make them in a Magnum sandbox and move them back to your own sim. They will retain their shape etc. in any other sim as long as you don't alter their size.
  16. Delete you SecondLife settings file - that is the file containing the settings that you have customised. It's location depends on your OS and the Viewer that you are using but it is typically under your local settings for app data. This is not the settings.xml file in the viewer.
  17. @Lydia - they are/have been rolling back Le Tigre sims because of this bug - see https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7176.
  18. You didn't say what viewer version you were running but try this: - Clear the cache (I know it's often said but it is always worth doing in case of corruptions) - In Preferences check the Cache Size and bandwidth - and increase if your computer is up too it. - try a new Beta version of the Viewer software (or a version that is different) - sometimes a computer takes a 'dislike' to a particular version. - check your firewall isn't slowing down connections to secondlife servers.
  19. Daral Yven wrote: omg it's the same problem as u gave the link up i have the same problem and i don't understand what you mean by my clock isn't right ?it shows my time correct. if u have skype please let me know seems u know information about it Please verify that the time AND the date are correct by clicking on the clock in the system tray.
  20. HashPipe Uggla wrote: Im pretty annoyed also that they blocked the last working browser version 2-6-9-231165 that would work on my machine. None of the new ones work. Or even install correctly for that matter. After all the money I pumped into LL over the years and I cant even use their software now. Way to go LL. Viewer is NOT blocked. I just downloaded it from https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Release/2.6.9 and went inworld using it. As Tristizia says just ensure you change your software update settings to 'Download install updates manually' in Preferences before trying to log in.
  21. The old 'Viewer Evolution' group meetings have been suspended. Hopefully something similar will be resumed following their internal reorganisation.
  22. Two thoughts: 1. Check that SL hasn't slipped your cache and bandwidth to minimum in preferences - it did that to me last time and meant that many textures wouldn't load properly. 2. Also try switching between the Normal and Beta viewer - problems in one release are often fixed in the other.
  23. Nany Kayo wrote: The latest version of the SL viewer 2.8.1 is crashing every few minutes for me. I don't have any connection problems or issues with my hardware. Re-booting the system doesn't help. Clearing the cache doesn't help. The problem is SL, either their viewer, their servers or both. A hotfix for 2.8.1 was released to prevent crashing problems on Macs - hopefully that has helped.
  24. They are no longer recording or archiving minutes of the daily scrum meeting.
  25. Just wanted to say a big thank you to Charlar for visiting and fixing my problem.:smileyhappy:
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