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Akane Nacht

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Everything posted by Akane Nacht

  1. Some people here are simply repeating what they see in the news. I learned long ago to take what the press says with a big dollop of salt. 'The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell.' ~ Confucius
  2. what contradictory stance did I throw out? assuming this was a collective all...
  3. I came across this video and thought it was very interesting ...
  4. Read some of it, yes. It seemed to me that the author is struggling with her own biases. If people relate, perhaps it helps them. I just found it rather weird. I still believe as I did when I first posted in this thread - finger pointing at any one race is both unkind and ineffective. I treat people as people, and I don't need to know their skin colour to listen to their opinions with an open mind, nor will I make any assumptions about them on that basis.
  5. That's a really interesting video. About 17 min mark he talks about solutions, which is something I was asking about earlier in this thread and got some good responses. It's great to see his enthusiasm, and I hope it inspires others. From my few visits to the US, the people there are warm, welcoming and funny (only immigration guys a bit stern). Hope they find their way back to that. ps. for the person who keeps talking about me, I have discovered the ignore button on forums. I likes it. 😊
  6. Sorry, I still don't really see the difference. I personally don't like broad-brush categories, especially based on physical appearance. I don't even like blonde jokes! πŸ˜› If others are ok with this label, that's their call. I'm not the boss of anyone but me.
  7. I've woken up looking for those cool boots I bought, only to realise they were virtual 😒
  8. and then, for no reason at all, the theme changed to anteaters
  9. I kinda skimmed the latest but I popped in to say this: The term "people of colour" is not substantively different from "coloured people". I don't know who came up with that new term or what they were smoking when they did it, but both are distasteful and reductive.
  10. not a genre I am into but yup, it's a thing: https://theculturetrip.com/asia/singapore/articles/meet-the-stars-of-singapores-explosive-hip-hop-scene/
  11. never understood what the video has to do with the song, but then there's really no wrong context for a gold lamΓ© motorcycle suit...
  12. hm I have that problem even with people who haven't changed names πŸ˜… I just say Hi! apparently I am your friend. Who are you again? My peeve: people who build reeeeeally close to my propertyline, with phantom bits poking over. Feels too petty for an IM but it makes my eye twitch
  13. personally, I think letter-writing has had it's day on this issue, but I'll share with you what I did: I've stopped using air-conditioning for 3 years now, and switched to low-energy consumption fans, which is a big deal because it is humid and 32 deg C every day where i live. every little bit helps
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