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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Jo Yardley wrote: Things are a little better now, I have been tweaking settings for a while now, after doing a lot of exploring I did discover that my settings are very sensetive and when lights are bright and if there are several lights all overlapping at the same time, it looks like an atomic bomb is exploding on my screen. So, I have to confess, part of the issue may have been that I am just seeing lights for the very first time and am overwhelmed by the lights I was suddenly seeing everywhere. But with all your advice I have also been playing with settings so all together, it eventually has made what I am looking at on my screen a lot better looking! So thank you everyone. Yeah, the problem was never your computer. The problem is the build. If you enable showing of light sources, you'll probably see a rogue one nearby, or an ultra bright one. This is an issue I've run across a lot. Builders build with terrible computers and they turn on full bright or add glow or light sources, except their toasters can't see it, so they max it out, thinking they need to turn up the setting to make it more visible. Then those of us with decent machines come along, we see glowing, mini-supernova builds that look "normal" to other people. In your case, since you just upgraded your computer, you're seeing what you didn't see before, even though it's been there the whole time.
  2. I need a few custom shapes to go with a pair of projects, one of which to go with the new Pathfinding functions coming out. No exceptionally complex shapes, but not things that can be done with prims.
  3. Most of the time I use Firestorm. FPS peaks at 115 even with ultra graphics (although I tweak them). Can't beat that. I also have Phoenix and RLV and Metabolt and LL's current beta viewer installed at almost all times, all for different uses.
  4. All I know is, I've stopped shopping in SL- both on the MP and in world. This whole thing about taking the money and not ensuring merchants get paid is borderline illegal. Especially if it's a PayPal transaction and not L$; then it IS illegal. So it's back to MMO's with me. At least they can do reliable systems.
  5. Easily some of the most frustrating few days of my gaming life, Error 37.
  6. It's possible they could link by MAC too, but if people share a computer, that's out.
  7. Ann Otoole wrote: Let's assume something happens to make bandwidth and data use null/doesn't matter. Let'[s say wearable computing devices match or exceed PC capabilities.. Let's say games were overlayed in real time on city streets via direct eye nerve stimulation. How would it be then? That's beyond the whole PC / Mobile debate completely, that's technology so far ahead, PC's and phones don't matter. It'd be something else entirely.
  8. I'll switch to a mobile device once they have dual 37" HD screens, a mouse, keyboard, 16 gigs of RAM, 3 TB hard drives, dual graphics cards packing 1.5 gigs of RAM each and 800+ Mhz core clocks, and 8 core, 5 GHz CPU's.
  9. Yes, unrigged mesh works a lot like a sculpted object, can be edited in (almost) all the same ways.
  10. Paul Hexem

    Mesh Error

    Mesh doesn't cause script errors. Scripts inside prims do that. Sounds like you need to contact the creator of the item.
  11. For me, Comcast runs SL great. Different modem though.
  12. I haven't heard anything back either.
  13. The other option, if you're interested, is Firestorm. Their newest version has UI options to emulate V1 interface, and options to customize the V3 interface.
  14. Just throwing this out there, but if you're the only male helper... What if they just simply thought you were female and it's actually a mistake?
  15. What I'm getting from all this is that it IS against the rules but there are arguments that the items shouldn't be flagged because it's not really unethical and/or a lot of people disagree with the rule?
  16. Can you flag an entire MP store...?
  17. I found a store on the Marketplace that also has a store in world. However, the prices on the marketplace are inflated just over 5% higher. For example, an item in world is 600 L$. The item on the marketplace is 635 L$. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that against the listing guidelines?
  18. Pamela Galli wrote: Trying to think what this is for. Could I, like have people in my kitchens cooking etc? For you it may be useless, but I build robots, drones, unmanned vehicles, things like that. For me, this is great.
  19. Well, you can send me a message anytime. Always interested in building new things.
  20. Generally, nVidia seems to get along better with SL, so if I had to choose between the two, that's what I'd pick.
  21. It's idiotic arguments like these that lead to LSL functions and exisiting products getting broken by LL.
  22. The good news is the viewers are still open source and we know what to look for now. No, chances are, the account(s) were hacked due to user error (letting other people use the computer, sharing info, clicking bad links/phishing scams, etc.) or brute force hacking.
  23. Sassy Romano wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: Wait, really? They're allowing products to be flagged due to their broken web coding? Exactly that and not only allowing but upholding and actioning it. Sometimes I hate LL so much.
  24. Wait, really? They're allowing products to be flagged due to their broken web coding? God I wish a real company would buy this platform.
  25. Moriarty Belgar wrote: Well I never said someone modified the bridge and gave him a bad copy, I'll be the first to admit that I didn't look at the code. What I'm saying is that there is a possibility that there is a weakness in the code, and yes, even with a thousand eyes it can be overlooked because someone can look at something at a totally new angle, think along the lines of Fulton and the steam engine the parts had been around for almost two thousand years, but he was the one smart enough to put them together. You're not getting it. The script in the bridge is not like a firewall or an independent software package or server that can be exploited externally. The only way it could be the source of an exploit is if you're using one that's been modified by an exploiter and given to you. Learn LSL and look at the script or stop trying to add your non-existent "expertise" to the conversation. Moriarty Belgar wrote: Basically what I am saying, do not discount something until it can absolutely disproven. I mean I can come up with another explanation that is just as scary and just as plausible. LL's authentication server was hacked and before the intruder got cut-off Beowul's main was one multiple accounts that was taken over, then the first time it was logged in by the hacker, a modified bridge was placed in the inventory. I am not saying it is true, I'm saying that is in the realm of possibility. If that's the case, then it still proves what we've been saying- someone put something there that doesn't belong (either modified code or a bad bridge entirely), and that the original bridge by itself is harmless.
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