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Akane Nacht

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Everything posted by Akane Nacht

  1. Kinda like the tension between para-rpers and one liners, or the tension between SL roleplayers and those who are just themselves in virtual form. We just agree to disagree and don't play with people whose playstyles are not in accordance with ours. Or find some other common ground, eg SL Gor community is an active participant in Relay for Life for many years. I had a small part in decorating one of the displays there last round, though I have not rp'd in Gor for a long while 😊
  2. A separate entity imbued with my essence. And Gor rp is a hoot. Many of my friends are old Gor players, and they're some of the nicest folks I've met in SL. My fave character to play was a tavern-girl in Port Kar who occasionally broke into death metal versions of local ballads. Second was the Torvie holy woman and her drunken adventures with her verr-herder roommate...
  3. My friends aren't on Forums. Their reaction when I say I post here is: There's a forum? If they were and I was controversial and they got picked on, they'd be on their own.
  4. Can't say I care much if they ban political ads. But I'd much prefer they add a de-render feature to SL viewer so we can block whatever we find objectionable for ourselves.
  5. I always ask before I take a pic of someone's avatar and post it on Flickr, and all my pics are of the fully clothed variety. Never really thought deeply about it, it just seemed the polite thing to do.
  6. One day when I was bored I did a search of places owned by Linden Department of Public Works, and discovered quite a few quiet, low lag areas to hang out, like: Barneys Bay Piranha Flats Tiny Isle of Mist (if you like to be smol) and many more besides. They are not very busy but other people occasionally wander by. Some have rez zones.
  7. She could just make a separate group to talk about rl things and invite her customer base to join if they are into that. That would be the more courteous thing to do, imo.
  8. First rule of online gaming! Second rule is: eh, close enough. Wanna dance?
  9. My avie was born in 2008 too and those early days were really fun. I remember putting on as many particle sparkly things as I could find and dancing on the rooftops at Darkwood Cathedral, and also riding my unicycle down the hill to Ahern Welcome Area, attired in my Freebie Dungeon ensemble. I think I must have skipped Help island as I don't recall it and didn't know how to do anything at first. All my help came from other residents.
  10. I'm not sure it's a good idea for cats to be eating chocolate. Take them a tin of premium tuna.
  11. I don't find it confusing, because SL occupies that same place in my brain as any other online game, and I wouldn't expect someone to look like a SL supermodel gal/dude in real life any more than I would expect to see a living version of a fireball casting half-orc wizard. I do get stuck on names though.
  12. I was searching for the meaning of Second Life. ( apparently it's 00110100 00110010 ) also I don't remember what I first posted as it was on the old forums. Probably something silly.
  13. I was just looking at my ceiling... Not sure if it’s the best ceiling in the world, but it’s definitely up there.
  14. I used to do a lot of swordfighting in SL. I had no problem destroying my opponents (if I could) and dancing on their prone bodies. I did not do sneak attacks though, as that was cheating, and hence morally wrong. (ok I lied, but I apologised when I did...)
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