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Akane Nacht

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Everything posted by Akane Nacht

  1. I regularly check the FabFree blog. If a store gives good quality free gifts, they tend to win my loyalty and repeat visits when I have L$ to spend.
  2. If I might make a gentle suggestion... focus on building trust first. Trying to "re-educate" someone without trust will... not end well. and now, my belated dance gif!
  3. Not a GNU one, but I won't Bash it...
  4. Why do Linux users always code in the dark ? Because they don't have windows
  5. What’s it called when AWS goes down? The Fog. (this probably belongs in the joke thread but what the heck)
  6. Don't ask SQL developers to help with moving your furniture. They drop tables.
  7. was just reading something related to Roblox: "In 2018, the top game on Roblox accounted for 8 to 10% of concurrent users, while in 2020, the top game accounts for upwards of 20 to 25% of concurrent users. He proposes two reasons for this concentration: the lack of an upper limit for engagement in games, and the social nature of games leading to winner-take-all network effects." The Creator Economy Needs a Middle Class (hbr.org) not sure what I think about the suggestions in this article as I'm not in the digital creative industry. Was an interesting read tho.
  8. When I was young I was told I could be anyone I wanted. Turns out identity theft is a crime. 😔
  9. Some of the roleplay I've seen in SL is pretty creepy stuff. Personally I just avoid it and live and let live. What consenting adults do together is not my business. If someone took offense at it, and had the will and the means to bring it to widespread attention, yes, I think this is a valid concern. Big tech seems to have way too much unfettered power, and not always the best judgement in how to wield it.
  10. Yes. You can be too old for eating ice cream at midnight. Ugh.. why did I do that.. As for clothes, wear whatever you think is pretty and comfy. In my neighbourhood people wear their jammies outside at all ages 🤷‍♀️
  11. What more could they do besides what is already in the Community Standards which we all agree to when we sign up for an account? The very first thing they mention is their policy on Intolerance.
  12. A couple years ago I noticed the shared-hosting provider for my websites had cranked up their prices and became peculiarly lax in their customer service. They had been bought out by a big company. I looked round for other providers and, lo and behold, many of them were also owned by this company. I finally settled on one that seemed safe-ish, but I don't hold out much hope in the long run. Unless antitrust laws in affected countries are given more teeth, I fear it's All Hail our Bigtech Overlords for us simple peasant smallish companies. 😔
  13. I thought it was pineapple on pizza? which is delicious btw I'm curious to hear the new owner's plans too, esp in terms of marketing. I don't think SL needs to fundamentally change to appeal to new users, but they do need to know it exists.
  14. the reindeer costume is a freebie from COCO. One of the older gifts at the back of the shop 🙂
  15. As for silly things I did.. too many to name. But I cover my tracks well and deny everything. 😎
  16. getting through the last few workdays before holiday~
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